2017-03-13 16 views


は、ここでは、URLの文字列でなければなりませんdata` app.js

// function to process the form 
$scope.processForm = function() { 
     method : 'POST', 
     url  : 'docusign.php', // PHP script generates URL from form data 
     data : $scope.user // pass in data as strings 

     .success(function(data) { 
      window.open(data); // this gets prevented by Chrome's popup blocker 
      //The root of the new page I'm trying to open is https://www.docusign.net 
      // -- Am I getting a pop-up block because I'm trying to take the user to a 
      // different website? 


// function to process the form 
$scope.processForm = function() { 
     method : 'POST', 
     url  : 'docusign.php', // PHP script generates URL from form data 
     data : $scope.user, // pass in data as strings 
     async : false 

     .success(function(data) { 
      window.open(data, '_blank'); // this gets prevented by Chrome's popup blocker 

それは同じポップアップブロックの問題の内容が何であるかを – user3183717


を受け取る 'だけ –


それが判明、私の中の私$http要求部ですこの呼び出しの非同期性のためです。http://stackoverflow.com/a/19279442/2840591 私はこの –
