私はCNNを使って画像を分類するコードを持っていますので、トレーニングデータセットとテストデータセットがあります。私はシステムを実行すると、私はこのエラーを持っている:reshapeエラー/ ValueError:新しい配列の合計サイズは変更しないでください
ValueError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-44-cb7ec1a13881> in <module>()
1 optimize(num_iterations=1)
----> 3 print_validation_accuracy()
<ipython-input-43-7f1a17e48e41> in print_validation_accuracy(show_example_errors, show_confusion_matrix)
22 # Get the images from the test-set between index i and j.
---> 23 images = data.valid.images[i:j, :].reshape(batch_size, img_size_flat)
24 #images = data.valid.images[i:j, :].reshape(1, 128)
ValueError: total size of new array must be unchanged
def print_validation_accuracy(show_example_errors=False,
# Number of images in the test-set.
num_test = len(data.valid.images)
# Allocate an array for the predicted classes which
# will be calculated in batches and filled into this array.
cls_pred = np.zeros(shape=num_test, dtype=np.int)
# Now calculate the predicted classes for the batches.
# We will just iterate through all the batches.
# There might be a more clever and Pythonic way of doing this.
# The starting index for the next batch is denoted i.
i = 0
while i < num_test:
# The ending index for the next batch is denoted j.
j = min(i + batch_size, num_test)
# Get the images from the test-set between index i and j.
images = data.valid.images[i:j, :].reshape(batch_size, img_size_flat)
# Get the associated labels.
labels = data.valid.labels[i:j, :]
# Create a feed-dict with these images and labels.
feed_dict = {x: images,
y_true: labels}
# Calculate the predicted class using TensorFlow.
cls_pred[i:j] = session.run(y_pred_cls, feed_dict=feed_dict)
# Set the start-index for the next batch to the
# end-index of the current batch.
i = j
cls_true = np.array(data.valid.cls)
cls_pred = np.array([classes[x] for x in cls_pred])
# Create a boolean array whether each image is correctly classified.
correct = (cls_true == cls_pred)
# Calculate the number of correctly classified images.
# When summing a boolean array, False means 0 and True means 1.
correct_sum = correct.sum()
# Classification accuracy is the number of correctly classified
# images divided by the total number of images in the test-set.
acc = float(correct_sum)/num_test
# Print the accuracy.
msg = "Accuracy on Test-Set: {0:.1%} ({1}/{2})"
print(msg.format(acc, correct_sum, num_test))
# Plot some examples of mis-classifications, if desired.
if show_example_errors:
print("Example errors:")
plot_example_errors(cls_pred=cls_pred, correct=correct)
# Plot the confusion matrix, if desired.
if show_confusion_matrix:
print("Confusion Matrix:")