2016-04-06 22 views

ここに私のコードがバッチです。 Avalanche.batとして保存します。私はエラーThe system cannot find the batch label specifiedを得続けます。誰かがこれを修正できる場合は、私に教えてください!"システムは指定されたバッチラベルを見つけることができません"エラーメッセージ

setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion 
echo off 
title Avalanche 
for /f "delims=" %%x in (Avalanche.bat) do set color=%%x 
color %color% 
if exist control.txt goto controlsetup 
goto menu 

    :: Main menu :: 
    mode con cols=76 lines=12 
     echo .:mmmm:.              .:mmmm:. 
     echo ,mmMMMMmm, . . . . .  . . . .... . . .... ,mmMMMMmm, 
     echo :mMMMMMMm: .: :. :. .: .: :. : .: :. :: : :  : : :  :mMMMMMMm: 
     echo 'mmMMMMmm' :...: :.: :...: : :...: : : : :  :::: :''' 'mmMMMMmm' 
     echo ':mmmm:' : : : : : :::: : : : :: '.... : : :... ':mmmm:' 
     echo         1) PLAY 
     echo         2) HELP 
     echo         3) EXIT 
    choice /c 123 /n >nul 
    if %errorlevel% equ 1 goto setup 
    if %errorlevel% equ 2 goto help 
    if %errorlevel% equ 3 exit 
    goto menu 

    :: Help menu :: 
    mode con cols=31 lines=12 
     echo   Help 
     echo To play Avalanche, simply use 
     echo the A and D keys to move left 
     echo and right, respectively. If 
     echo you are hit by a falling 
     echo boulder, you die and lose the 
     echo game. During the game, press 
     echo Q to quit and P to pause. 
     echo  1) Change Color 
     echo  2) Return to Menu 
    choice /c 12 /n >nul 
    if %errorlevel% equ 1 goto color 
    if %errorlevel% equ 2 goto menu 
    goto help 
    :: Color changer :: 
    mode con cols=35 lines=17 
      echo Type two characters for their 
      echo corresponding colors. The first 
      echo color is the background and the 
      echo second is the text color. The 
      echo two cannot be the same color. 
      echo 0 = Black  8 = Gray 
      echo 1 = Blue  9 = Light Blue 
      echo 2 = Green  A = Light Green 
      echo 3 = Aqua  B = Light Aqua 
      echo 4 = Red   C = Light Red 
      echo 5 = Purple  D = Light Purple 
      echo 6 = Yellow  E = Light Yellow 
      echo 7 = White  F = Bright White 
     set /p "color=Color: " 
    if %errorlevel% equ 1 goto color 
    color !color! 
    echo !color!>>Avalanche.bat 
    goto help 

     title Game Controls 
     mode con cols=30 lines=1 
     choice /c adqp /n 
     if !errorlevel! equ 1 set "dir=left" 
     if !errorlevel! equ 2 set "dir=right" 
     if !errorlevel! equ 3 set "dir=quit" 
     if !errorlevel! equ 4 set "dir=pause" 
goto controlwrite 
     echo !dir!>>control.txt 
     if !dir! equ quit exit 
     goto controlchoice 

    set "b=O" 

    echo stop>>control.txt 
    start Avalanche.bat 
    mode con cols=16 lines=14 

    set "b0y=1000" 
    set "b1y=1000" 
    set "b2y=1000" 
    set "b3y=1000" 
    set "b4y=1000" 
    set "b5y=1000" 
    set "b6y=1000" 
    set "b7y=1000" 
    set "b8y=1000" 
    set "b9y=1000" 
    set "px=5" 


        :: Resetting the board :: 
        set "0,0= " 
        set "0,1= " 
        set "0,2= " 
        set "0,3= " 
        set "0,4= " 
        set "0,5= " 
        set "0,6= " 
        set "0,7= " 
        set "0,8= " 
        set "0,9= " 
        set "1,0= " 
        set "1,1= " 
        set "1,2= " 
        set "1,3= " 
        set "1,4= " 
        set "1,5= " 
        set "1,6= " 
        set "1,7= " 
        set "1,8= " 
        set "1,9= " 
        set "2,0= " 
        set "2,1= " 
        set "2,2= " 
        set "2,3= " 
        set "2,4= " 
        set "2,5= " 
        set "2,6= " 
        set "2,7= " 
        set "2,8= " 
        set "2,9= " 
        set "3,0= " 
        set "3,1= " 
        set "3,2= " 
        set "3,3= " 
        set "3,4= " 
        set "3,5= " 
        set "3,6= " 
        set "3,7= " 
        set "3,8= " 
        set "3,9= " 
        set "4,0= " 
        set "4,1= " 
        set "4,2= " 
        set "4,3= " 
        set "4,4= " 
        set "4,5= " 
        set "4,6= " 
        set "4,7= " 
        set "4,8= " 
        set "4,9= " 
        set "5,0= " 
        set "5,1= " 
        set "5,2= " 
        set "5,3= " 
        set "5,4= " 
        set "5,5= " 
        set "5,6= " 
        set "5,7= " 
        set "5,8= " 
        set "5,9= " 
        set "6,0= " 
        set "6,1= " 
        set "6,2= " 
        set "6,3= " 
        set "6,4= " 
        set "6,5= " 
        set "6,6= " 
        set "6,7= " 
        set "6,8= " 
        set "6,9= " 
        set "7,0= " 
        set "7,1= " 
        set "7,2= " 
        set "7,3= " 
        set "7,4= " 
        set "7,5= " 
        set "7,6= " 
        set "7,7= " 
        set "7,8= " 
        set "7,9= " 
        set "8,0= " 
        set "8,1= " 
        set "8,2= " 
        set "8,3= " 
        set "8,4= " 
        set "8,5= " 
        set "8,6= " 
        set "8,7= " 
        set "8,8= " 
        set "8,9= " 
        set "9,0= " 
        set "9,1= " 
        set "9,2= " 
        set "9,3= " 
        set "9,4= " 
        set "9,5= " 
        set "9,6= " 
        set "9,7= " 
        set "9,8= " 
        set "9,9= " 

       :: Set player and boulders :: 
       set "!px!,[email protected]" 

       if !b0y! lss 0 set "b0y=1000" 
       if !b1y! lss 0 set "b1y=1000" 
       if !b2y! lss 0 set "b2y=1000" 
       if !b3y! lss 0 set "b3y=1000" 
       if !b4y! lss 0 set "b4y=1000" 
       if !b5y! lss 0 set "b5y=1000" 
       if !b6y! lss 0 set "b6y=1000" 
       if !b7y! lss 0 set "b7y=1000" 
       if !b8y! lss 0 set "b8y=1000" 
       if !b9y! lss 0 set "b9y=1000" 

       if !b0y! leq 9 if !b0y! geq 0 set /a "b0y=!b0y!-1" 
       set "0,!b0y!=!b!" 
       if !b1y! leq 9 if !b1y! geq 0 set /a "b1y=!b1y!-1" 
       set "1,!b1y!=!b!" 
       if !b2y! leq 9 if !b2y! geq 0 set /a "b2y=!b2y!-1" 
       set "2,!b2y!=!b!" 
       if !b3y! leq 9 if !b3y! geq 0 set /a "b3y=!b3y!-1" 
       set "3,!b3y!=!b!" 
       if !b4y! leq 9 if !b4y! geq 0 set /a "b4y=!b4y!-1" 
       set "4,!b4y!=!b!" 
       if !b5y! leq 9 if !b5y! geq 0 set /a "b5y=!b5y!-1" 
       set "5,!b5y!=!b!" 
       if !b6y! leq 9 if !b6y! geq 0 set /a "b6y=!b6y!-1" 
       set "6,!b6y!=!b!" 
       if !b7y! leq 9 if !b7y! geq 0 set /a "b7y=!b7y!-1" 
       set "7,!b7y!=!b!" 
       if !b8y! leq 9 if !b8y! geq 0 set /a "b8y=!b8y!-1" 
       set "8,!b8y!=!b!" 
       if !b9y! leq 9 if !b9y! geq 0 set /a "b9y=!b9y!-1" 
       set "9,!b9y!=!b!" 

      :: The board :: 
      echo ############ 
      echo #!0,9!!1,9!!2,9!!3,9!!4,9!!5,9!!6,9!!7,9!!8,9!!9,9!# 
      echo #!0,8!!1,8!!2,8!!3,8!!4,8!!5,8!!6,8!!7,8!!8,8!!9,8!# 
      echo #!0,7!!1,7!!2,7!!3,7!!4,7!!5,7!!6,7!!7,7!!8,7!!9,7!# 
      echo #!0,6!!1,6!!2,6!!3,6!!4,6!!5,6!!6,6!!7,6!!8,6!!9,6!# 
      echo #!0,5!!1,5!!2,5!!3,5!!4,5!!5,5!!6,5!!7,5!!8,5!!9,5!# 
      echo #!0,4!!1,4!!2,4!!3,4!!4,4!!5,4!!6,4!!7,4!!8,4!!9,4!# 
      echo #!0,3!!1,3!!2,3!!3,3!!4,3!!5,3!!6,3!!7,3!!8,3!!9,3!# 
      echo #!0,2!!1,2!!2,2!!3,2!!4,2!!5,2!!6,2!!7,2!!8,2!!9,2!# 
      echo #!0,1!!1,1!!2,1!!3,1!!4,1!!5,1!!6,1!!7,1!!8,1!!9,1!# 
      echo #!0,0!!1,0!!2,0!!3,0!!4,0!!5,0!!6,0!!7,0!!8,0!!9,0!# 
      echo ############ 

     ::Checking for player input :: 
     for /f "delims=" %%x in (control.txt) do set dir=%%x 
     if %dir% equ left set "px=!px!-1" 
     if %dir% equ right set "px=!px!+1" 
     if %dir% equ pause goto pause 
     if %dir% equ quit goto end 

     echo stop>>control.txt 

     :: Choosing Boulder placement 
     set /a "num=%random%*10/32768" 
     if !b0y! leq 9 goto chooseboulder2 
     if !b1y! leq 9 goto chooseboulder2 
     if !b2y! leq 9 goto chooseboulder2 
     if !b3y! leq 9 goto chooseboulder2 
     if !b4y! leq 9 goto chooseboulder2 
     if !b5y! leq 9 goto chooseboulder2 
     if !b6y! leq 9 goto chooseboulder2 
     if !b7y! leq 9 goto chooseboulder2 
     if !b8y! leq 9 goto chooseboulder2 
     if !b9y! leq 9 goto chooseboulder2 
     if !num! equ 0 goto chooseboulder 
     if !num! equ 1 goto chooseboulder 
     if !num! equ 2 goto chooseboulder 
     if !num! equ 3 goto chooseboulder 
     if !num! equ 4 goto chooseboulder 
     if !num! equ 5 goto chooseboulder 
     if !num! equ 6 goto chooseboulder 
     if !num! equ 7 goto chooseboulder 
     if !num! equ 8 goto chooseboulder 
     if !num! equ 9 goto chooseboulder 
     set "b!num!y=9" 

    :: Delaying the game 0.5 seconds to make it easier to play :: 
    ping localhost -n 1 >nul 
    ping localhost -n 1 >nul 
    ping localhost -n 1 >nul 
    ping localhost -n 1 >nul 
    ping localhost -n 1 >nul 
    ping localhost -n 1 >nul 
    ping localhost -n 1 >nul 
    ping localhost -n 1 >nul 
    ping localhost -n 1 >nul 
    ping localhost -n 1 >nul 
    ping localhost -n 1 >nul 
    ping localhost -n 1 >nul 
    ping localhost -n 1 >nul 
    ping localhost -n 1 >nul 
    ping localhost -n 1 >nul 
    ping localhost -n 1 >nul 
    ping localhost -n 1 >nul 
    ping localhost -n 1 >nul 
    ping localhost -n 1 >nul 
    ping localhost -n 1 >nul 
    ping localhost -n 1 >nul 
    ping localhost -n 1 >nul 
goto loop 

for /f "delims=" %%x in (control.txt) do set pause=%%x 
if %pause% equ left goto checkinput 
if %pause% equ right goto checkinput 
if %pause% equ pause goto checkinput 
if %pause% equ quit goto end 

del control.txt 
mode con cols=15 lines=4 
echo  1) Menu 
echo  2) Exit 
choice /c 12 /n >nul 
if %errorlevel% equ 1 goto menu 
if %errorlevel% equ 2 exit 

:: The following line(s) are color settings. Do not delete them. :: 


     if !num! equ 0 goto chooseboulder 




     if !num! equ 0 goto chooseboulder1 

これはまさに私でした、ありがとうべきです探していた!私はそのような愚かな間違いをしたと信じることができない:) –
