def findPattern(list: List[String], pattern: List[String]): List[List[Int]] = {
def nextPattern(lt: Option[List[(String, Int)]], ps: List[String]): Option[List[(String, Int)]] = {
ps match {
//if only have "*" should return all
case List("*") => lt
//filter whether first str match head, if not return None
case List(head) =>
lt.filter(_.nonEmpty).filter(_.head._1 == head).map(r => {
//minimum match for wildcard for first str
case "*" :: List(last) =>
lt.filter(_.nonEmpty).flatMap(t => {
t.find(_._1 == last).map(i => {
t.takeWhile(_._1 != last) :+ i
case "*" :: last :: l =>
nextPattern(lt, List("*", last)).flatMap(j => {
nextPattern(lt.map(_.drop(j.size)), l).map(i => {
j ++ i
//skip fist str
case "?" :: l =>
lt.filter(_.nonEmpty).flatMap(r => {
nextPattern(Some(r.tail), l).map(j => {
r.head :: j
//match the list first str
case head :: l =>
lt.filter(_.nonEmpty).filter(_.head._1 == head).flatMap(r => {
nextPattern(Some(r.tail), l).map(j => {
r.head :: j
//if any is empty, return None
list.isEmpty || pattern.isEmpty match {
case true => List.empty
case false =>
val relevantIndices = list.zipWithIndex.filter(_._1 == pattern.head).map(_._2)
val relevantSublists = relevantIndices.map(list.zipWithIndex.drop)
relevantSublists.map{ sublist =>
nextPattern(Some(sublist), pattern).map(_.map(_._2))
val list = List("NNS", "VBG", "JJ", "NNS", "IN", "NNP", "NNP")
println(findPattern(list, List("NNS", "VBG")))
println(findPattern(list, List("NNS", "*", "VBG")))
println(findPattern(list, List("NNS", "?", "VBG")))
println(findPattern(list, List("NNS", "?", "JJ")))
println(findPattern(list, List("VBG", "?", "NNS")))
println(findPattern(list, List("JJ")))
println(findPattern(list, List("VBG", "*", "IN")))
println(findPattern(list, List("VBG", "*")))
println(findPattern(list, List("Foo")))
println(findPattern(list, List("VBG", "*", "Bar")))
println(findPattern(list, List("NNS")))
[info] List(List(0, 1))
[info] List(List(0, 1))
[info] List()
[info] List(List(0, 1, 2))
[info] List(List(1, 2, 3))
[info] List(List(2))
[info] List(List(1, 2, 3, 4))
[info] List(List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6))
[info] List()
[info] List()
[info] List(List(0), List(3))
なぜ私にはっきりしないのですか? NNSにマッチします(そして、なぜそれが位置0にマッチしないのか)か、なぜ*がINにマッチするのかを示します。もっと説明できますか? –
hteパターンが 'Seq(" VBG "、"? "、" NNS ")の場合は意味があります。 '?'は1つの要素のワイルドカード、 '*'は1つ(ゼロ?)以上です。 –
これは誤字です。一定。 – Daniel