Dim MyFourm As new Fourm
MyFourm.Thread.Add(545)''for ex 545 mean Thread ID.
スレッドは、整数の集合(=スレッドID)でなければなりません ポストはポストタイプ の集まりでなければなりませんこの場合、コードは「最初のスレッドを選択し、2番目の投稿とこの投稿を書くユーザーのユーザー名を取得する」のようなものです。
Public Class MainFrm
Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim MyForum As New Forum
MyForum.Thread.Add(500)' some id's
MyForum.Thread(0).Posts.Add(New ForumPost() With {.PostContent = "Therad ID: 500 | Post: 1#", .Username = "Don"})
MyForum.Thread(0).Posts.Add(New ForumPost() With {.PostContent = "Therad ID: 500 | Post: 2#", .Username = "Shon"})
MyForum.Thread(0).Posts.Add(New ForumPost() With {.PostContent = "Therad ID: 500 | Post: 3#", .Username = "Ron"})
MyForum.Thread(1).Posts.Add(New ForumPost() With {.PostContent = "Therad ID: 120 | Post 1#", .Username = "Emi"})
For iThread = 0 To MyForum.Thread.Count - 1
For iPost = 0 To MyForum.Thread(iThread).Posts.Count - 1
Static Pst As New ForumPost
Pst = MyForum.Thread(iThread).Posts(iPost)
Console.WriteLine($"Content:{Pst.PostContent}, Username who post it:{Pst.Username}")
End Sub
End Class
Public Class Forum
Public Property Thread As New ThreadCollection
End Class
Public Class ForumThread
Inherits List(Of Integer)
Public Property Posts As New PostCollection
Sub New(id As Integer)
End Sub
End Class
Public Class ThreadCollection
Inherits List(Of ForumThread)
Public Overloads Sub Add(ByVal id As Integer)
MyBase.Add(New ForumThread(id))
End Sub
End Class
Public Class ForumPost
Public Property Username As String
Public Property PostContent As String
End Class
Public Class PostCollection
Inherits List(Of ForumPost)
End Class
' Content:Therad ID: 500 | Post: 1#, Username who post it:Don
' Content:Therad ID: 500 | Post: 2#, Username who post it:Shon
' Content:Therad ID: 500 | Post: 3#, Username who post it:Ron
' Content:Therad ID: 120 | Post 1#, Username who post it:Emi
ありがとうございます。私が探しているもの。 – Yoal223
この回答があなたの問題を解決した場合は、それを受け入れるようにしてください。 – jmcilhinney