2016-09-08 7 views


そして、あなたはorder numberまたはallまたはnoneを選択することで、コマンドラインと対話する必要があります。




chdir("D:/Program Files/Maxima-5.30.0/bin"); 
$expr = escapeshellarg("display2d:false$ ??plot;"); 
// $expr = escapeshellarg("display2d:false$ solve(x^2-1=0, x);"; 
$cmd_str = "maxima --batch-string=$expr"; 

$res = exec($cmd_str, $out_arr, $return_val); 
$out_str = implode('<br/>', $out_arr); 
echo $out_str.'<br/>'; 


Maxima 5.30.0 http://maxima.sourceforge.net

using Lisp GNU Common Lisp (GCL) GCL 2.6.8 (a.k.a. GCL)

Distributed under the GNU Public License. See the file COPYING.

Dedicated to the memory of William Schelter.

The function bug_report() provides bug reporting information.

(%i1) display2d:false

(%i2) describe("plot",inexact)

0: Functions and Variables for Plotting

1: Gnuplot Options

2: Gnuplot_pipes Format Functions

3: Introduction to Plotting

4: Plotting Formats

5: Plotting Options

6: barsplot (Functions and Variables for statistical graphs)

7: barsplot_description (Functions and Variables for statistical graphs)

8: boxplot (Functions and Variables for statistical graphs)

9: boxplot_description (Functions and Variables for statistical graphs)

10: contour_plot (Functions and Variables for Plotting)

11: get_plot_option (Functions and Variables for Plotting)

12: gnuplot_close (Gnuplot_pipes Format Functions)

13: gnuplot_curve_styles (Gnuplot Options)

14: gnuplot_curve_titles (Gnuplot Options)

15: gnuplot_default_term_command (Gnuplot Options)

16: gnuplot_dumb_term_command (Gnuplot Options)

17: gnuplot_file_name (Functions and Variables for draw)

18: gnuplot_out_file (Gnuplot Options)

19: gnuplot_pm3d (Gnuplot Options)

20: gnuplot_preamble (Gnuplot Options)

21: gnuplot_ps_term_command (Gnuplot Options)

22: gnuplot_replot (Gnuplot_pipes Format Functions)

23: gnuplot_reset (Gnuplot_pipes Format Functions)

24: gnuplot_restart (Gnuplot_pipes Format Functions)

25: gnuplot_start (Gnuplot_pipes Format Functions)

26: gnuplot_term (Gnuplot Options)

27: implicit_plot (Functions and Variables for Plotting)

28: multiplot_mode (Functions and Variables for draw)

29: plot2d (Functions and Variables for Plotting)

30: plot3d (Functions and Variables for Plotting)

31: plotdf (Functions for numerical solution of differential equations)

32: ploteq (Functions for numerical solution of differential equations)

33: plot_format (Plotting Options)

34: plot_options (Functions and Variables for Plotting)

35: plot_realpart (Plotting Options)

36: scatterplot (Functions and Variables for statistical graphs)

37: scatterplot_description (Functions and Variables for statistical graphs)

38: set_plot_option (Functions and Variables for Plotting)

39: starplot (Functions and Variables for statistical graphs)

40: starplot_description (Functions and Variables for statistical graphs)

41: stemplot (Functions and Variables for statistical graphs)

Enter space-separated numbers, 'all' or 'none':

Still waiting:

Maxima encountered a Lisp error:

Error in PROGN [or a callee]: Unexpected end of #.

Automatically continuing.

To enable the Lisp debugger set debugger-hook to nil.

PHPスクリプトに$expr = escapeshellarg("display2d:false$ solve(x^2-1=0, x);";がある場合、私は期待される結果を得ることができます。

さらに、同様の問題が発生しましたHow to execute an interactive command from PHP?しかし、私の問題では機能しません。






は私がtry.redisweb macaulay2web Singularはソフトウェアredismacaulay2SingularのすべてのWebインタフェースであることがわかります。

alexmchale/try.redis:Redisデータベースのデモンストレーション。 https://github.com/alexmchale/try.redis

try redis

のGitHub - fhinkel/InteractiveShell:対話型のコマンドラインツールのWebアプリケーションを構築するhttps://github.com/fhinkel/InteractiveShell

ウェブmacaulay2:特異 http://habanero.math.cornell.edu:3690/ web-macaulay2

ウェブ: https://www.singular.uni-kl.de:8003/ web-Singular



これらのリソースは役に立ちますが、私はPHPとAJAXを使用してWebstieを実装することを強くお勧めします。 – iMath