PHPファイルでforeachエラーが発生しましたが、修正方法がわかりません。誰にもアイデアはありますか?Foreach PHPエラー
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/mysite/public_html/merge/class/global_functions.php on line 61
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/mysite/public_html/merge/class/global_functions.php on line 89
Here is my code from line 61 to line 98:
foreach($GLOBALS['userpermbit'] as $v)
return true;
//if they dont have perms and we're not externally including functions return false
if ($GLOBALS['external'] != true) return false; return true;
//FUNCTION: quick perm check using perm info from the onload perm check
function stealthPermCheck($req)
#if theyre an admin give them perms
if(@in_array($GLOBALS['user'][0]['id'], $GLOBALS['superAdmins']))
return true;
#if the req is numeric we need to match a title, not a permid. So try to do that
foreach($GLOBALS['userpermbit'] as $v)
return true;
#check if they have perms numerically if so return true
foreach($GLOBALS['userpermbit'] as $v)
return true;
#if none of this returned true they dont have perms, return false
return false;
1エラーで十分です! – worenga