私はストレージデータ用にmongodbを実行しています。 MongoDBクラスタには3つのシャードがあり、各シャードには3つのサーバレプリカセット、2つのモンゴスと3つの設定サーバがあります。各サーバーには1TBの記憶容量があります。現在、3つの破片のうち2つに90%の容量のデータがあります。新しいシャードを追加すると、MongoDBは古いシャードから新しいシャードに移動しません。私はmongosシャーディングの状態をチェックします。それは私にそれを示す。 MongoDB baclancerが動作しています。 MongoDBのは新しいシャード(RS3)へ おかげでデータを移動しないのはなぜMongoDBがシャーディングクラスタ内の新しいシャードにチャンクを移動しない
mongos> db.printShardingStatus()
--- Sharding Status ---
sharding version: {
\t "_id" : 1,
\t "minCompatibleVersion" : 5,
\t "currentVersion" : 6,
\t "clusterId" : ObjectId("59c0ef31619ac70cb8ac5f5c")
\t { "_id" : "rs0", "host" : "rs0/,,", "state" : 1, "maxSize" : 990000 }
\t { "_id" : "rs1", "host" : "rs1/,,", "state" : 1, "maxSize" : 990000 }
\t { "_id" : "rs2", "host" : "rs2/,,", "state" : 1, "maxSize" : 990000 }
\t { "_id" : "rs3", "host" : "rs3/,,", "state" : 1, "maxSize" : 990000 }
active mongoses:
\t "3.4.9" : 1
\t Currently enabled: yes
\t Currently enabled: yes
\t Currently running: yes
\t \t Balancer lock taken at Wed Sep 20 2017 09:21:43 GMT+0700 by ConfigServer:Balancer
\t Collections with active migrations:
\t \t fbgroups.comments started at Wed Nov 22 2017 22:36:15 GMT+0700
\t Failed balancer rounds in last 5 attempts: 0
\t Migration Results for the last 24 hours:
\t \t No recent migrations
\t { "_id" : "fbpages", "primary" : "rs0", "partitioned" : true }
\t \t fbpages.comments
\t \t \t shard key: { "CommentFbId" : 1 }
\t \t \t unique: true
\t \t \t balancing: true
\t \t \t chunks:
\t \t \t \t rs0 \t 6263
\t \t \t \t rs1 \t 6652
\t \t \t \t rs2 \t 6175
\t \t \t too many chunks to print, use verbose if you want to force print
\t \t fbpages.links
\t \t \t shard key: { "PageFbId" : 1 }
\t \t \t unique: true
\t \t \t balancing: true
\t \t \t chunks:
\t \t \t \t rs0 \t 23
\t \t \t \t rs1 \t 23
\t \t \t \t rs2 \t 23
\t \t \t too many chunks to print, use verbose if you want to force print
\t \t fbpages.posts
\t \t \t shard key: { "PostFbId" : 1 }
\t \t \t unique: true
\t \t \t balancing: true
\t \t \t chunks:
\t \t \t \t rs0 \t 11931
\t \t \t \t rs1 \t 11847
\t \t \t \t rs2 \t 5043
\t \t \t too many chunks to print, use verbose if you want to force print
\t { "_id" : "fbgroups", "primary" : "rs0", "partitioned" : true }
\t \t fbgroups.comments
\t \t \t shard key: { "CommentFbId" : 1 }
\t \t \t unique: true
\t \t \t balancing: true
\t \t \t chunks:
\t \t \t \t rs0 \t 6451
\t \t \t \t rs1 \t 6451
\t \t \t \t rs2 \t 4742
\t \t \t too many chunks to print, use verbose if you want to force print
\t \t fbgroups.links
\t \t \t shard key: { "GroupId" : 1 }
\t \t \t unique: true
\t \t \t balancing: true
\t \t \t chunks:
\t \t \t \t rs0 \t 3
\t \t \t \t rs1 \t 3
\t \t \t \t rs2 \t 3
\t \t \t { "GroupId" : { "$minKey" : 1 } } -->> { "GroupId" : "1391082767860588" } on : rs2 Timestamp(7, 0)
\t \t \t { "GroupId" : "1391082767860588" } -->> { "GroupId" : "1564129037230139" } on : rs0 Timestamp(7, 1)
\t \t \t { "GroupId" : "1564129037230139" } -->> { "GroupId" : "172020656162023" } on : rs0 Timestamp(4, 0)
\t \t \t { "GroupId" : "172020656162023" } -->> { "GroupId" : "244621675585655" } on : rs0 Timestamp(5, 0)
\t \t \t { "GroupId" : "244621675585655" } -->> { "GroupId" : "375231932588613" } on : rs2 Timestamp(6, 0)
\t \t \t { "GroupId" : "375231932588613" } -->> { "GroupId" : "506856652708047" } on : rs2 Timestamp(8, 0)
\t \t \t { "GroupId" : "506856652708047" } -->> { "GroupId" : "67046218160" } on : rs1 Timestamp(8, 1)
\t \t \t { "GroupId" : "67046218160" } -->> { "GroupId" : "878610618830881" } on : rs1 Timestamp(1, 7)
\t \t \t { "GroupId" : "878610618830881" } -->> { "GroupId" : { "$maxKey" : 1 } } on : rs1 Timestamp(1, 8)
\t \t fbgroups.postdata
\t \t \t shard key: { "_id" : 1 }
\t \t \t unique: false
\t \t \t balancing: true
\t \t \t chunks:
\t \t \t \t rs0 \t 91
\t \t \t \t rs1 \t 482
\t \t \t \t rs2 \t 91
\t \t \t too many chunks to print, use verbose if you want to force print
\t \t fbgroups.posts
\t \t \t shard key: { "PostFbId" : 1 }
\t \t \t unique: true
\t \t \t balancing: true
\t \t \t chunks:
\t \t \t \t rs0 \t 26015
\t \t \t \t rs1 \t 26092
\t \t \t \t rs2 \t 6526
\t \t \t too many chunks to print, use verbose if you want to force print
\t { "_id" : "test", "primary" : "rs1", "partitioned" : true }
\t { "_id" : "intership", "primary" : "rs1", "partitioned" : false }
\t { "_id" : "fbhashtags", "primary" : "rs2", "partitioned" : true }
\t \t fbhashtags.postdata
\t \t \t shard key: { "_id" : 1 }
\t \t \t unique: false
\t \t \t balancing: true
\t \t \t chunks:
\t \t \t \t rs0 \t 2
\t \t \t \t rs1 \t 2
\t \t \t \t rs2 \t 2
\t \t \t { "_id" : { "$minKey" : 1 } } -->> { "_id" : ObjectId("58f122ff7fe5fb4520b4185a") } on : rs0 Timestamp(2, 0)
\t \t \t { "_id" : ObjectId("58f122ff7fe5fb4520b4185a") } -->> { "_id" : ObjectId("58fac0537fe5fb051d0749de") } on : rs1 Timestamp(3, 0)
\t \t \t { "_id" : ObjectId("58fac0537fe5fb051d0749de") } -->> { "_id" : ObjectId("5906119e7fe5fb2c7d9d41e9") } on : rs0 Timestamp(4, 0)
\t \t \t { "_id" : ObjectId("5906119e7fe5fb2c7d9d41e9") } -->> { "_id" : ObjectId("591012257fe5fb70dc9e49bf") } on : rs1 Timestamp(5, 0)
\t \t \t { "_id" : ObjectId("591012257fe5fb70dc9e49bf") } -->> { "_id" : ObjectId("5918b5d77fe5fb2feb06338a") } on : rs2 Timestamp(5, 1)
\t \t \t { "_id" : ObjectId("5918b5d77fe5fb2feb06338a") } -->> { "_id" : { "$maxKey" : 1 } } on : rs2 Timestamp(1, 5)
\t \t fbhashtags.posts
\t \t \t shard key: { "_id" : 1 }
\t \t \t unique: false
\t \t \t balancing: true
\t \t \t chunks:
\t \t \t \t rs2 \t 1
\t \t \t { "_id" : { "$minKey" : 1 } } -->> { "_id" : { "$maxKey" : 1 } } on : rs2 Timestamp(1, 0)
\t { "_id" : "fbprofiles", "primary" : "rs2", "partitioned" : true }
\t \t fbprofiles.fbcomments
\t \t \t shard key: { "commentFbId" : 1 }
\t \t \t unique: true
\t \t \t balancing: true
\t \t \t chunks:
\t \t \t \t rs0 \t 18
\t \t \t \t rs1 \t 18
\t \t \t \t rs2 \t 19
\t \t \t too many chunks to print, use verbose if you want to force print
\t \t fbprofiles.fbposts
\t \t \t shard key: { "postFbId" : 1 }
\t \t \t unique: true
\t \t \t balancing: true
\t \t \t chunks:
\t \t \t \t rs0 \t 7
\t \t \t \t rs1 \t 7
\t \t \t \t rs2 \t 3144
\t \t \t too many chunks to print, use verbose if you want to force print
\t \t fbprofiles.fbprofiles
\t \t \t shard key: { "baseUrl" : 1 }
\t \t \t unique: true
\t \t \t balancing: true
\t \t \t chunks:
\t \t \t \t rs0 \t 2
\t \t \t \t rs1 \t 2
\t \t \t \t rs2 \t 141
\t \t \t too many chunks to print, use verbose if you want to force print
\t { "_id" : "testnewfb", "primary" : "rs2", "partitioned" : false }
\t { "_id" : "news_images", "primary" : "rs2", "partitioned" : false }
\t { "_id" : "social_index", "primary" : "rs2", "partitioned" : false }
\t { "_id" : "twitter", "primary" : "rs2", "partitioned" : true }
\t { "_id" : "techmeme", "primary" : "rs2", "partitioned" : false }