Windowsフォームのテキストボックスから値を取り出し、SQL Serverデータベースの値を更新したいと思います。これらのフィールドのみを更新したいその値はユーザによって入力され、ユーザによってテキストボックスが空のままであるフィールドは残されています.....どのようにしてこのような状況に対して動的にクエリを生成できますか?vb.netのWindowsフォームのテキストボックスから値を取って更新する方法
Dim str As String ' defines str as a string variable
'takes insertion query as a string in str variable
str = "Insert into Bookings Values(@cust_id, @cust_name,@contact, @game, @courtno, @poolno, @tableno, @booking_date, @booking_time, @booking_duration)"
'defines a new command which takes query string and connection string as parameters
Dim cmd As New SqlCommand(str, con)
' defines Customer ID parameter and takes its value from the form
Dim prmCustID As New SqlParameter("@cust_id", SqlDbType.Char)
prmCustID.Value = MskdTxtCustId.Text
' defines Customer Name parameter and takes its value from the form
Dim prmCustName As New SqlParameter("@cust_name", SqlDbType.Char)
prmCustName.Value = TxtCustName.Text
' defines Contact parameter and takes its value from the form
Dim prmContact As New SqlParameter("@contact", SqlDbType.VarChar)
prmContact.Value = MskdTxtCntctno.Text
' defines Game parameter and takes its value from the form
Dim prmGame As New SqlParameter("@game", SqlDbType.Char)
prmGame.Value = TxtGame.Text
' defines Court No parameter and takes its value from the form
Dim prmCrtNo As New SqlParameter("@courtno", SqlDbType.Int)
If TxtCrtNo.Text = "" Then
prmCrtNo.Value = Convert.DBNull 'If the textbox is empty then places Null in databse field
prmCrtNo.Value = CType(TxtCrtNo.Text, Integer) ' converts from string to integer
End If
' defines Pool No parameter and takes its value from the form
Dim prmPoolNo As New SqlParameter("@poolno", SqlDbType.Int)
If TxtPoolNo.Text = "" Then
prmPoolNo.Value = Convert.DBNull 'If the textbox is empty then places Null in databse field
prmPoolNo.Value = CType(TxtPoolNo.Text, Integer) ' converts from string to integer
End If
' defines Table No parameter and takes its value from the form
Dim prmTblNo As New SqlParameter("@tableno", SqlDbType.Int)
If TxtTblNo.Text = "" Then
prmTblNo.Value = Convert.DBNull 'If the textbox is empty then places Null in databse field
prmTblNo.Value = CType(TxtTblNo.Text, Integer) ' converts from string to integer
End If
' defines Booking Date parameter and takes its value from the form
Dim prmBookDate As New SqlParameter("@booking_date", SqlDbType.DateTime)
prmBookDate.Value = TxtBookDate.Text
' defines Booking Time parameter and takes its value from the form
Dim prmBookTime As New SqlParameter("@booking_time", SqlDbType.DateTime)
prmBookTime.Value = TxtBookTime.Text
' defines Booking Duration parameter and takes its value from the form
Dim prmBookDur As New SqlParameter("@booking_duration", SqlDbType.Int)
prmBookDur.Value = CType(TxtBookDur.Text, Integer)
'Command cmd takes all the parameters
Dim str1 As String ' defines string variable for taking select query
str1 = "select bookingID from Bookings" 'takes select query in string variable for retrieving booking ID from the databse
Dim cmd1 As New SqlCommand(str1, con) 'defines a new command which takes query string and connection string as parameters
Dim x As Integer ' defines an integer for storing booking ID
con.Open() 'sets the connection state to open
Using (con) 'specifies the connection which is to be used by the SQLcommands
cmd.ExecuteNonQuery() 'Executes the insertion query
Dim id As SqlDataReader = cmd1.ExecuteReader() 'Defines and initiates the datareader to read data from database using cmd1 command
While id.Read() 'Iterates the reader to read booking id
x = id("bookingID") 'stores the booking Id in variable x
End While
End Using
con.Close() 'sets the connection state to close
' shows message box with successful booking message
MessageBox.Show("New booking saved successfully" & vbCrLf & "Your Booking ID is " & x, "Saved Successfully", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Information)
私はSqlCommandを試していて、Sqlコマンドのパラメータとしてテキストボックスの値を渡します。 –
ok - これまでのコードを投稿できますか?しかし、代わりにDataSetやLinq2Sqlを使うことをお勧めします。これは簡単で安全です。 – Carsten
私が知りたいことは、どのテキストボックスの値が変更されたかを追跡し、それに基づいてクエリ文字列を動的に生成できることです。 –