@echo off
:: take any number between 1 to 1619 it is true
if ERRORLEVEL == 0 echo There was a problem with the command error returned %errorlevel%
echo 0
if ERRORLEVEL == 1 echo There was a problem with the command error returned %errorlevel%
echo 1
if ERRORLEVEL == 1619 echo There was a problem with the command error returned %errorlevel%
echo 1619
:: greater than 1619 false
if ERRORLEVEL == 1620 echo There was a problem with the command error returned %errorlevel%
echo 1620
if ERRORLEVEL == 658547 echo There was a problem with the command error returned %errorlevel%
echo 658547
:: any negative number true
if ERRORLEVEL == -1620 echo There was a problem with the command error returned %errorlevel%
echo -1620
if ERRORLEVEL == -63653 echo There was a problem with the command error returned %errorlevel%
echo -63653
それだどちらか 'かの%ERRORLEVEL%== 5'(正確に "5")または'場合はERRORLEVEL 5'( "5" 以上)。もちろん、「if」には「LSS」、「GTR」などがあります。 'if /?'を参照してください。 – Stephan