2016-08-17 19 views

私の拡張機能では、私はTypo3画像操作を使用しています。 srcset属性に応答して画像をレンダリングしたいと思います。したがって、私はVHS media.image viewhelperを使用しています。私が持っている問題は、このビューヘルパーがTypo3ネイティブの作物機能をサポートしていないということです。また、流体画像ビューヘルパーはsrcset機能をサポートしていません。Typo3 Fluid - 反応的な画像viewhelper


<f:image treatIdAsReference="true" src="{image.id}" alt="{image.alternative}" title="{image.title}" crop="{image.crop}" /> 

<v:media.image src="{image.id}" alt="{image.alternative}" title="{image.title}" srcset="480,768,992,1200" /> 







変更がマージされましたFYI –


私がクロップ機能を使用している場合、srcsetピクチャは生成されません。画像は切り取られますが、小さな画像は欠落しています。 –


treatIdAsReference = "true"の場合、トリミング機能は機能しません。 –


SourceSetViewHelperTrait.phpを変更しました。今レンダリングが機能しています。 treatIdAsReferenceはtrueでなければなりません。さもなければ、処理されたイメージはsrcsetイメージの作成に使用されます。

namespace FluidTYPO3\Vhs\Traits; 

use FluidTYPO3\Vhs\Utility\FrontendSimulationUtility; 
use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\MathUtility; 
use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility; 
use TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Configuration\ConfigurationManagerInterface; 

* This file is part of the FluidTYPO3/Vhs project under GPLv2 or later. 
* For the full copyright and license information, please read the 
* LICENSE.md file that was distributed with this source code. 

* This trait can be used by viewhelpers that generate image tags 
* to add srcsets based to the imagetag for better responsiveness 
trait SourceSetViewHelperTrait 

    * used to attach srcset variants of a given image to the specified tag 
    * @param \TYPO3\CMS\Fluid\Core\ViewHelper\TagBuilder $tag the tag to add the srcset as argument 
    * @param string $src image path to render srcsets for 
    * @return array 
    public function addSourceSet($tag, $src) 
     $srcsets = $this->getSourceSetWidths(); 

     if ('BE' === TYPO3_MODE) { 

     $width = $this->arguments['width']; 
     $height = $this->arguments['height']; 
     $format = $this->arguments['format']; 
     $quality = $this->arguments['quality']; 
     $dimensions = [ 
     $treatIdAsReference = (boolean) $this->arguments['treatIdAsReference']; 
     if (true === $treatIdAsReference) { 
      $src = $this->arguments['src']; 
      $crop = $this->arguments['crop']; 
      if ($crop === null) { 
       $crop = $src instanceof FileReference ? $src->getProperty('crop') : null; 
      $dimensions = $this->getDimensions($width, $height); 

     $imageSources = []; 
     $srcsetVariants = []; 

     foreach ($srcsets as $key => $width) { 
      if (0 < $dimensions['ratio']) { 
       $height = floor((int)$width/$dimensions['ratio']) . $dimensions['postHeight']; 

      $width = $width . $dimensions['postWidth']; 
      $srcsetVariant = $this->getImgResource($src, $width, $height, $format, $quality, $treatIdAsReference, $crop); 

      $srcsetVariantSrc = rawurldecode($srcsetVariant[3]); 
      $srcsetVariantSrc = $this->preprocessSourceUri(GeneralUtility::rawUrlEncodeFP($srcsetVariantSrc)); 

      $imageSources[$srcsetVariant[0]] = [ 
       'src' => $srcsetVariantSrc, 
       'width' => $srcsetVariant[0], 
       'height' => $srcsetVariant[1], 
      $srcsetVariants[$srcsetVariant[0]] = $srcsetVariantSrc . ' ' . $srcsetVariant[0] . 'w'; 

     $tag->addAttribute('srcset', implode(',', $srcsetVariants)); 

     if ('BE' === TYPO3_MODE) { 

     return $imageSources; 

    * generates a copy of a give image with a specific width 
    * @param string $src path of the image to convert 
    * @param integer $width width to convert the image to 
    * @param integer $height height to convert the image to 
    * @param string $format format of the resulting copy 
    * @param string $quality quality of the resulting copy 
    * @param string $treatIdAsReference given src argument is a sys_file_reference record 
    * @param string $crop image crop string 
    * @param array $params additional params for the image rendering 
    * @return string 
    public function getImgResource($src, $width, $height, $format, $quality, $treatIdAsReference, $crop, $params = null) 

     $setup = [ 
      'width' => $width, 
      'height' => $height, 
      'treatIdAsReference' => $treatIdAsReference, 
      'crop' => $crop, 
     if (false === empty($format)) { 
      $setup['ext'] = $format; 
     if (0 < intval($quality)) { 
      $quality = MathUtility::forceIntegerInRange($quality, 10, 100, 75); 
      $setup['params'] .= ' -quality ' . $quality; 

     if ('BE' === TYPO3_MODE && '../' === substr($src, 0, 3)) { 
      $src = substr($src, 3); 
     return $this->contentObject->getImgResource($src, $setup); 

    * returns an array of srcsets based on the mixed ViewHelper 
    * input (list, csv, array, iterator) 
    * @return array 
    public function getSourceSetWidths() 
     $srcsets = $this->arguments['srcset']; 
     if (true === $srcsets instanceof \Traversable) { 
      $srcsets = iterator_to_array($srcsets); 
     } elseif (true === is_string($srcsets)) { 
      $srcsets = GeneralUtility::trimExplode(',', $srcsets, true); 
     } else { 
      $srcsets = (array) $srcsets; 
     return $srcsets; 

    private function getDimensions($width, $height) 
     $widthSplit = []; 
     $heightSplit = []; 
     if (false === empty($width)) { 
      preg_match("/(\\d+)([a-zA-Z]+)/", $width, $widthSplit); 

     if (false === empty($height)) { 
      preg_match("/(\\d+)([a-zA-Z]+)/", $height, $heightSplit); 

     $dimensions = [ 
      'ratio'=> 0, 
     if (0 < $dimensions['height']) { 
      $dimensions['ratio'] = $dimensions['width']/$dimensions['height']; 
     return $dimensions; 