2016-12-07 5 views



 // JavaScript Documentvar pos = []; 
    var click = { "startPos": "", "endPos": "" 
    var letters = ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", 
       "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z"]; 

    var words = [ { "word": "BUFFALO", "direction": "N", "start": 254 }, 
       { "word": "LAKERS", "direction": "SE", "start": 2 }, 
       { "word": "PRECIPITATE", "direction": "NE", "start": 323 }, 
       { "word": "CALDRON", "direction": "S", "start": 39 }, 
       { "word": "MISCIBLE", "direction": "NW", "start": 268 }, 
       { "word": "AEON", "direction": "E", "start": 132 }, 
       { "word": "SCRUTINY", "direction": "E", "start": 49 }, 
       { "word": "CLEANERS", "direction": "S", "start": 137}, 
       { "word": "SEETHING", "direction": "W", "start": 357 }, 
       { "word": "MOTH", "direction": "E", "start": 383 }, 
       { "word": "DOUBLE", "direction": "S", "start": 120 }, 
       { "word": "CREATURE", "direction": "N", "start": 395 }, 
       { "word": "GIPSY", "direction": "NW", "start": 340 }, 
       { "word": "MOBILE", "direction": "W", "start": 98 }, 
       { "word": "COMPUTER", "direction": "N", "start": 381 }, 
       { "word": "THEWEB", "direction": "N", "start": 145 }, 
       { "word": "HORSES", "direction": "E", "start": 6 }, 
       { "word": "HICKORYJUMP", "direction": "NE", "start": 204 }, 
       { "word": "CHROME", "direction": "NW", "start": 266}, 
       { "word": "MULDER", "direction": "S", "start": 41 }, 

    // Prepare the wordsearch with random letters and word layout 
    $(document).ready(function() { 
     // grab the size of the grid. I used this method in case I need to 
     // scale this word search in the future 
     var size = 400; //($(".left").css("width").slice(0, 3) - 20)/2 ; 

     // put random letters on the board 
     for (var i = 0; i < size; i++) { 
      $(".letters").append("<span class='" + (i + 1) + "'>" + 
           getRandomLetter() + "</span>"); 

     // insert the words onto the board 
     for (var i = 0; i < words.length; i++) { 
      words[i].end = words[i].start; 
      // save the start and end of each word for word checking later 
      pos[i] = { "start": words[i].start, "end": words[i].end }; 
      $(".words").append("<span class='" + (i) + "'>" + 
           words[i].word + "</span>"); 

     $("#menu").on("mouseup", function() { 
      $(this).css({"display": "none"}) 
      $("#main").slideDown("slow", function() { 

    function getRandomLetter() { 
     return letters[Math.floor(Math.random() * letters.length)]; 

    function displayWord(w) { 
     for (var j = 0; j < w.word.length; j++){ 
      if (w.direction == "N") { 
       $(".letters").find("." + w.end).text(w.word[j]); 
       if (j + 1 != w.word.length) w.end -= 20; 
      if (w.direction == "NE") { 
       $(".letters").find("." + w.end).text(w.word[j]); 
       if (j + 1 != w.word.length) w.end -= 19; 
      if (w.direction == "E") { 
       $(".letters").find("." + w.end).text(w.word[j]); 
       if (j + 1 != w.word.length) w.end += 1; 
      if (w.direction == "SE") { 
       $(".letters").find("." + w.end).text(w.word[j]); 
       if (j + 1 != w.word.length) w.end += 21; 
      if (w.direction == "S") { 
       $(".letters").find("." + w.end).text(w.word[j]); 
       if (j + 1 != w.word.length) w.end += 20; 
      if (w.direction == "SW") { 
       $(".letters").find("." + w.end).text(w.word[j]); 
       if (j + 1 != w.word.length) w.end += 19; 
      if (w.direction == "W") { 
       $(".letters").find("." + w.end).text(w.word[j]); 
       if (j + 1 != w.word.length) w.end -= 1; 
      if (w.direction == "NW") { 
       $(".letters").find("." + w.end).text(w.word[j]); 
       if (j + 1 != w.word.length) w.end -= 21; 

    // start of x & y, end of x & y. 
    var sX, sY, eX, eY, canvas, ctx, height, width, diff; 
    var r = 14; 
    var n = Math.sqrt((r * r)/2); 
    var strokeColor = "black"; 
    var isMouseDown = false; 
    var mouseMoved = false; 

    $(document).ready(function() { 
     $("#c").on("mousedown mouseup mousemove mouseleave", function(e) { 
      if (e.type == "mousedown") { 
       isMouseDown = true; 

     // Used for Firefox 
       sX = e.offsetX || e.clientX - $(e.target).offset().left; 
       sY = e.offsetY || e.clientY - $(e.target).offset().top; 
       // adjust the center of the arc 
       sX -= (sX % 20); 
       sY -= (sY % 20); 
       if (!(sX % 40)) sX += 20; 
       if (!(sY % 40)) sY += 20; 

       setPos(sX, sY, "start"); 
      else if (e.type == "mousemove") { 
       if (isMouseDown) { 
        mouseMoved = true; 
        eX = e.offsetX || e.clientX - $(e.target).offset().left; 
        eY = e.offsetY || e.clientY - $(e.target).offset().top; 
      else if (e.type == "mouseup") { 
       isMouseDown = false; 
       ctx.clearRect(0, 0, width, height); 
       if (mouseMoved) { 
        mouseMoved = false; 

        eX -= eX % 20; 
        eY -= eY % 20; 
        if (!(eX % 40)) eX += 20; 
        if (!(eY % 40)) eY += 20; 

        // draw the last line and clear the canvas to check and see if its the 
        // correct word 
        ctx.clearRect(0, 0, width, height); 
        // if a correct word has been highlighted change the canvas to 
        // the permanent one and redraw the arcs and lines. Then scratch the 
        // word on the right. 
        if (checkWord()) { 
         // Check if the game is over 
         if(isEndOfGame()) { 
          alert("Good job!"); 

      else if (e.type == "mouseleave") { 
       isMouseDown = false; 


    // This function is called when lines need to be drawn on the game 
    function draw(f) { 
     // used to draw an arc. takes in two numbers that represent the beginning 
     // and end of the arc 
     function drawArc(xArc, yArc, num1, num2) { 
      ctx.lineWidth = 2; 
      ctx.arc(xArc, yArc, r, num1 * Math.PI, num2 * Math.PI); 
      ctx.strokeStyle = strokeColor; 

     // used to draw the two lines around letters 
     function drawLines(mX1, mY1, lX1, lY1, mX2, mY2, lX2, lY2) { 
      ctx.moveTo(mX1, mY1); 
      ctx.lineTo(lX1, lY1); 
      ctx.moveTo(mX2, mY2); 
      ctx.lineTo(lX2, lY2); 
     // Check and see what event occured and create the action that belongs to that 
     // event. 
     if (f == "mousedown"){ 
      ctx.clearRect(0, 0, width, height); 
      drawArc(sX, sY, 0, 2); 
     else if (f == "mousemove" || f == "mouseup") { 
      This is to show the rise over run I used to get the limits for 
      all eight directions. This tells the conditionals when to activiate 
      the lines and in which direction. 
      rise = (sY - eY) * Math.sqrt(6); 
      run = sX - eX; 
      limit = ((sY - eY) * Math.sqrt(6))/(sX - eX); 
      // UP 
      if ((limit > 6 || limit < -6) && eY < sY) { 
       // clear the canvas 
       if (f == "mousemove") ctx.clearRect(0, 0, width, height); 
       drawArc(sX, sY, 0, 1); // draw bottom arc 
       drawArc(sX, eY, 1, 2); // draw top arc 

       // draw the two lines that connect the bottom and the top arcs 
       drawLines(sX + r, sY, sX + r, eY, sX - r, sY, sX -r, eY); 

       // if the player is selecting this as the last letter set its position 
       // for wordcheck 
       if (f == "mouseup") setPos(sX, eY, "end");  
      // DOWN 
      if ((limit < -6 || limit > 6) && eY > sY) { 
       // clear the canvas 
       if (f == "mousemove") ctx.clearRect(0, 0, width, height); 
       drawArc(sX, sY, 1, 2); 
       drawArc(sX, eY, 0, 1); 
       drawLines(sX + r, sY, sX + r, eY, sX - r, sY, sX -r, eY); 
       if (f == "mouseup") setPos(sX, eY, "end");   
      // LEFT 
      if ((limit < 1 && limit > -1) && eX < sX) { 
       if (f == "mousemove") ctx.clearRect(0, 0, width, height); 
       drawArc(sX, sY, 1.5, 0.5); 
       drawArc(eX, sY, 0.5, 1.5); 
       drawLines(sX, sY - r, eX, sY -r, sX, sY + r, eX, sY + r); 
       if (f == "mouseup") setPos(eX, sY, "end"); 
      // RIGHT 
      if ((limit < 1 && limit > -1) && eX > sX) { 
       if (f == "mousemove") ctx.clearRect(0, 0, width, height); 
       drawArc(sX, sY, 0.5, 1.5); 
       drawArc(eX, sY, 1.5, 0.5); 
       drawLines(sX, sY - r, eX, sY -r, sX, sY + r, eX, sY + r); 
       if (f == "mouseup") setPos(eX, sY, "end"); 
      This is for the NW diagonal lines it requires a special number 
      n that is the adjacent lengths of a 45-45-90 triangle needed to draw these 
      lines. It also creates a diff for the difference between the 
      start and the end of the arcs 
      // NW 
      if ((limit > 1 && limit < 6) && (eX < sX && eY < sY)) { 
       if (f == "mousemove") ctx.clearRect(0, 0, width, height); 
       diff = sX - eX; 
       drawArc(sX, sY, 1.75, 0.75); 
       drawArc(sX - diff, sY - diff, 0.75, 1.75); 
       drawLines(sX + n, sY - n, sX + n - diff, sY - n - diff, 
         sX - n, sY + n, sX - n - diff, sY + n - diff); 
       if (f == "mouseup") setPos(sX - diff, sY - diff, "end"); 

      // NE 
      if ((limit < -1 && limit > -6) && (eX > sX && eY < sY)) { 
       if (f == "mousemove") ctx.clearRect(0, 0, width, height); 
       diff = sX - eX; 
       drawArc(sX, sY, 0.25, 1.25); 
       drawArc(sX - diff, sY + diff, 1.25, 0.25); 
       drawLines(sX + n, sY + n, sX + n - diff, sY + n + diff, 
         sX - n, sY - n, sX - n - diff, sY - n + diff); 
       if (f == "mouseup") setPos(sX - diff, sY + diff, "end"); 
      // SW 
      if ((limit < -1 && limit > -6) && (eX < sX && eY > sY)) { 
       if (f == "mousemove") ctx.clearRect(0, 0, width, height); 
       diff = sX - eX; 
       drawArc(sX, sY, 1.25, 0.25); 
       drawArc(sX - diff, sY + diff, 0.25, 1.25); 
       drawLines(sX + n, sY + n, sX + n - diff, sY + n + diff, 
         sX - n, sY - n, sX - n - diff, sY - n + diff); 
       if (f == "mouseup") setPos(sX - diff, sY + diff, "end"); 
      // SE 
      if ((limit > 1 && limit < 6) && (eX > sX && eY > sY)) { 
       if (f == "mousemove") ctx.clearRect(0, 0, width, height); 
       diff = sX - eX; 
       drawArc(sX, sY, 0.75, 1.75); 
       drawArc(sX - diff, sY - diff, 1.75, 0.75); 
       drawLines(sX + n, sY - n, sX + n - diff, sY - n - diff, 
         sX - n, sY + n, sX - n - diff, sY + n - diff); 
       if (f == "mouseup") setPos(sX - diff, sY - diff, "end"); 

     else if (f == "mouseleave") { 

    // change the canvas between the bottom and top layer 
    function setCanvas(id) { 
     canvas = document.getElementById(id); 
     ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"); 
     width = canvas.width; 
     height = canvas.height; 

    // set the offsets to numbers that match the class names of each letter 
    function setPos(x, y, loc) { 
     tX = Math.floor((x/8)/5) + 1; 
     tY = Math.floor((y/8)/5) + 1; 
     if (loc == "start") click.startPos = (tY - 1) * 20 + tX; 
     else click.endPos = (tY - 1) * 20 + tX; 

    // verify if the word chosen is the correct one. If a player decides 
    // to highlight a word starting from last letter to first this function 
    // will also support that ability 
    function checkWord() { 
     // clears the pos array so that a player cannot highlight the same word twice 
     function clearPos(p) { 
      p.start = p.end = 0; 
      return true; 
     // user highlights from first letter to last 
     if (pos.some(function(o) { return o.start === click.startPos && 
           o.end === click.endPos && clearPos(o); })) { 
      return true; 
     // if user highlights from last letter to first 
     else if (pos.some(function(o) { return o.start === click.endPos && 
             o.end === click.startPos && clearPos(o); })) { 
      return true; 
     else return false; 

    // scratch the word on the right out when the word is found on the left 
    function scratchWord() { 
     for (var i = 0; i < words.length; i++) { 
      if ((click.startPos === words[i].start && click.endPos === words[i].end) || 
       (click.startPos === words[i].end && click.endPos === words[i].start)) { 
       // little hack here 
       $(".words").find("." + i).addClass("strike");  
     // check if the game is over 


    function isEndOfGame(){ 
     return pos.every(function(o) { return o.start === 0 && o.end === 0; }); 



、何のマウスはありません。 Codepenリンク内のコードは、mouseup/mousedownというイベントにバインドして動作しますので、イベントはモバイルで発生することはありません。





感謝を:) –
