2016-07-09 16 views


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このサイトは、特定のコード関連の質問であり、「コードは無料」ではありません。 [How to ask](http://stackoverflow.com/help/how-to-ask)を参照し、それに従って質問を変更してください。 –


シート内のすべてのセルをロックし、列ラベルが行ラベルと同じセルをロック解除し、シートを保護します。コードを試してみたら、それを見るのがよいでしょう。 –




Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) 
    If Target.Value <> "" Then '<--| bother only when user inputs values, not when he/she deletes them 
     If Cells(2, Target.Column) <> Cells(Target.Row, 1) Then '<--| if edited cell row (row 2) and column (column 1) headers don't match then ... 
      MsgBox "Sorry you must input a cell whose row and column headers match !" '<--|... inform the user... 
      Application.EnableEvents = False ' <--|... disable events not to have this event handler be called in an infinite loop,,, 
      Target.ClearContents '<--| clear the invalid userinput 
      Application.EnableEvents = True '<--| enable back events and have them run for subsequent user inputs 
     End If 
    End If 
End Sub 


Sub StopEntries() 

Dim ws As Worksheet 
Dim wb As Workbook 
Dim SheetRow As Integer 
Dim SheetColumn As Integer 
Const ColumnHeaderRow As Integer = 2 
Const RowHeaderColumn As Integer = 1 
Const NumberOfRows As Integer = 21 
Const NumberOfColumns As Integer = 21 

Set wb = Workbooks("TestBook.xlsx") 
Set ws = wb.Worksheets("LockedSheet") 

With ws 
' lock all cells 
ws.Cells.Locked = True 

' unlock cells that meet the condition 
For SheetRow = 1 To NumberOfRows 
    For SheetColumn = 1 To NumberOfColumns 
     If .Cells(SheetRow + ColumnHeaderRow, RowHeaderColumn) = .Cells(ColumnHeaderRow, SheetColumn + RowHeaderColumn) Then .Cells(SheetRow + ColumnHeaderRow, SheetColumn + RowHeaderColumn).Locked = False 
    Next SheetColumn 
Next SheetRow 

' protect the sheet 
.Protect UserInterfaceOnly:=True 
End With 

End Sub 