2012-03-25 15 views

私は問題を解決するためのアイデアを考えるのに少し問題があります。 私はハッシュテーブルを使用して任意の数のファイルのすべての単語を と数え、すべてのファイルに含まれる単語 とその数だけを出力するプログラムを持っています。私はまた、すべての私の使用した ハッシュインデックスをリンクリストに格納します。HashTableトップ20カウントのアイデア



 #include <unistd.h> 
    #include <stdio.h> 
    #include <stdlib.h> 
    #include <sys/types.h> 
    #include <sys/stat.h> 
    #include <fcntl.h> 
    #include <pthread.h> 
    #include <string.h> 

    //A struct to hold the words in the hash tables and their 
    struct counter{ 
     int count; 
     int printed; 
     char word[51]; 
     int allfiles[101]; 
     struct counter * next; 

    //A struct to hold the hash indexes of the already visited 
    //index, for easy printing 
    struct index{ 
     int used; 
     struct index * next; 

    //A simple struct to pass arguments to the work function for 
    struct arguments{ 
     void * id; 
     int fileid; 

    static int hash(char * word); 
    static void inHash(struct counter * newWord, int hash, int FILEID); 
    static void indexchain(int hash); 
    //static void hashprint(int NUMFILES); 
    static void * work(struct arguments *); 
    static void toptwenty(int NUMFILES); 
    static void print(); 

    /*Global Variables*///////////////////////////////////// 
    struct counter * top[20] = {0}; 
    struct counter * hashtable[6222] = {0}; 
    struct index * head; 

    int main(int argc, char * argv[]) 

     //check for valid number of arguments 
     if(argc < 2) 
     fprintf(stderr, "invalid number of arguments"); 
     return 1; 

     //set up index chain starts with a null node 
     head = malloc(sizeof(struct index)); 
     head->next = NULL; 
     head->used = -1; 

     //loop through any number of files 
     int arg; 
     for(arg = 1; arg < argc; arg++) 
     struct arguments * argum = malloc(sizeof(struct arguments)); 
     argum->fileid = arg; 
     argum->id = ((void*)argv[arg]); 

     return 0; 

    /*Function Definitions*/ 
    //this function takes a file name and counts 
    //the words in the file 
    static void * work(struct arguments * argum) 
     int FILEID = argum->fileid; 
     void * in = argum->id; 
     int fd = open((char*)in, O_RDONLY); 
     if (fd == -1) 
     fprintf(stderr, "can't open %s for reading!\n", (char*)in); 
     int BUFLEN = (int) lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_END); 
     lseek(fd, 0, 0); 
     //A few variable 
     char buf[BUFLEN + 1]; 
     int lastRead; 

     lastRead = read(fd, buf, BUFLEN); 
     if (lastRead == -1) 
      fprintf(stderr, "error reading file %s!\n", (char*)in); 

     //Parse the filebuffer for words. 
     char newword[51]; 
     int c; 
     int curindex = 0; 

     buf[BUFLEN + 1] = ' '; 
     //not doing the last space because it is eof 
     for(c = 0; c < BUFLEN + 1; c++) 
     if((buf[c] >= 'A' && buf[c] <= 'Z')) 
      buf[c] += 32; 
     if(buf[c] >= 'a' && buf[c] <= 'z') 
      //add the next char to the string. 
      newword[curindex] = buf[c]; 
      //make a new struct for the entry, and add it to the hashtable 
      //add its hash to the 
      if(strlen(newword) >= 6) 
      struct counter * temp = malloc(sizeof(struct counter)); 
      int thishash = hash(temp->word); 

      //Only save hash indexes if they are in the first files 
      if(FILEID == 1) 
      inHash(temp, thishash, FILEID);   

      int wordlength = strlen(newword); 
      int i; 
      for(i = 0;i < wordlength; i++) 
      newword[i] = 0; 
      curindex = 0; 

     return in; 


    //Bad hash function by just adding ascii values of the 
    static int hash(char * word) 
     int loop = strlen(word); 
     int i; 
     int hashval = 0; 
     for(i = 0; i < loop; i++) 
     hashval += word[i]; 

     return hashval; 

    //add a new word to the hash table 
    static void inHash(struct counter * newWord, int hash, int FILEID) 
     int eflag = 0; 
     if(hashtable[hash] == NULL) 
     //if the entry isnt in the table 
     if(FILEID == 1) 
      newWord->allfiles[FILEID] = 1;      /*FILEID ARRAY TEST*/ 
      newWord->count = 1; 
      newWord->next = NULL; 
      hashtable[hash] = newWord; 
     //if its not, but what if it is? 
     struct counter * cur = hashtable[hash]; 
     if(strcmp(cur->word, newWord->word) == 0) 
      //is the word in the first slot? 
      cur->count += 1; 
      cur->allfiles[FILEID] = 1;      /*FILEID ARRAY TEST*/ 
      eflag = 1; 
      while(cur->next != NULL) 
      cur = cur->next; 
      if(strcmp(cur->word, newWord->word) == 0) 
       //if the word already exsists, update the count 
       cur->allfiles[FILEID] = 1;       /*FILEID ARRAY TEST*/ 
       cur->count += 1; 
       eflag = 1; 


     //if its not in any bucket, make a new bucket 
     if(eflag == 0) 
      //Else add the new entry to the end of that list 
      if(FILEID == 1) 
      newWord->allfiles[FILEID] = 1;       /*FILEID ARRAY TEST*/ 
      newWord->count = 1; 
      newWord->next = NULL; 
      cur->next = newWord; 

    //adding a value to the linked list for printing 
    static void indexchain(int hash) 
     struct index * p = head; 
     int eflag = 0; 
     while(p->next != NULL) 
     if(p->used != hash) 
      p = p->next; 
      eflag = 1; 
     if(eflag == 0) 
     struct index * newValue = malloc(sizeof(struct index)); 
     newValue->used = hash; 
     newValue->next = NULL; 
     p->next = newValue; 

    //This function will print the values in the hash tables and their counts 
    //Prints based on number of files to check if words are in all files 
    static void hashprint(int NUMFILES) 
     struct index * p; 
     p = head->next; 
     int hash; 
     int i; 
     int printbool = 1; 
     while(p != NULL) 
     hash = p->used; 
     struct counter * ptr = hashtable[hash]; 

     while(ptr != NULL) 

      if(ptr->printed == 0) 
      for(i = 1; i < NUMFILES; i++) 
       if(ptr->allfiles[i] == 0) 
       printbool = 0; 
       printbool = 1; 
      if(printbool == 1) 
       ptr->printed = 1; 
       printf("%s %d\n", ptr->word, ptr->count); 
      ptr = ptr->next;   
      p = p->next; 

    //A function to see which numbers have the top twenty highest count 
    static void toptwenty(int NUMFILES) 
     struct index * p; 
     p = head->next; 
     int hash; 
     int i; 
     int printbool = 1; 
     while(p != NULL) 
     hash = p->used; 
     struct counter * ptr = hashtable[hash]; 

     while(ptr != NULL) 

      if(ptr->printed == 0) 
      for(i = 1; i < NUMFILES; i++) 
       if(ptr->allfiles[i] == 0) 
       printbool = 0; 
       printbool = 1; 
      if(printbool == 1) 
       for(i = 0; i < 20; i++) 
       if(top[i] == NULL) 
        top[i] = ptr; 
       else if(ptr->count > top[i]->count) 
        top[i] = ptr; 

      ptr = ptr->next;   
      p = p->next; 
    //print the top 20 count 
    static void print() 
    int i; 
    for(i = 0; i < 20; i++) 
     if(top[i] != NULL) 
     if(top[i]->printed == 0) 
      //printf("%s\n", top[i]->word); 
      printf("%s %d\n", top[i]->word, top[i]->count); 
      top[i]->printed = 1; 

解析する必要があるテキストの種類についてさらに詳しく説明できますか。またどれくらいそれがあるでしょうか。 – Azrael3000


これまで持っていたコードを投稿しますか?単語がどのファイルに含まれているかをどのように記録しますか? – gbulmer




