2017-10-25 7 views

APIを呼び出して文字列を返しますが、エラーが発生しましたが、エラーが発生します。 未知の型エラー:未定義の 'sayHello'プロパティを読み取れません greetGenerically (hello.js:62) HTMLInputElement.btn.onclickで(hello.js:44)未知型エラー:greetGenericallyで未定義のプロパティ 'sayHello'を読み取ることができません。



function init() { 

    // You need to pass the root path when you load your API 
    // otherwise calls to execute the API run into a problem 

    // rootpath will evaulate to either of these, depending on where 
the app is running: 
    // //localhost:8080/_ah/api 
    // //your-app-id/_ah/api 

    var rootpath = "//" + window.location.host + "/_ah/api"; 

    // Load the helloworldendpoints API 
     // If loading completes successfully, call loadCallback function 
    gapi.client.load('helloworldendpoints', 'v1', loadCallback, 

* When helloworldendpoints API has loaded, this callback is called. 
    * We need to wait until the helloworldendpoints API has loaded to 
    * enable the actions for the buttons in index.html, 
* because the buttons call functions in the helloworldendpoints API 
function loadCallback() { 
    // Enable the button actions 

function enableButtons() { 
    // Set the onclick action for the first button 
    btn = document.getElementById("input_greet_generically"); 
    btn.onclick= function(){greetGenerically();}; 

    // Update the button label now that the button is active 
    btn.value="Click me for a generic greeting"; 

    // Set the onclick action for the second button 
    btn = document.getElementById("input_greet_by_name"); 

    // Update the button label now that the button is active 
    btn.value="Click me for a personal greeting"; 

    * Execute a request to the sayHello() endpoints function 
function greetGenerically() { 
// Construct the request for the sayHello() function 
var request = gapi.client.helloworldendpoints.sayHello(); 

// Execute the request. 
// On success, pass the response to sayHelloCallback() 


    * Execute a request to the sayHelloByName() endpoints function. 
    * Illustrates calling an endpoints function that takes an argument. 
function greetByName() { 
// Get the name from the name_field element 
var name = document.getElementById("name_field").value; 

// Call the sayHelloByName() function. 
// It takes one argument "name" 
// On success, pass the response to sayHelloCallback() 
var request = gapi.client.helloworldendpoints.sayHelloByName({'name': name}); 


// Process the JSON response 
// In this case, just show an alert dialog box 
// displaying the value of the message field in the response 
function sayHelloCallback (response) { 



package com.google.training.helloworld; 

import com.google.api.server.:.config.Api; 
import com.google.api.server.spi.config.ApiMethod; 
import com.google.api.server.spi.config.ApiMethod.HttpMethod; 
import com.google.api.server.spi.config.Named; 

* Defines endpoint functions APIs. 
@Api(name = "helloworldendpoints", version = "v1", 
    scopes = {Constants.EMAIL_SCOPE }, 
    clientIds = {Constants.WEB_CLIENT_ID, 
    Constants.API_EXPLORER_CLIENT_ID }, 
    description = "API for hello world endpoints.") 

public class HelloWorldEndpoints { 

    // Declare this method as a method available externally through 
@ApiMethod(name = "sayHello", path = "sayHello", 
     httpMethod = HttpMethod.GET) 

public HelloClass sayHello() { 
    return new HelloClass(); 

// Declare this method as a method available externally through Endpoints 
@ApiMethod(name = "sayHelloByName", path = "sayHelloByName", 
     httpMethod = HttpMethod.GET) 

public HelloClass sayHelloByName (@Named("name") String name) { 
    return new HelloClass(name); 



package com.google.training.helloworld; 

public class HelloClass { 
    public String message = "Hello World"; 

    public HelloClass() { 


    public HelloClass (String name) { 
    this.message = "Hello " + name + "!"; 

    public String getMessage() { 
    return message; 




htmlファイルに<script src="https://apis.google.com/js/client.js?onload=init"></script>がありますか?


はい、あります。それがエラーに影響していますか? – Jack


ちょうど 'gapi'としてチェックされるのは、js – jERCle


で定義されているようです.CPD200 Hello Endpointsコースをやっていますか?もしそうなら、ソリューションとコードを比較しましたか? – jERCle
