% Make some data
data = {'a'; 1; 2; 3;
'b'; 4; 5;
'c'; 6; 7; 8; 9;
'e'; 10; 11; 12};
% Which elements are the names?
isName = cellfun(@ischar, data);
% Use CUMSUM to work out for each row, which name it corresponds to
whichName = cumsum(isName);
% Pick out only the values from 'data', and filter 'whichName'
% for just the values
justVals = data(~isName);
whichName = whichName(~isName);
% Use ACCUMARRAY to build up lists per name. Note that the function
% used by ACCUMARRAY must return something scalar from a column of
% values, so we return a scalar cell containing a row-vector
% of those values
listPerName = accumarray(whichName, cell2mat(justVals), [], @(x) {x.'});
% All that remains is to prepend the name to each cell. This ends
% up with each row of output being a cell like {'a', [1 2 3]}.
% It's simple to make the output be {'a', 1, 2, 3} by adding
% a call to NUM2CELL on 'v' in the anonymous function.
nameAndVals = cellfun(@(n, v) [{n}, v], data(isName), listPerName, ...
'UniformOutput', false);
「indx_last」はサイズが1なので、どの「ループ」でも同じですか? – Suever