' Function to get the top 3 articles by count from the database and assign them to an object that is then passes to the application form
' This is the main function that I have been working with to accomplish passing the articles. As of now it is called after the application form is loaded
Function fncGetArticles() As Boolean
'Declares needed objects for the function
Dim myReader1 As MySqlDataReader
Dim objArticleInfo1 As New clsArticleProperties
Dim objArticleInfo2 As New clsArticleProperties
Dim obtain1 As New MySqlCommand
'Defines connection and SQL statement that selects the top three articles ordered by count
obtain1.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM Articles ORDER BY Count DESC LIMIT 3"
obtain1.CommandType = CommandType.Text
obtain1.Connection = connection
myReader1 = obtain1.ExecuteReader
While myReader1.Read()
'these blocks of code assign the field from the database to an object that is then passed to the application form
'I need a way to tell it to pass the correct fields based off of there count but have been unable to find a way to do this
'I have experimented a lot with IF...THEN statements for this but have not gotten any thing to work
'I basically need a better way to assign the fields base off of their order to the designated objects
'The code after the IF is my way of saying "If the article was 1st in the order then assign it these properties"
'If myReader1.GetOrdinal("Count") = "SELECT MAX(Count) FROM Articles" Then
objArticleInfo1.Username = myReader1.GetValue(myReader1.GetOrdinal("Submitby"))
objArticleInfo1.URL = myReader1.GetValue(myReader1.GetOrdinal("URL"))
objArticleInfo1.Title = myReader1.GetValue(myReader1.GetOrdinal("Title"))
objArticleInfo1.SubmitDate = myReader1.GetValue(myReader1.GetOrdinal("Date"))
objArticleInfo1.Count = myReader1.GetValue(myReader1.GetOrdinal("Count"))
objArticleInfo1.Comments = myReader1.GetValue(myReader1.GetOrdinal("Comments"))
objArticleInfo1.Category = myReader1.GetValue(myReader1.GetOrdinal("Category"))
'End If
'The code after the IF here is my way of assigning the data from the 2nd spot in the order to the designated object
'If myReader1.GetOrdinal("Count") < "SELECT MAX(Count) FROM Articles AND Count > SELECT MIN(Count) FROM Articles" Then
objArticleInfo2.Username = myReader1.GetValue(myReader1.GetOrdinal("Submitby"))
objArticleInfo2.URL = myReader1.GetValue(myReader1.GetOrdinal("URL"))
objArticleInfo2.Title = myReader1.GetValue(myReader1.GetOrdinal("Title"))
objArticleInfo2.SubmitDate = myReader1.GetValue(myReader1.GetOrdinal("Date"))
objArticleInfo2.Count = myReader1.GetValue(myReader1.GetOrdinal("Count"))
objArticleInfo2.Comments = myReader1.GetValue(myReader1.GetOrdinal("Comments"))
objArticleInfo2.Category = myReader1.GetValue(myReader1.GetOrdinal("Category"))
'End If
frmApplicationWindow.passarticles1(objArticleInfo1, objArticleInfo2)
End While
Return Nothing
End Function
objDB.getTopArticles(1, objArt1)
Function getTopArticles(ByVal rankRetrieved As Integer, ByRef artObject As classArticles)
あなたはその後、rankRetrievedによって要求を相殺、あなたが持っているあなたのSQL文を拡張することにより、「正しい」の記事を求めることができます - 1必ずと整列させるためにDB配列の0の点。
これは私が別のフォーラムで受け取ったいくつかの助けですが、私は本当に彼らが私に何かを教えようとしているのか分かりません。 – Jared