static void Main(string[] args)
string answer1;
string answer2;
string answer3;
string answer4;
string answer5;
string answer6;
string answer7;
string answer8;
string answer9;
string answer10;
int answeredQs = 0;
Random rnd = new Random();
int questionNum = rnd.Next(1,10);
Console.WriteLine("Question Number: " + questionNum);
if (questionNum == 1)
Console.WriteLine("What is a CPU?");
answer1 = Console.ReadLine();
answeredQs = +1;
if (questionNum == 2)
Console.WriteLine("What does 'RAM' stand for?");
answer2 = Console.ReadLine();
answeredQs = answeredQs + 1;
if (questionNum == 3)
Console.WriteLine("What is RAM?");
answer3 = Console.ReadLine();
answeredQs = answeredQs + 1;
if (questionNum == 4)
Console.WriteLine("How do you measure how fast a processor is?");
answer4 = Console.ReadLine();
answeredQs = answeredQs + 1;
if (questionNum == 5)
Console.WriteLine("What is an ALU & what does it do?");
answer5 = Console.ReadLine();
answeredQs = answeredQs + 1;
if (questionNum == 6)
Console.WriteLine("What is a register?");
answer6 = Console.ReadLine();
answeredQs = answeredQs + 1;
if (questionNum == 7)
Console.WriteLine("What is EEPROM?");
answer7 = Console.ReadLine();
answeredQs = answeredQs + 1;
if (questionNum == 8)
Console.WriteLine("What is the difference between SRAM and DRAM?");
answer8 = Console.ReadLine();
answeredQs = answeredQs + 1;
if (questionNum == 9)
Console.WriteLine("What is ROM?");
answer9 = Console.ReadLine();
answeredQs = answeredQs + 1;
if (questionNum == 10)
Console.WriteLine("What does the Control Unit do?");
answer10 = Console.ReadLine();
answeredQs = answeredQs + 1;
if (answeredQs == 10)
素晴らしい!あなたの質問は何ですか? – Fabjan
私は調整しました。文(質問)が1の場合はどうすれば終了し、そうであれば乱数ジェネレータは別のものを指します。 –
まあ、あなたはすべての質問を配列に入れてそれをシャッフルし、それらを一つずつ(それらが既にランダムな順序である時に)取り出します。配列をシャッフルする方法を読むことができます[ここ](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4120002/how-to-randomize-array-items-and-then-crop-the-array-by-required-percent)。 – Fabjan