2017-11-01 3 views

私は、アプリケーションのクライアント側の検証のためにHTML5制約検証を手助けするためにtutorial from css-tricksを使用しました。私は、フォームを提出するAJAXスクリプトを紹介して、ページを再読み込みしないようにしたいと思っています。(フォームがモーダルポップアップで表示され、提出時に閉じたくないので)JavaScript内からjQuery AJAXを実装する





function copyTxtVal(bf) { 
    if(bf.samecheck.checked == true) { 
     bf.contact_name_first.value = bf.cpap_sup_name_first.value; 
     bf.contact_name_last.value = bf.cpap_sup_name_last.value; 
    } else { 
     bf.contact_name_first.value = ''; 
     bf.contact_name_last.value = ''; 

// Add the novalidate attribute when the JS loads 
var forms = document.querySelectorAll('.validate'); 

for (var i = 0; i < forms.length; i++) { 
    forms[i].setAttribute('novalidate', true); 

// Validate the field 
var hasError = function (field) { 

    // Don't validate submits, buttons, file and reset inputs, and disabled fields 
    if(field.disabled || field.type === 'file' || field.type === 'reset' || field.type === 'submit' || field.type === 'button') return; 

    // Get Validity 
    var validity = field.validity; 

    // Get valid, return null 
    if(validity.valid) return; 

    // If field is required and empty 
    if (validity.valueMissing) return 'Please fill out this field.'; 

    // If not the right type 
    if (validity.typeMismatch) { 

     if(field.type === 'email') return 'Please enter an email address.'; 

     if(field.type === 'url') return 'Please enter a URL.'; 

    // If too short 
    if (validity.tooShort) return 'Please lengthen this text to ' + field.getAttribute('minLength') + ' characters or more. You are currently using ' + field.value.length + ' characters.'; 

    // If too long 
    if (validity.tooLong) return 'Please short this text to no more than ' + field.getAttribute('maxLength') + ' characters. You are currently using ' + field.value.length + ' characters.'; 

    // If number input isn't a number 
    if (validity.badInput) return 'Please enter a number.'; 

    // If a number value doesn't match the step interval 
    if (validity.stepMismatch) return 'Please select a valid value.'; 

    // If a number field is over the max 
    if (validity.rangeOverflow) return 'Please select a smaller value.'; 

    // If a number field is below the min 
    if (validity.rangeUnderflow) return 'Please select a larger value.'; 

    // If pattern doesn't match 
    if (validity.patternMismatch) { 

     // If pattern info is included, return custom error 
     if (field.hasAttribute('title')) return field.getAttribute('title'); 

     // Otherwise, generic error 
     return 'Please match the requested format.'; 

    // If all else fails, return a generic catchall error 
    return 'The value you entered for this field is invalid.'; 


var showError = function(field, error){ 
    // Add error class to field 

    // Get field id or name 
    var id = field.id || field.name; 
    if (!id) return; 

    // Check if error message field already exists 
    // If not, create one 
    var message = field.form.querySelector('.error-message#error-for-' + id); 
    if (!message) { 
     message = document.createElement('div'); 
     message.className = 'error-message'; 
     message.id = 'error-for-' + id; 
     field.parentNode.insertBefore(message, field.nextSibling); 

    // Add ARIA role to the field 
    field.setAttribute('aria-describedby', 'error-for-' + id); 

    // Update error message 
    message.innerHTML = error; 

    // Show error message 
    message.style.display = 'block'; 
    message.style.visibility = 'visible'; 


var removeError = function(field) { 
    // Remove the error message 

    // Remove error class to field 

    // Remove ARIA role from the field 

    // Get field id or name 
    var id = field.id || field.name; 
    if (!id) return; 

    // Check if an error message is in the DOM 
    var message = field.form.querySelector('.error-message#error-for-' + id + ''); 
    if (!message) return; 

    // If so, hide it 
    message.innerHTML = ''; 
    message.style.display = 'none'; 
    message.style.visibility = 'hidden'; 

//Listen to all blur events 
document.addEventListener('blur', function (event) { 
    // Only run if field is in a form to be validated by our custom script 
    if (!event.target.form.classList.contains('validate')) return; 

    // Validate field 
    var error = hasError(event.target); 

    // If there's an error, show it 
     showError(event.target, error); 

    //Otherwise, remove any existing error msg 
}, true); 

// Check all fields on submit 
document.addEventListener('submit', function (event) { 

    // Only run on forms flagged for validation 
    if (!event.target.classList.contains('validate')) return; 

    // Get all of the form elements 
    var fields = event.target.elements; 

    // Validate each field 
    // Store the first field with an error to a variable so we can bring it into focus later 
    var error, hasErrors; 
    for (var i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) { 
     error = hasError(fields[i]); 
     if (error) { 
      showError(fields[i], error); 
      if (!hasErrors) { 
       hasErrors = fields[i]; 

    // If there are errors, don't submit form and focus on first element with error 
    if (hasErrors) { 
    // Call self invoking jQuery function to handle form submit by Ajax if validation passes 
    else { 
      var form = $('#cpapsupform'); 
      var formMessages = $('#cpap-form-messages'); 

      // Is this line below necessary if I've done this in the normal js above? 
       // Serialize Form Data 
       var formData = $(form).serialize(); 
       //Submit the form via AJAX 
        type: 'POST', 
        url: $(form).attr('action'), 
        data: formData 

       .done(function(response) { 
        // Make sure that the formMessages div has the 'success' class. 

        // Set the message text. 

        // Clear the form. 

       .fail(function(data) { 
        // Make sure that the formMessages div has the 'error' class. 

        // Set the message text. 
        if (data.responseText !== '') { 
        } else { 
         $(formMessages).text('An error occured and your message could not be sent.'); 
}, false); 


<div id="cpap-form-area"> 
    <div id="cpap-form-messages"></div> 
    <div class="cpap-form-greet"> 
     <p>Some text goes here.</p> 
    <form method="POST" action="" id="cpapsupform" class="validate" enctype="multipart/form-data" >    
      <legend>Patient Name</legend> 
      <div class="p-firstname"> 
       <label for="cpap_sup_name_first">First Name:</label> 
       <input type="text" size="50" name="cpap_sup_name_first" id="cpap_sup_name_first" value="<?php echo $display['cpap_sup_name_first']; ?>" required /> 
      <div class="p-lastname"> 
       <label for="cpap_sup_name_last">Last Name:</label> 
       <input type="text" size="50" name="cpap_sup_name_last" id="cpap_sup_name_last" value="<?php echo $display['cpap_sup_name_last']; ?>" required /> 
      <legend>Point of Contact</legend> 
      <div class="samename"> 
       <div class="cpap_input_alt"> 
        <input id="samecheck" type="checkbox" name="samecheck" onchange="copyTxtVal(this.form);"> 
       <label for="samecheck">Use same as above</label> 
      <div class="c-firstname"> 
       <label for="contact_name_first">First Name:</label> 
       <input type="text" size="50" name="contact_name_first" id="contact_name_first" value="<?php echo $display['contact_name_first']; ?>" required /> 
      <div class="c-lastname"> 
       <label for="contact_name_last">Last Name:</label> 
       <input type="text" size="50" name="contact_name_last" id="contact_name_last" value="<?php echo $display['contact_name_last']; ?>" required /> 
      <legend>Contact Details</legend> 
      <div class="cpap-email-contact"> 
       <label for="cpap_contact_email">Email:</label> 
       <input type="email" name="cpap_contact_email" id="cpap_contact_email" value="<?php echo $display['cpap_contact_email']; ?>" title="The domain portion of the email after '@' is invalid." pattern="^([^\x00-\x20\x22\x28\x29\x2c\x2e\x3a-\x3c\x3e\x40\x5b-\x5d\x7f-\xff]+|\x22([^\x0d\x22\x5c\x80-\xff]|\x5c[\x00-\x7f])*\x22)(\x2e([^\x00-\x20\x22\x28\x29\x2c\x2e\x3a-\x3c\x3e\x40\x5b-\x5d\x7f-\xff]+|\x22([^\x0d\x22\x5c\x80-\xff]|\x5c[\x00-\x7f])*\x22))*\x40([^\x00-\x20\x22\x28\x29\x2c\x2e\x3a-\x3c\x3e\x40\x5b-\x5d\x7f-\xff]+|\x5b([^\x0d\x5b-\x5d\x80-\xff]|\x5c[\x00-\x7f])*\x5d)(\x2e([^\x00-\x20\x22\x28\x29\x2c\x2e\x3a-\x3c\x3e\x40\x5b-\x5d\x7f-\xff]+|\x5b([^\x0d\x5b-\x5d\x80-\xff]|\x5c[\x00-\x7f])*\x5d))*(\.\w{2,})+$" required /> 
      <div class="cpap-tel-contact"> 
       <label for="cpap_contact_phone">Phone:<br /><span class="tiny-txt">(10 digits; no spaces)</span></label> 
       <input type="text" maxlength="10" name="cpap_contact_phone" id="cpap_contact_phone" value="<?php echo $display['cpap_contact_phone']; ?>" pattern="\d{10}" required /> 
      <legend>Patient Date of Birth</legend> 
      <div class="cpap-dob"> 
       <label for="cpap_patient_dob">Birthdate: <br /><span class="tiny-txt">(MM/DD/YYYY)</span></label> 
       <input type="text" name="cpap_patient_dob" id="cpap_patient_dob" value="<?php echo $display['cpap_patient_dob']; ?>" title="Your date looks incorrect, or it doesn't match the required format." max-length="10" pattern="((0[1-9])|(1[0-2]))/(([0-2]\d)|([3][01]))/((19|20)\d{2})" required ></input> 
      <legend>Address Info</legend> 
      <div class="cpap-zip"> 
       <label for="cpap_patient_zip">Patient Zipcode:<br /><span class="tiny-txt">(first 5 digits only)</span></label> 
       <input type="text" maxlength="5" name="cpap_patient_zip" id="cpap_patient_zip" value="<?php echo $display['cpap_patient_zip']; ?>" required ></input> 
     <button type="submit" id="cpapAjaxButton" name="cpapAjaxButton">Submit Request</button> 
     <p class="form-msg">All fields must be completed</p> 
     <div class="clearfix"></div> 
     <?php wp_nonce_field('submit_cpap_form','nonce_field_for_submit_cpap_form'); ?> 

'else'自己呼び出し関数は冗長です。コードが 'else'に流入すると、自己呼び出し関数は必要ありません。実行する必要があるコードを用意してください。 –


各フォームフィールドの値を手動で空の文字列に戻すのではなく、フォーム要素の '.reset()'メソッドを呼び出すだけではどうですか? –




// Call self invoking jQuery function to handle form submit by Ajax if validation passes 
else (function($){ 


// Call self invoking jQuery function to handle form submit by Ajax if validation passes 
else { (function($){ 


// Call self invoking jQuery function to handle form submit by Ajax if validation passes 
else { 
    (function($) { 

今、あなたの主なポイント。コードを使用する前にJQueryライブラリを参照している限り、必要なときにJQueryを使用するだけです。いくつかのページ初期化作業が必要な場合は、「はい」、「文書準備完了」関数をJQueryオブジェクトに渡す必要があります。しかし、それとは別に、必要なときにいつでもJQueryを活用することができます。elseブランチの内部呼び出し機能は冗長です。 - コード実行がそのブランチに入ると、JQueryを再度呼び出さずにそのまま使用します。 。 documentオブジェクトがsubmitイベントを持っていない、

document.addEventListener('submit', function (event) { 





// The document object doesn't get submitted, the form does. 
// Also this sytax finds every form that has the "validate" class, 
// so there is no need to test for that in the callback function 
$("form.validate").on('submit', function (event) { 

    // Get all of the form elements 
    var fields = event.target.elements; 

    // Always initialize your variables. Set them to null if you don't know the value to use yet 
    // Also, the "error" and "hasError" variables are not needed. You'll see why in a couple of lines down. 
    var hasErrors = null; 
    for (var i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) { 
    // I'm assuming you have a working "hasError" function that returns a boolean 
    // So, just take that return value and make that the basis for the if condition -- no 
    // need to store it just to test it on the next line. 
    if (hasError(fields[i])) { 
     // I'm assuming you have a working "showError" function. If we've entered into this 
     // branch of the code, we know that "hasError" returned true, so we can just pass that 
     // directly into the "showError" function instead of the "error" variable that we've 
     // now gotten rid of. 
     showError(fields[i], true); 
     // No need to test here. There is an error. 
     hasErrors = fields[i]; 

    // If there are errors, don't submit form and focus on first element with error 
    if (hasErrors) { 
    } else { 
    // You don't need a self-invoking function here. Just write the code that should execute 
    // It is a common convention to name variables that store references to JQuery objects 
    // with a leading $ to distinguish them as such and not regular DOM objects 
    var $form = $('#cpapsupform'); 
    var $formMessages = $('#cpap-form-messages'); 

    // Submit the form via AJAX 
     type: 'POST', 
     url: $form.attr('action'), // $form is already a JQuery object, don't pass it to JQuery again 
     data: $form.serialize() // <-- You had semi-colon here, which you shouldn't have 
    }).done(function(response) { 
     // $formMessages is already a JQuery object, don't pass it to JQuery again 

     // Set the message text. 

     // Just use the DOM form.reset() method here instead of resetting each form field 
    }).fail(function(data) { 
     // Make sure that the formMessages div has the 'error' class. 

     // Set the message text. 
     if (data.responseText !== '') { 
     } else { 
     $formMessages.text('An error occured and your message could not be sent.'); 

<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script> 
<form action="#" method="GET" class="validate"> 
    <input type="text" id="name"> 
    <input type="submit"> 

<form action="#" method="GET"> 
    <input type="text" id="name"> 
    <input type="submit"> 


ありがとうございました...消化するのにはちょっと時間がかかりますが、男性は良い説明が大好きです。非常に役立ちます。私は役に立つと投票しましたが、SOFに投稿するのは初めてですので、私の担当者はかなり低いですが...ありがとうございます。 – nrstx


@nrstxよろしくお願いします。私はちょうど私の答えの小さな誤植に気づき、それを更新しました。 –


jQueryを参照していると言いますと、これはJSコードの上流で実行されるものですか、jQueryライブラリをエンキューして頭やフッターに読み込んだらWPで終了します。少し話題外です。)言い換えれば、ページにjQueryをロードしています...参照と同じですか? – nrstx



else { (function($){ // was missing brace after 'else' 
    var form = $('#cpapsupform'); 
    var formMessages = $('#cpap-form-messages'); 


}//closing else brace 