2017-04-20 8 views


using System; 

class Program 
    static void Main() 
     Circle C1 = new Circle(5); 
     Console.WriteLine("The area of the first circle is {0}", C1.CalculateArea()); 

class Circle 
    public static float _Pi;       // Since the value of pi will not change according to circles, we have to make it static 
    int _Radius;          // This is an instance field, whose value is different for different instances of the class 

    static Circle()          // A static constructor initializes the static fields   
     Console.WriteLine("Static constructor executed"); 
     Circle._Pi = 3.14F; 
    public Circle(int Radius)       // An instance constructor initializes the instance fields 
     Console.WriteLine("Instance constructor executed"); 
     this._Radius = Radius; 
     Circle._Pi = 2.12F;        // This again initializes the value of the pi to a different value as given by the static constructor 
    public float CalculateArea() 
     return this._Radius*this._Radius*Circle._Pi; 

は、書き込みを不可能にする 'const'を使用します。 –


ダニエルそれは私の質問のポイントではありません。静的フィールドを書き込み不可能にする方法は他にもあります。私の懸念は、なぜこの機能が提供されているのですか?どのような例のように、インスタンスコンストラクタは静的フィールドを使用する必要がありますか? – TotalGadha





public class Employee { 
     static int NextEmployeeId; // a counter across all employees 

     public int EmployeeId; // this instance's employee id 
     public string Name;  // this instance's name. 

     static Employee() { 
      Employee.NextEmployeeId = 1; // first employee gets 1. 

     public Employee(string Name) { 
      this.Name = Name; 
      this.EmployeeId = Employee.NextEmployeeId++; // take an id and increment for the next employee 


あなたはあなたの答えを例で説明できますか?私があなたが説明しようとしているのと同じことを理解したことを確かめるために、P – TotalGadha



public class AClass() 
    public static float staticField; 
    public float field; 
    public AClass() 
     staticField = 5; 
     field = 6; 
    static AClass() 
     staticField = 7; 

public int Main() 
    float initially = AClass.staticField; // initially this staticField is 7. 
    AClass aclass = new AClass(); // instantiating AClass 
    float localfield = aclass.field; // this field does not affect anyone. It is 6 
    float newStaticField = AClass.staticField; // Due to previous instantiation, the value is now 5. 




public class NewEncryptionClass() 
     public static string Key; 
     public NewEncryptionClass() 

     public NewEncryptionClass(string newKey) 
      Key = newKey; // store the key and keep it forever 
     static NewEncryptionClass() 
      Key = "key1"; // initially key is "key1" 
     public string Encrypt(string str) 
      string result = string.Empty; 
      result = "adlasdjalskd" + Key + "ajlajfalkjfa" + str; // do the Encryption, I just made up 
      return result 


public int Main() 
    string initialkey = NewEncryptionClass.Key; 
    string result1 = new EncryptionClass().Encrypt("encryptThis"); // using key1 

    // let's change the key 
    string result2 = new EncryptionClass("key2").Encrypt("encryptThat"); // using key2 
    string result3 = new EncryptionClass().Encrypt("encryptOther"); // still using key2 


