2012-01-12 19 views

Joomla TPJOBSコンポーネントには新機能が追加されていますが、これは正常/完全/有効コンポーネントではありませんが、可用性チェッカーはユーザ名を追加するだけですが、このコンポーネントではユーザ名を確認する可用性問題

私のJoomlaのコンポーネントディレクトリがです:\ public_htmlの\コンポーネント

編集 tpjobs.html.php(出)とusername_validate.php(作成)

私のJavascriptのAJAXコード\ \ com_tpjobs:私たちファイル

// JavaScript <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- //function to create ajax object function pullAjax(){ var a; try{ a = new XMLHttpRequest() } catch(b) { try { a = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP") } catch(b) { try { a = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") } catch(b) { alert("Your browser broke!"); return false } } } return a; } function <?php defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access'); $user = strip_tags(trim($_REQUEST['username'])); if(strlen($user) <= 0) { echo json_encode(array('code' => -1, 'result' => 'Invalid username, please try again.' )); die; } $query = "Select a.username FROM #__users where username = '$user' "; $db =& JFactory::getDBO(); $result = $db->setQuery($query); $available = mysql_num_rows($result); if($available) { echo json_encode(array('code' => 1, 'result' => "Success,username $user is still available" )); die; } else { echo json_encode(array('code' => 0, 'result' => "Sorry but username $user is already taken." )); die; } die; ?>() { site_root = ''; var x = document.getElementById('username'); var msg = document.getElementById('msg'); user = x.value; code = ''; message = ''; obj = pullAjax(); obj.onreadystatechange = function(){ if(obj.readyState == 4) { eval("result = " + obj.responseText); code = result['code']; message = result['result']; if(code <=0) { x.style.border = "1px solid #FF0084"; msg.style.color = "#FF1A00"; } else { x.style.border = "1px solid #008C00"; msg.style.color = "#73880A"; } msg.innerHTML = message; } } obj.open("GET", site_root + "username_validate.php?username=" + user, true); obj.send(null); } //--> </script> <style> #username{border: 1px solid #000;} </style> 


defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access'); 

$user = strip_tags(trim($_REQUEST['username'])); 

if(strlen($user) <= 0) 
    echo json_encode(array('code' => -1, 
    'result' => 'Invalid username, please try again.' 

// Query database to check if the username is available 
$query = "Select a.username FROM #__users where username = '$user' "; 

$available = true; 

    echo json_encode(array('code' => 1, 
    'result' => "Success,username $user is still available" 
    echo json_encode(array('code' => 0, 
    'result' => "Sorry but username $user is already taken." 


<form action="index.php" method="post" name="regJobSeekerNew" enctype="multipart/form-data"> 
    <div class="col width-60"> 
    <fieldset class="tpj_fieldset"> 
     <legend><?php echo JText::_('USER INFORMATION'); ?></legend> 
     <table class="admintable"> 
      <td class="key"><label for="first_name"> <?php echo JText::_('FIRST NAME'); ?>: </label></td> 
      <td><input type="text" size="50" maxlength="100" name="first_name" id="first_name" class="inputbox"></td> 
      <td class="key"><label for="last_name"> <?php echo JText::_('LAST NAME'); ?>: </label></td> 
      <td><input type="text" size="50" maxlength="100" name="last_name" id="last_name" class="inputbox"></td> 
      <td class="key"><label for="name"> <?php echo JText::_('USERNAME'); ?>: </label></td> 
      <td><input type="text" size="50" maxlength="100" name="username" id="username" class="inputbox"><input type="button" onclick="username_validate();" value="Check Availability"/><br /><div id="msg"></div></td> 
      <td class="key"><label for="name"> <?php echo JText::_('EMAIL'); ?>: </label></td> 
      <td><input type="text" size="50" maxlength="100" name="email" id="email" class="inputbox"></td> 
      <td class="key"><label for="name"> <?php echo JText::_('PASSWORD'); ?>: </label></td> 
      <td><input type="password" size="50" maxlength="100" name="password" id="password" class="inputbox"></td> 
      <td class="key"><label for="name"> <?php echo JText::_('VERIFY PASSWORD'); ?>: </label></td> 
      <td><input type="password" size="50" maxlength="100" name="password2" id="password2" class="inputbox"></td> 
    <div class="col width-60"> 
    <fieldset class="tpj_fieldset"> 
     <legend><?php echo JText::_('EXPERIENCE/EDUCATION'); ?></legend> 
     <table class="admintable"> 
      <td class="key"><label for="name"> <?php echo JText::_('CURRENT POSITION'); ?>: </label></td> 
      <td><input class="inputbox" type="text" name="current_position" id="current_position" size="60" maxlength="100" value="" /></td> 
      <td class="key"><label for="name"> <?php echo JText::_('MAJOR'); ?>: </label></td> 
         $list_major = getSelectMajor('id_major', '', ''); 
         echo $list_major; 
      <td class="key"><label for="name"> <?php echo JText::_('DEGREE LEVEL'); ?>: </label></td> 
         $list_degree_level = getSelectDegreeLevel('id_degree_level', '', '');            echo $list_degree_level; 
    <div class="col width-60"> 
    <fieldset class="tpj_fieldset"> 
     <legend><?php echo JText::_('DESIRED EMPLOYMENT'); ?></legend> 
     <table class="admintable"> 
      <td class="key"><label for="name"> <?php echo JText::_('PRIMARY INDUSTRY'); ?>: </label></td> 
         $list_primary_industry = getSelectIndustry('id_industry1', '', ''); 
         echo $list_primary_industry;      
      <td class="key"><label for="name"> <?php echo JText::_('SECONDARY INDUSTRY'); ?>: </label></td> 
         $list_secondary_industry = getSelectIndustry('id_industry2', '', ''); 
         echo $list_secondary_industry;     
      <td class="key"><label for="name"> <?php echo JText::_('POSITION TYPE'); ?>: </label></td> 
         $list_position_type = getSelectPositionType('id_pos_type', '', ''); 
         echo $list_position_type;     
      <td class="key"><label for="name"> <?php echo JText::_('MINIMUM SALARY'); ?>: </label></td> 
      <td nowrap="nowrap"><input class="inputbox" type="text" name="min_salary" id="min_salary" size="40" maxlength="100" value="" /> 
         $list_salary_type = getSelectTypeSalary('id_type_salary', '', ''); 
         echo $list_salary_type;     
      <td class="key"><label for="name"> <?php echo JText::_('IN CURRENCY'); ?>: </label></td> 
      <td nowrap="nowrap"><input class="inputbox" type="text" name="currency_salary" id="currency_salary" size="10" maxlength="100" value="" /></td> 
      <td class="key"><label for="name"> <?php echo JText::_('UPLOAD A PHOTO'); ?>: </label></td> 
      <td nowrap="nowrap"><input type="file" name="photo" class="inputbox" /></td> 
      $rowid = (!empty($row->user_id)) ? $row->user_id : null; 
      HTML_front_tpjobs::showCustom($custom, $rowid); 
      $config = & JComponentHelper::getParams('com_tpjobs'); 
      $termid = $config->get('termarticleid'); 
      $link = JRoute::_("index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=".$termid); 
global $mainframe; 
$mainframe->triggerEvent('onShowOSOLCaptcha', array(false)); 
    <p><?php echo JText::sprintf('BY CLICKING YOU ARE AGREE', $link); ?></a></p> 
    <input type="button" value="<?php echo JText::_('I ACCEPT CREATE MY ACCOUNT'); ?>" class="button" onClick="validateregJobSeekerNew()" /> 
    <input type="hidden" name="option" value="<?php echo $option; ?>" /> 
    <input type="hidden" name="task" value="savejobseekernew" /> 
    <input type="hidden" name="id" value="" /> 
    <input type="hidden" name="boxchecked" value="0" /> 
    <?php echo JHTML::_('form.token'); ?> 

サイトのルートについての混乱とusername_validate.phpは、この必要なデータベース接続していますか? – user1132928


defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access'); 

$user = strip_tags(trim($_REQUEST['username'])); 

if(strlen($user) <= 0) 
    echo json_encode(array('code' => -1, 
    'result' => 'Invalid username, please try again.' 

// Query database to check if the username is available 
$query = "Select a.username FROM #__users where username = '$user' "; 
// Execute the above query using your own script and if it return you the 
// result (row) we should return negative, else a success message. 

$db =& JFactory::getDBO(); 

$result = $db->setQuery($query); 

$available = mysql_num_rows($result); 

    echo json_encode(array('code' => 1, 
    'result' => "Success,username $user is still available" 
    echo json_encode(array('code' => 0, 
    'result' => "Sorry but username $user is already taken." 

私は試しました。 – user1132928
