私はfisheririsデータセット用のmatlabでknnclassifyを実装しようとしていて、混乱行列を取得しようとしています。以下は、knnclassifyのmatlabの実装のコードです。 このコードにfisheriris dataseを組み込む方法を理解できません。 と混乱行列を計算する方法。最初の質問のためのfisheririsデータセットのmatlabでknnclassifyを実装しようとしています
function classifications = knnclassify(train_points, train_labels, test_points, k);
% K nearest neighbour (KNN) classification
% code by Jaakko Peltonen 2008
% Classifies test points based on majority vote of their k nearest
% neighbours in train points. 'Nearest' is determined from squared
% Euclidean distance. In case the majority voting results in a tie,
% gives equal portions to each class in the tie.
% Inputs:
% train_points: matrix, the i:th row has the features of the i:th
% training point.
% train_labels: two possible formats.
% Format 1: a column vector where the i:th element is an integer
% value indicating the label of the i:th training
% point. The labels should start from zero.
% Format 2: a matrix where the i:th row has the class memberships
% of the i:th training point. Each class membership is
% a value from 0 to 1, where 1 means the point fully
% belongs to that class.
% test_points: feature matrix for test points. Same format as
% train_points. You can give an empty matrix: then the method
% computes leave-one-out classification error based only on
% the training points.
% Outputs:
% classifications: matrix, the i:th row has the predicted class
% memberships of the i:th test point. Each class
% membership if a value from 0 to 1, where 1 means
% the test point is predicted to fully belong to
% that class.
nDim = size(test_points,2);
nTrainPoints = size(train_points,1);
% if the training labels were provided in format 1,
% convert them to format 2.
if size(train_labels,2)==1,
nClasses = max(train_labels)+1;
train_labels2 = zeros(nTrainPoints,nClasses);
for i=1:nTrainPoints,
train_labels2(i,train_labels(i)+1) = 1;
train_labels = train_labels2;
nClasses = size(train_labels,2);
% if test_points is empty, perform leave-one-out classification
if isempty(test_points),
test_points = train_points;
leave_one_out = 1;
leave_one_out = 0;
nTestPoints = size(test_points,1);
% Perform the KNN classification. For leave-one-out classification,
% this code assumes that k < nTrainPoints.
classifications = zeros(nTestPoints, nClasses);
for i=1:nTestPoints,
% find squared Euclidean distances to all training points
difference = train_points(:,1:nDim) - repmat(test_points(i,:),[nTrainPoints 1]);
distances = sum(difference.^2,2);
% in leave-one-out classification, make sure the point being
% classified is not chosen among the k neighbors.
if leave_one_out == 1,
distances(i) = inf;
% collect the 'votes' of the k closest points
[sorted_distances, indices] = sort(distances);
classamounts = zeros(1, nClasses);
for j=1:k,
classamounts = classamounts + train_labels(indices(j),:);
% choose the class by majority vote
indices = find(classamounts == max(classamounts));
if (length(indices) == 1),
% there is a single winner
classifications(i,indices(1)) = 1;
% there was a tie between two or more classes
classifications(i,indices) = 1/length(indices);
はありがとうございました。これは多くの助けとなりました。ここではknnclassifyを実装し、上記のコードを使用して実装しようとしています。 ユークリッド距離式、すなわち、差分= train_points(:、1:nDim)-repmat(test_points(i、:)、[nTrainPoints 1])を使用する代わりに、 distance = sum(difference。2,2); ' 私はマンハッタンの距離公式を ' difference = train_points-repmat(test_points(i、:)、[nTrainPoints 1]);を使って実装しようとしています。 distanceances = sum(abs((difference、2))); ' 正確な結果を得ることはできません。 親切に私を助けてください。 ありがとうございます。 –