from __future__ import print_function
from collections import Counter
import random
onescore = 0
twoscore = 0
threescore = 0
fourscore = 0
fivescore = 0
fivesinglesscore = 0
sixscore = 0
fourofakind = 0
scorelist = []
def roll():
dice = (1,2,3,4,5,6)
dice1 = random.choice(dice)
dice2 = random.choice(dice)
dice3 = random.choice(dice)
dice4 = random.choice(dice)
dice5 = random.choice(dice)
dice6 = random.choice(dice)
global onescore,twoscore,threescore,fourscore,fivescore,fivesinglesscore,sixscore,fourofakind
onescore = 0
twoscore = 0
threescore = 0
fourscore = 0
fivescore = 0
fivesinglesscore = 0
sixscore = 0
fourofakind = 0
dicegroup = [dice1,dice2,dice3,dice4,dice5,dice6]
print ('Your rolls are',dicegroup)
dicenum = Counter(dicegroup)
onescore = dicenum[1] * 100
print ('There are',dicenum[1],'ones. This gives you', onescore, 'points.')
fivesinglesscore = dicenum[5] * 50
print ('There are',dicenum[5],'fives. This gives you', fivesinglesscore, 'points.')
if dicenum[2] == 3:
twoscore = 200
print ('There are',dicenum[2],'twos. This gives you', twoscore, 'points.')
if dicenum[3] == 3:
threescore = 300
print ('There are',dicenum[3],'threes. This gives you', threescore, 'points.')
if dicenum[4] == 3:
fourscore = 400
print ('There are',dicenum[4],'fours. This gives you', fourscore, 'points.')
if dicenum[5] == 3:
fivescore = 500
print ('There are',dicenum[5],'fives. This gives you', fivescore, 'points.')
if dicenum[6] == 3:
sixscore = 600
print ('There are',dicenum[6],'sixes. This gives you', sixscore, 'points.')
if dicenum[any] == 4:
fourofakind = 1000
print ('You have four of a kind. This is worth', fourofakind, 'points.')
finalscore = onescore + twoscore + threescore + fivescore + fivesinglesscore + sixscore + fourofakind
print (finalscore)
print ('')
print ('Score list is:')
print (scorelist)
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