int main()
char *temp_list[4096];
char *list[4096];
char *token;
int countries;
ssize_t rd_countries;
char buf[512];
size_t nbytes;
char *file_name = "AllCountries.dat";
int temp = 0;
int i = 0;
int j = 0;
countries = open(file_name,O_RDONLY);
nbytes = sizeof(buf);
// start of do while to read through the list and set tokens to
// the array list the file is separated by commas
//and have to use the open function (nothing else)
do {
rd_countries = read(countries, buf, nbytes);
token = strtok_r(buf, ",",temp_list);
while (token != NULL){
temp_list[i] = token;
printf("%s\n ||||||||||| ", temp_list[i]);
printf("%s\n", token);
token = strtok_r(NULL, ",",temp_list);
i = i + 1;
}while (rd_countries != 0);
//here is where i see whats in the temp list but everything is wrong
for (j = 0; j < 100; j++){
printf("The temp list: %s\n", temp_list[j]);
// for(int k = 0; k < 4096; k++){
// if (k == 1 || k == 2 || k == 8 || k == 9) {
// list[k] = temp_list[k];
// }
// }
//239 countries biggest country is 44 char long
return 0;
||||||||||| URY
||||||||||| Uruguay
South America
||||||||||| South America
South America
||||||||||| South America
||||||||||| 175016
||||||||||| 1828
||||||||||| 3337000
||||||||||| 75.2
||||||||||| 20831
||||||||||| Uruguay
||||||||||| Republic
Jorge Batlle Ib��ez
||||||||||| Jorge Batlle Ib��ez
||||||||||| 3492
||||||||||| UY
||||||||||| VEN
||||||||||| Venezuela
South America
||||||||||| South America
South America
||||||||||| South America
||||||||||| 912050
||||||||||| 1811
||||||||||| 24170000
||||||||||| 73.1
||||||||||| 95023
||||||||||| Venezuela
Federal Republic
||||||||||| Federal Republic
Hugo Ch�vez Fr�as
||||||||||| Hugo Ch�vez Fr�as
||||||||||| 3539
nz�lez Macchi
||||||||||| VE
nz�lez Macchi
-----------a Corazao
||||||||||| a Corazao
-----------The temp list:
The temp list: a Corazao
The temp list: a Corazao
The temp list: azao
The temp list: o
The temp list: 0
The temp list: PE
The temp list: 2
The temp list: SUR
The temp list: h America
The temp list: 1.4
The temp list: ame
The temp list: epublic
The temp list: c
The temp list: nald Venetiaan
The temp list: n
The temp list: SR
The temp list: ay
The temp list: h America
The temp list: rica
The temp list: h America
The temp list: rica
The temp list: 175016
The temp list: 337000
The temp list: .2
The temp list:
The temp list: ublic
The temp list: orge Batlle Ib��ez
The temp list: Batlle Ib��ez
The temp list: Ib��ez
The temp list: 3492
The temp list: Venezuela
The temp list: ela
The temp list: outh America
The temp list: rica
The temp list: South America
The temp list: h America
The temp list: 1811
The temp list: 0000
The temp list: 3
The temp list: nezuela
The temp list: a
The temp list: deral Republic
The temp list: ublic
The temp list: ugo Ch�vez Fr�as
The temp list: s
The temp list: VE
nz�lez Macchi
The temp list: �lez Macchi
The temp list: hi
The temp list: 85
The temp list:
The temp list: America
The temp list: South America
The temp list: ica
The temp list: 285216
The temp list: 1821
The temp list:
The temp list: 0
The temp list:
The temp list: ublic
The temp list:
The temp list: ntin Paniagu�����
The temp list: niagu�����
The temp list: �����
The temp list: a Corazao
The temp list: razao
The temp list: PE
The temp list: R
The temp list: h America
The temp list: rica
The temp list: 63265
The temp list: 5
The temp list: riname
The temp list: Republic
The temp list: Venetiaan
The temp list: aan
The temp list: 243
The temp list: 1
The temp list: RY
The temp list: uguay
The temp list: th America
The temp list: a
The temp list: 00
The temp list: .2
The temp list: 31
The temp list: ruguay
The temp list: y
The temp list: lic
The temp list: e Ib��ez
The temp list:
The temp list:
The temp list: EN
The temp list: nezuela
The temp list: la
The temp list: rica
The temp list: h America
The temp list: 2050
The temp list: 1811
The temp list: 170000
The temp list: 00
ファイルをどうにかしてください。 –
その長いファイルがほしいと思えばそれを掲示できる – jhowe
115、DZA、アルジェリア、アフリカ、北アフリカ、2381741,1962,31471000,69.7,49982、Al-Jazair /Algérie、Abdelaziz Bouteflika、35、DZアフリカ、西アフリカ、112622,1960、ベノア、アフリカ、アフリカ、アフリカ、アフリカ、1246700,1975,12878000,38.3,6648、アンゴラ、共和国、ジョゼ・エドゥアルド・ドス・サントス、56、AO 94、 6097000,50.2,2357、Bénin、Republic、MathieuKérékou、187、BJ – jhowe