# Create test dataframe
df <- data.frame(themes = c("firstcategory_1;secondcategory_33;thirdcategory_5", "secondcategory_33;fourthcategory_2","fifthcategory_1"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# Get the number of columns to split values into
cols <- max(str_count(df$themes,";")) + 1
# Get vector of temporary column names
cols <- paste0("col",c(1:cols))
df <- df %>%
# Add an ID column based on row number
mutate(ID = row_number()) %>%
# Separate multiple categories by semicolon
separate(col = themes, into = cols, sep = ";", fill = "right") %>%
# Gather categories into a single column
gather_("Column", "Value", cols) %>%
# Drop temporary column
select(-Column) %>%
# Filter out NA values
filter(!is.na(Value)) %>%
# Separate categories from their counts by underscore
separate(col = Value, into = c("Category","Count"), sep = "_", fill = "right") %>%
# Spread categories to create a column for each category, with the count for each ID in that category
spread(Category, Count)
あなたが探しているもののより良いアイデアを得るために、希望する出力をテーブルとして含めてください。また、これを解決しようとしたコードと間違った場所を含めてください。 – lmo