2016-06-15 6 views


  1. すべての醜いネストされたループを削除します。
  2. ダイナミックゲームを許可します。つまり、マッチリストを作成したままで、ネストループにエントリを追加して追加する必要はありません。 (私はマッチkを追加したい)


import numpy as np 

Odds Predictions. 

bet_amount = 1.00 

# Set up odds of all teams in groups, touple contains odds for coming in first place and second place. 
match_a = [("RUS-W", 2.37), ("RUS-X", 3.20), ("RUS-L", 3.50)] 
match_b = [("ROM-W", 3.30), ("ROM-X", 3.10), ("ROM-L", 2.50)] 
match_c = [("FRA-W", 1.25), ("FRA-X", 6.00), ("FRA-L", 11.00)] 
match_d = [("ENG-W", 1.57), ("ENG-X", 4.00), ("END-L", 7.00)] 
match_e= [("UKR-W", 1.57), ("UKR-X", 4.00), ("UKR-L", 7.00)] 
match_f = [("GER-W", 1.57), ("GER-X", 4.33), ("GER-L", 6.50)] 
match_g = [("ITA-W", 1.83), ("ITA-X", 3.50), ("ITA-L", 5.25)] 
match_h = [("CZK-W", 4.75), ("CZK-X", 3.50), ("CZK-L", 1.90)] 
match_i = [("SPA-W", 1.40), ("SPA-X", 4.75), ("SPA-L", 10.00)] 
match_j = [("BEL-W", 1.72), ("BEL-X", 3.80), ("BEL-L", 5.50)] 

totals = [] 
total_rank = [] 
count = 0 

print 'Computing Combinations' 

for mat_a in match_a: 
    for mat_b in match_b: 
    for mat_c in match_c: 
     for mat_d in match_d: 
     for mat_e in match_e: 
      for mat_f in match_f: 
      for mat_g in match_g: 
       for mat_h in match_h: 
       for mat_i in match_i: 
        for mat_j in match_j: 

        entry = '%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s,' % (mat_a[0] , mat_b[0] , mat_c[0] , mat_d[0] , mat_e[0] , mat_f[0], mat_g[0] , mat_h[0] , mat_i[0] , mat_j[0]) 
        rank = mat_a[1] * mat_b[1] * mat_c[1] * mat_d[1] * mat_e[1] * mat_f[1]* mat_g[1] * mat_h[1] * mat_i[1] * mat_j[1] 

        totals.append([entry, rank]) 

        count += 1 

print 'Total Combinations : %d ' % count 
print 'Sorting Combinations' 

totals = sorted(totals,key=lambda x: x[1]) 

print 'Bet Amount : %f' % bet_amount 

for count, total in enumerate(totals): 
    if count < 100: 
    print ' %s -> %s' % (total[0], total[1] * bet_amount) 




totals = [(", ".join(x[0] for x in mat_x), reduce(operator.mul, (x[1] for x in mat_x))) 
      for mat_x in itertools.product(*matches)] 


import itertools, operator matches = [match_a, match_b, match_c, match_d, match_e, match_f, match_g, match_h, match_i, match_j] for mat_x in itertools.product(*matches): entry = ", ".join(x[0] for x in mat_x) rank = reduce(operator.mul, (x[1] for x in mat_x)) totals.append([entry, rank]) print 'Total Combinations : %d ' % len(totals) 

あなたも、このリストの内包作ることができます –
