2016-11-29 8 views

年に毎月の従業員給与の割引または動機付けのためのテーブルがあります。この表には、検索を使用して "Discount"または "Motivation"という単語のみを含むことができるフィールドが含まれています。アクセスクエリで複数の行のテキスト値を1つのセルに結合する方法


これは、その月に割引とモチベーションをとる表です。テーブル名が表1である: enter image description here

目的のクエリ結果: enter image description here


こちらをご覧ます。http:// STAC koverflow.com/questions/19478272/converting-mysql-code-to-access-group-concat-and-a-triple-join –




SELECT t.The_Year 
    , t.The_Month 
    , t.Emp_Num 
    , Nz(DSum("Money_Amount","Table1","Discount_Motivation = 'Discount' AND The_Year = " & t.The_Year & " AND The_Month = " & t.The_Month & " AND Emp_Num = " & t.Emp_Num), 0) AS Total_Discount 
    , ConcatRelated("Reason","Table1","Discount_Motivation = 'Discount' AND The_Year = " & t.The_Year & " AND The_Month = " & t.The_Month & " AND Emp_Num = " & t.Emp_Num) AS Discount_Reasons 
    , Nz(DSum("Money_Amount","Table1","Discount_Motivation = 'Motivation' AND The_Year = " & t.The_Year & " AND The_Month = " & t.The_Month & " AND Emp_Num = " & t.Emp_Num), 0) AS Total_Motivation 
    , ConcatRelated("Reason","Table1","Discount_Motivation = 'Motivation' AND The_Year = " & t.The_Year & " AND The_Month = " & t.The_Month & " AND Emp_Num = " & t.Emp_Num) AS Motivation_Reasons 
FROM Table1 t 
GROUP BY t.The_Year, t.Emp_Num, t.The_Month 
ORDER BY t.The_Year, t.Emp_Num, t.The_Month 



SELECT t.The_Year 
    , t.The_Month 
    , t.Emp_Num 
    , Format(Nz(DSum("Money_Amount","Table1","Discount_Motivation = 'Discount' AND The_Year = " & t.The_Year & " AND The_Month = " & t.The_Month & " AND Emp_Num = " & t.Emp_Num), 0), "Currency") AS Total_Discount 
    , ConcatRelated("Reason","Table1","Discount_Motivation = 'Discount' AND The_Year = " & t.The_Year & " AND The_Month = " & t.The_Month & " AND Emp_Num = " & t.Emp_Num) AS Discount_Reasons 
    , Format(Nz(DSum("Money_Amount","Table1","Discount_Motivation = 'Motivation' AND The_Year = " & t.The_Year & " AND The_Month = " & t.The_Month & " AND Emp_Num = " & t.Emp_Num), 0), "Currency") AS Total_Motivation 
    , ConcatRelated("Reason","Table1","Discount_Motivation = 'Motivation' AND The_Year = " & t.The_Year & " AND The_Month = " & t.The_Month & " AND Emp_Num = " & t.Emp_Num) AS Motivation_Reasons 
FROM Table1 t 
GROUP BY t.The_Year, t.Emp_Num, t.The_Month 
ORDER BY t.The_Year, t.Emp_Num, t.The_Month 



本当にありがとう、本当にありがとう、あなたは最高です:) –
