2017-06-12 5 views

NSTableViewを再レンダリングするときにセルがランダムな色付けとテキストを表示するように見えるという非常に奇妙な問題があります。これはMacOS iPhoneではありません。NSTableViewテーブルビューセルメモリの問題


私は再びシミュレーションを実行し、すべての表の列を削除し、「今年の代わりに、数ヶ月のために一致させるためにそれらを再作成する場合それは enter image description here

...それは次のようになりますどのように示すことが最も簡単です、それはこのように見えます。 enter image description here



import Cocoa 

class ViewController: NSViewController, NSTableViewDelegate, NSTableViewDataSource { 

    //@JA - Simulation Settings Tab 
    @IBOutlet weak var theTableview: NSTableView! 
    @IBOutlet weak var reportTypePopUpButton: NSPopUpButton! 
    @IBOutlet weak var businessPopUpButton: NSPopUpButton! 
    @IBOutlet weak var numberOfDaysToSimulateTextField: NSTextField! 
    @IBOutlet weak var startDateTextField: NSTextField! 
    @IBOutlet weak var startingBudgetTextField: NSTextField! 

    //Default Multidimensional Dictionary 
    var data = [ 
      "name":"Click Start to Begin", 
      "columninfo" :["0"] 

    override func viewDidLoad() { 

     //First remove all columns 
     let columns = self.theTableview.tableColumns 
     columns.forEach { 

     //@JA - This fixes the last column not being shown correctly 
     self.theTableview?.columnAutoresizingStyle = .noColumnAutoresizing 

     for index in 0...1 { 
      let column = NSTableColumn(identifier: "defaultheader") 
      if(index != 0){ 
       column.title = "Month \(index)" 
       column.title = "Factors" 


     let date = NSDate() 
     let dateFormatter = DateFormatter() 
     dateFormatter.dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd" 
     let dateString = dateFormatter.string(from:date as Date) 

     startDateTextField.stringValue = dateString 

     // Do any additional setup after loading the view. 


    override var representedObject: Any? { 
     didSet { 
     // Update the view, if already loaded. 

    //@JA - Tableview Delegate & Datasource Functions 
    func numberOfRows(in tableView: NSTableView) -> Int { 
     return data.count 

    func tableView(_ tableView: NSTableView, viewFor tableColumn: NSTableColumn?, row: Int) -> NSView? { 

     let currentColumnIndex = tableView.tableColumns.index(of: tableColumn!) 

     if let cell = tableView.make(withIdentifier: "defaultcell", owner: nil) as? NSTableCellView { 
     //if let cell = tableView.reuse { 
      if tableColumn == tableView.tableColumns[0]{ //@JA - If this is the first column then show the row names corespondingly 
       cell.textField?.stringValue = data[row]["name"] as! String 
       let columnInfo = data[row]["columninfo"] as! [String] 

       let isIndexValid = columnInfo.indices.contains(currentColumnIndex!-1) 
        cell.textField?.stringValue = columnInfo[currentColumnIndex!-1] 

      //Highlight Rows with rule to do so 
      if data[row]["highlightrow"] != nil{ 
       let bghighlight = data[row]["highlightrow"] as! [String:NSNumber] 
       cell.textField?.backgroundColor = NSColor.init(red: CGFloat(bghighlight["red"]!), green: CGFloat(bghighlight["green"]!), blue: CGFloat(bghighlight["blue"]!), alpha: CGFloat(bghighlight["alpha"]!)) 
       cell.textField?.textColor = NSColor.init(red: CGFloat(bghighlight["tred"]!), green: CGFloat(bghighlight["tgreen"]!), blue: CGFloat(bghighlight["tblue"]!), alpha: CGFloat(bghighlight["talpha"]!)) 

      //Marked rows will show ----- for content to fill it out 
      if data[row]["mark"] != nil{ 
       if data[row]["mark"] as! Bool == true && currentColumnIndex != 0{ 
        cell.textField?.stringValue = "---------------" 

      return cell 
     return nil 

    //@JA - Helper Functions 
    func calculateTableHeaders(){ 

     //First remove all columns 
     let columns = self.theTableview.tableColumns 
     columns.forEach { 

     //Find out how many days we want to simulate 
     let numOfDays = Int(numberOfDaysToSimulateTextField.intValue) 
     let columnType = reportTypePopUpButton.titleOfSelectedItem 

     //Generic Setting for Date 
     let dateFormatter = DateFormatter() 
     dateFormatter.dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd" 

     let startDate = dateFormatter.date(from:startDateTextField.stringValue) 
     var components = DateComponents() 

     var numOfColumns = 150 //Default Column Setting. Always overwritten 


     if(columnType == "Daily"){ 
      numOfColumns = Int(numOfDays) 
      components = DateComponents() //to reset it 
     if(columnType == "Monthly"){ 
      components.setValue(numOfDays, for: .day) 
      let futureDate = Calendar.current.date(byAdding: components, to: startDate!) 
      numOfColumns = futureDate!.interval(ofComponent: .month, fromDate: startDate!) //The number of months needed column wise 
     if(columnType == "Yearly"){ 
      components.setValue(numOfDays, for: .day) 
      let futureDate = Calendar.current.date(byAdding: components, to: startDate!) 
      numOfColumns = futureDate!.interval(ofComponent: .year, fromDate: startDate!) //The number of months needed column wise 

     dateFormatter.dateFormat = "dd MMM yyyy" //this is format we want to use for column names 
     for index in 0...numOfColumns { 
      let column = NSTableColumn(identifier: "defaultheader") 
      if(index != 0){ 
       components = DateComponents() //reset it 
       if(columnType == "Daily"){ 
        components.setValue(index, for: .day) 
       }else if(columnType == "Monthly"){ 
        components.setValue(index, for: .month) 
       }else if(columnType == "Yearly"){ 
        components.setValue(index, for: .year) 
       let dayDate = Calendar.current.date(byAdding: components, to: startDate!) 
       column.title = dateFormatter.string(from:dayDate!) 
       column.title = "Factors" 
       column.width = 200 



    @IBAction func startsimulation(_ sender: NSButton) { 
     let budget = startingBudgetTextField.doubleValue 
     let businessname = businessPopUpButton.titleOfSelectedItem! 

     var biz:Business? 

     if (businessname == "PoolService123.com"){ 
      biz = PoolService123(bizname: businessname, startbudget:Decimal(budget)) 

     let sim = Simulator(biz: biz!) 

     data = [] 
     data = sim.run() as! [Dictionary<String, Any>] 



extension Date { 

    func interval(ofComponent comp: Calendar.Component, fromDate date: Date) -> Int { 

     let currentCalendar = Calendar.current 

     guard let start = currentCalendar.ordinality(of: comp, in: .era, for: date) else { return 0 } 
     guard let end = currentCalendar.ordinality(of: comp, in: .era, for: self) else { return 0 } 

     return end - start 



import Foundation 

class Simulator { 

    var business: Business 
    var daysToSimulate = 365 

    //Must be initialized with a business 
    init(biz: Business) { 
     self.business = biz 

    public func run() -> Any{ 
     let data = self.business.data! //Grabs the default data structure from which to fill in details 

     return data 


import Foundation 

class Business { 
    public var name: String = "" 
    public var budget:Decimal = 0.0 
    public var data: [Dictionary<String, Any>]? 
    public var money:Decimal = 0.0 //This represents its current financial state 

    init(bizname: String,startbudget: Decimal){ 
     self.name = bizname 
     self.budget = startbudget 
     self.money = startbudget 


import Foundation 

class PoolService123 : Business{ 
    override init(bizname: String, startbudget: Decimal) { 
     //@JA - Call super to do generic business stuff that is the same 
     super.init(bizname: bizname, startbudget: startbudget) 

     self.data = [ 
       "name":"Starting Budget", 
       "columninfo" :["0"] 
       "name":"Regions Targeting", 
       "columninfo" :["0"] 
       "name":"Marketing & Customers", 
       "columninfo" :["-"], 
       "name":"Adwords Clicks", 
       "columninfo" :["0"] 
       "name":"Adwords Conversions", 
       "columninfo" :["0"] 
       "name":"Adwords Customers Acquired", 
       "columninfo" :["0"] 
       "name":"Customers Gained", 
       "columninfo" :["0"] 
       "name":"Customers Lost", 
       "columninfo" :["0"] 
       "name":"Total Customers", 
       "columninfo" :["0"] 
       "columninfo" :["-"], 
       "name":"Adwords Cost", 
       "columninfo" :["0"] 
       "name":"Total Expenses", 
       "columninfo" :["0"] 
       "columninfo" :["-"], 
       "name":"Gross Income", 
       "columninfo" :["0"] 
       "name":"Net Income", 
       "columninfo" :["0"] 
       "name":"Net Worth", 
       "columninfo" :["0"] 
       "name":"Business Partner Income", 
       "columninfo" :["0"] 



さらに、私が何年もシミュレーションを続けていると、悪化します。このように最終的には... enter image description here





結果だから、私はその何とか、非常に奇妙である毎年やってるときに私は次のデバッグ出力を取得し、この関数にfunc tableView(_ tableView: NSTableView, viewFor tableColumn: NSTableColumn?, row: Int) -> NSView? {

print("currentColumnIndex=\(currentColumnIndex ?? -1) , row=\(row)") 


currentColumnIndex=0 , row=0 
currentColumnIndex=0 , row=1 
currentColumnIndex=0 , row=2 
currentColumnIndex=0 , row=3 
currentColumnIndex=0 , row=4 
currentColumnIndex=0 , row=5 
currentColumnIndex=0 , row=6 
currentColumnIndex=0 , row=7 
currentColumnIndex=0 , row=8 
currentColumnIndex=0 , row=9 
currentColumnIndex=0 , row=10 
currentColumnIndex=0 , row=11 
currentColumnIndex=0 , row=12 
currentColumnIndex=0 , row=13 
currentColumnIndex=0 , row=14 
currentColumnIndex=0 , row=15 
currentColumnIndex=0 , row=16 
currentColumnIndex=1 , row=0 
currentColumnIndex=1 , row=1 
currentColumnIndex=1 , row=2 
currentColumnIndex=1 , row=3 
currentColumnIndex=1 , row=4 
currentColumnIndex=1 , row=5 
currentColumnIndex=1 , row=6 
currentColumnIndex=1 , row=7 
currentColumnIndex=1 , row=8 
currentColumnIndex=1 , row=9 
currentColumnIndex=1 , row=10 
currentColumnIndex=1 , row=11 
currentColumnIndex=1 , row=12 
currentColumnIndex=1 , row=13 
currentColumnIndex=1 , row=14 
currentColumnIndex=1 , row=15 
currentColumnIndex=1 , row=16 
currentColumnIndex=2 , row=0 
currentColumnIndex=2 , row=1 
currentColumnIndex=2 , row=2 
currentColumnIndex=2 , row=3 
currentColumnIndex=2 , row=4 
currentColumnIndex=2 , row=5 
currentColumnIndex=2 , row=6 
currentColumnIndex=2 , row=7 
currentColumnIndex=2 , row=8 
currentColumnIndex=2 , row=9 
currentColumnIndex=2 , row=10 
currentColumnIndex=2 , row=11 
currentColumnIndex=2 , row=12 
currentColumnIndex=2 , row=13 
currentColumnIndex=2 , row=14 
currentColumnIndex=2 , row=15 
currentColumnIndex=2 , row=16 
currentColumnIndex=3 , row=0 
currentColumnIndex=3 , row=1 
currentColumnIndex=3 , row=2 
currentColumnIndex=3 , row=3 
currentColumnIndex=3 , row=4 
currentColumnIndex=3 , row=5 
currentColumnIndex=3 , row=6 
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currentColumnIndex=4 , row=0 
currentColumnIndex=4 , row=1 
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currentColumnIndex=9 , row=0 
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currentColumnIndex=6 , row=10 
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currentColumnIndex=0 , row=11 
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currentColumnIndex=6 , row=11 
currentColumnIndex=7 , row=11 
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currentColumnIndex=0 , row=12 
currentColumnIndex=1 , row=12 
currentColumnIndex=2 , row=12 
currentColumnIndex=3 , row=12 
currentColumnIndex=4 , row=12 
currentColumnIndex=5 , row=12 
currentColumnIndex=6 , row=12 
currentColumnIndex=7 , row=12 
currentColumnIndex=8 , row=12 
currentColumnIndex=9 , row=12 
currentColumnIndex=10 , row=12 
currentColumnIndex=0 , row=13 
currentColumnIndex=1 , row=13 
currentColumnIndex=2 , row=13 
currentColumnIndex=3 , row=13 
currentColumnIndex=4 , row=13 
currentColumnIndex=5 , row=13 
currentColumnIndex=6 , row=13 
currentColumnIndex=7 , row=13 
currentColumnIndex=8 , row=13 
currentColumnIndex=9 , row=13 
currentColumnIndex=10 , row=13 
currentColumnIndex=0 , row=14 
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currentColumnIndex=2 , row=14 
currentColumnIndex=3 , row=14 
currentColumnIndex=4 , row=14 
currentColumnIndex=5 , row=14 
currentColumnIndex=6 , row=14 
currentColumnIndex=7 , row=14 
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currentColumnIndex=9 , row=14 
currentColumnIndex=10 , row=14 
currentColumnIndex=0 , row=15 
currentColumnIndex=1 , row=15 
currentColumnIndex=2 , row=15 
currentColumnIndex=3 , row=15 
currentColumnIndex=4 , row=15 
currentColumnIndex=5 , row=15 
currentColumnIndex=6 , row=15 
currentColumnIndex=7 , row=15 
currentColumnIndex=8 , row=15 
currentColumnIndex=9 , row=15 
currentColumnIndex=10 , row=15 
currentColumnIndex=0 , row=16 
currentColumnIndex=1 , row=16 
currentColumnIndex=2 , row=16 
currentColumnIndex=3 , row=16 
currentColumnIndex=4 , row=16 
currentColumnIndex=5 , row=16 
currentColumnIndex=6 , row=16 
currentColumnIndex=7 , row=16 
currentColumnIndex=8 , row=16 
currentColumnIndex=9 , row=16 
currentColumnIndex=10 , row=16 


currentColumnIndex=0 , row=0 
currentColumnIndex=1 , row=0 
currentColumnIndex=2 , row=0 
currentColumnIndex=3 , row=0 
currentColumnIndex=4 , row=0 
currentColumnIndex=5 , row=0 
currentColumnIndex=6 , row=0 
currentColumnIndex=7 , row=0 
currentColumnIndex=8 , row=0 
currentColumnIndex=9 , row=0 
currentColumnIndex=10 , row=0 
currentColumnIndex=11 , row=0 
currentColumnIndex=12 , row=0 

currentColumnIndex=0 , row=0 
currentColumnIndex=1 , row=0 
currentColumnIndex=2 , row=0 
currentColumnIndex=3 , row=0 
currentColumnIndex=4 , row=0 
currentColumnIndex=5 , row=0 
currentColumnIndex=6 , row=0 
currentColumnIndex=7 , row=0 
currentColumnIndex=8 , row=0 
currentColumnIndex=9 , row=0 
currentColumnIndex=10 , row=0 
currentColumnIndex=11 , row=0 
currentColumnIndex=12 , row=0 
currentColumnIndex=0 , row=1 
currentColumnIndex=1 , row=1 
currentColumnIndex=2 , row=1 
currentColumnIndex=3 , row=1 
currentColumnIndex=4 , row=1 
currentColumnIndex=5 , row=1 
currentColumnIndex=6 , row=1 
currentColumnIndex=7 , row=1 
currentColumnIndex=8 , row=1 
currentColumnIndex=9 , row=1 
currentColumnIndex=10 , row=1 
currentColumnIndex=11 , row=1 
currentColumnIndex=12 , row=1 
currentColumnIndex=0 , row=2 
currentColumnIndex=1 , row=2 
currentColumnIndex=2 , row=2 
currentColumnIndex=3 , row=2 
currentColumnIndex=4 , row=2 
currentColumnIndex=5 , row=2 
currentColumnIndex=6 , row=2 
currentColumnIndex=7 , row=2 
currentColumnIndex=8 , row=2 
currentColumnIndex=9 , row=2 
currentColumnIndex=10 , row=2 
currentColumnIndex=11 , row=2 
currentColumnIndex=12 , row=2 

... currentColumnIndex = 120、行= 16








if let bghighlight = data[row]["highlightrow"] as? [String:NSNumber] { 
     cell.textField?.backgroundColor = NSColor(red: CGFloat(bghighlight["red"]!), green: CGFloat(bghighlight["green"]!), blue: CGFloat(bghighlight["blue"]!), alpha: CGFloat(bghighlight["alpha"]!)) 
     cell.textField?.textColor = NSColor(red: CGFloat(bghighlight["tred"]!), green: CGFloat(bghighlight["tgreen"]!), blue: CGFloat(bghighlight["tblue"]!), alpha: CGFloat(bghighlight["talpha"]!)) 
    } else { 
     cell.textField?.backgroundColor = .white 
     cell.textField?.textColor = .textColor 




これを試してみてください。 –


マーク上のその他のマークは削除する必要がありましたが、色の問題を修正するために機能するようです。データのために値がnilである他の表のセルは、まだ変わったように見えますが、それを修正したようです。そのような場合に見えるものを更新します。ありがとう。 –


JSONをデータモデルにマップする方法の例はありますか?私はまだMacOで表がどのように動作するのか少し新鮮です –
