2017-05-05 13 views


public class Player : IDisposable 
    public bool IsOpen 
     get; private set; 
    ///Opens the media player. This is very fast, but the actually opening takes a bit longer. 
    ///When it does open, it fires the MediaPlayer_MediaOpened event 
    public bool Open(string fileName) 
      // close previous file 

      mediaPlayer = new MediaPlayer(); 
      mediaPlayer.ScrubbingEnabled = true; 
      mediaPlayer.MediaOpened += MediaPlayer_MediaOpened; 
      mediaPlayer.Open(new Uri(fileName)); 

      return true; 
    /// <summary> 
    /// Fires when the MediaPlayer has finished opening. 
    /// </summary> 
    private void MediaPlayer_MediaOpened(object sender, EventArgs e) 
     totalMilliseconds = mediaPlayer.NaturalDuration.TimeSpan.TotalMilliseconds; 
     //40.00 represents 25 frames a second. 
     int totFrames = (int)(totalMilliseconds/40.00); 
     framePixels = new uint[mediaPlayer.NaturalVideoWidth * mediaPlayer.NaturalVideoHeight]; 
     previousFramePixels = new uint[framePixels.Length]; 
     for (int i = 0; i < totFrames; i++) 
      totalFrames.Add(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds((((2 * i) + 1) * totalMilliseconds)/(2 * totFrames))); 
     IsOpen = true; 




'MediaOpen'がイベントであれば、代わりにポーリングの' IsOpen'性質、(イベントハンドラを追加します)そのイベントをサブスクライブし、そこから実行を続行します(つまり、 'IsOpen'をtrueに設定した' GetNextFrame'部分を上に移動し、ループを完全に省略します)。 – dlatikay


それに当てはまるなら、それは私がやることです。しかし、実際にはこれらのうちの7つを開いているので、扱いにくくなる可能性があります。 – user7049117




public class Player : IDisposable 
public bool IsOpen 
    get; private set; 

///You have to return a task to run this code asynchronously 
public Task Open(string fileName) 
     // close previous file 

     mediaPlayer = new MediaPlayer(); 
     mediaPlayer.ScrubbingEnabled = true; 
     mediaPlayer.MediaOpened += MediaPlayer_MediaOpened; 

     return Task.Run(mediaPlayer.Open(new Uri(fileName))); 
/// <summary> 
/// Fires when the MediaPlayer has finished opening. 
/// </summary> 
private void MediaPlayer_MediaOpened(object sender, EventArgs e) 
    totalMilliseconds = mediaPlayer.NaturalDuration.TimeSpan.TotalMilliseconds; 
    //40.00 represents 25 frames a second. 
    int totFrames = (int)(totalMilliseconds/40.00); 
    framePixels = new uint[mediaPlayer.NaturalVideoWidth * mediaPlayer.NaturalVideoHeight]; 
    previousFramePixels = new uint[framePixels.Length]; 
    for (int i = 0; i < totFrames; i++) { 
     totalFrames.Add(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds((((2 * i) + 1) * totalMilliseconds)/(2 * totFrames))); 
     IsOpen = true; 

player = new Player(); 
    //The program wait the player to open before continuing 
    //you'll need to add the async keyword on the signature method containing this code. 
    await player.Open("C:\\FileName.avi"); 

    Bitmap b = player.GetNextFrame(); 

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