2012-01-26 1 views



FirstName  LastName  Email   Phone 
    james   jones   [email protected]  555-5555 
    karen   johnson  [email protected]  555-5556 
    tony   brown   [email protected]  555-5557 


FirstName  LastName  Email   Phone   Goal 
    james   jones   [email protected]  555-5555  200 
    karen   johnson  [email protected] 555-5556  500 
    peter   white   [email protected]  555-5558  1200 


FirstName  LastName  Email   Phone 
    karen   johnson  [email protected]  555-5556 
    peter   white   [email protected]  555-5558 
    tim    thomson  [email protected]  555-5559 


FirstName  LastName  Email   Phone  Sheet2 Sheet3 Goal 
    james   jones   [email protected]  555-5555 yes  no  200 
    karen   johnson  [email protected], 555-5556 yes  yes  500 
           [email protected] 
    tony   brown   [email protected]  555-5557 no  no 
    peter   white   [email protected]  555-5558 yes  yes  1200 
    tim    thomson  [email protected]  555-5559 no  yes 

シート2には、最後のシートに残しておきたいいくつかの追加情報があります。最初のシートは最終シートに記載する必要はなく、一部の人々は不一致のデータを持っています(上記の例ではkaren johnson )。一致する3つのデータポイント(つまり、ファースト+ラスト+電話またはファースト+ラスト+メール)を使用すると、一致すると見なすことができます。


あなたはJPさんのコメントとその2つのupvotes見FAQを、読んだことがある場合は、あなたが助けを求める前に、あなたの問題にいくつかの努力を入れていることが予想されていることを知っているだろう。 1つのワークシートからデータを読み込んで別のワークシートに書き込む方法がわからないという問題はありますか?そうであれば、特に「excel-vba」というタグに役立つ先月から2つの回答がたくさんあります。あなたの問題は、シート1〜3のデータを比較してマージする方法を知らないのですか?もしそうなら、私はあなたがルーティンを始めれば助けてくれる人を見つけるだろうと思う。 –



以下のコードをブックに追加してください。 "MoveDataToSheet4"を実行した後、シート4で説明したように出力されます。

Option Explicit 

Sub MoveDataToSheet4() 
Dim rr As Range 
Dim dta() As Variant 
Dim topR As Long, foundrow As Long, mrow As Long 
Dim x As Integer 
Dim LastR As Long 
Dim i As Integer 
Dim ii As Integer 
Dim OutPut() As Variant 
Dim nmdRng As Range 

Dim ws As Worksheet, ws2 As Worksheet, ws3 As Worksheet, ws4 As Worksheet 
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1") 
Set ws2 = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet2") 
Set ws3 = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet3") 
Set ws4 = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet4") 

With ws 
    LastR = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row 
    ReDim dta(1 To 6, 2 To LastR) 
    For Each rr In .Range("A2:E" & LastR) 
     dta(rr.Column, rr.Row) = rr.Value 
    Next rr 
End With 

With ws2 
    LastR = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row 
    topR = UBound(dta, 2) 
    ReDim Preserve dta(1 To 6, 2 To (topR + (LastR - 1))) 
    For Each rr In .Range("A2:E" & LastR) 
     dta(rr.Column, rr.Row + topR - 1) = rr.Value 
     If rr.Column = 5 Then 
      dta(6, rr.Row + topR - 1) = "Sheet2" 
     End If 
    Next rr 
End With 

With ws3 
    LastR = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row 
    topR = UBound(dta, 2) 
    ReDim Preserve dta(1 To 6, 2 To (topR + (LastR - 1))) 
    For Each rr In .Range("A2:E" & LastR) 
     dta(rr.Column, rr.Row + topR - 1) = rr.Value 
     If rr.Column = 5 Then 
      dta(6, rr.Row + topR - 1) = "Sheet3" 
     End If 
    Next rr 
End With 

ReDim OutPut(1 To UBound(dta), 1 To 1) 
For i = LBound(dta, 2) To UBound(dta, 2) 

foundrow = Empty 
For mrow = LBound(OutPut, 2) To UBound(OutPut, 2) 
If OutPut(1, mrow) = dta(1, i) And OutPut(2, mrow) = dta(2, i) And i <> mrow Then 
    foundrow = mrow 
    Exit For 
End If 
Next mrow 

Dim hold As Variant 

If foundrow <> Empty Then 
'it exists here and one other place so let's just merge them now 
'merge it 
    For x = LBound(OutPut) To UBound(OutPut) 'for each column 
     If x = 1 Or x = 2 Then 
      OutPut(x, foundrow) = dta(x, i) 
     ElseIf x = 3 Or x = 4 Or x = 5 Or x = 6 Then 
      If dta(x, i) <> OutPut(x, foundrow) Then 
       OutPut(x, foundrow) = dta(x, i) & "," & OutPut(x, foundrow) 
      End If 
     End If 
    Next x 
    ReDim Preserve OutPut(1 To UBound(dta), 1 To UBound(OutPut, 2) + 1) 
    For x = LBound(OutPut) To UBound(OutPut) 'for each column 
     OutPut(x, UBound(OutPut, 2)) = dta(x, i) 
    Next x 
End If 
Next i 
Dim Rng2 As Range 
With ws4 
    For Each Rng2 In .Range("A2:F" & UBound(OutPut, 2)) 
     Rng2.Value = OutPut(Rng2.Column, Rng2.Row) 
     If Rng2.Column = 5 Then 
      Rng2.Value = Replace(OutPut(Rng2.Column, Rng2.Row), ",", "") 
     ElseIf Rng2.Column = 6 Then 
      If InStr(Rng2.Value, "Sheet3") Then 
       .Cells(Rng2.Row, Rng2.Column + 1) = "Yes" 
       'Rng2.Value = "" 
       .Cells(Rng2.Row, Rng2.Column + 1) = "No" 
      End If 
      If InStr(Rng2.Value, "Sheet2") Then 
       Rng2.Value = "Yes" 
       Rng2.Value = "No" 
      End If 

     End If 
    Next Rng2 
End With 
End Sub 


Output of Sheet4
