import time
print "Welcome! I can tell you the year in which you will turn 100 years old!"
name = str(raw_input ('What is your name? '))
age = int(raw_input ('What is your age? '))
birthday = str(raw_input ('Has your birthday passed for the year? (answer yes or no) '))
curYear = time.localtime(time.time())
if birthday == str('y') or str('yes') or str('Yes'):
bdayY = name + str(', ') + str('you will turn 100 years old in the year ') + (curYear + (int(100) - age)) + str('!')
print bdayY
elif birthday == str('n') or str('no') or str('No'):
bdayN = name + str(', ') + str('you will turn 100 years old in the year ') + (curYear + (int(100) - (age + int(1)))) + str('!')
print bdayN
print "Invalid Answer"