**I have no clue about this following statement**
public class PONG extends JComponent implements ActionListener, MouseMotionListener, KeyListener {
**are these the initial values?**
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private int scorefinal;
private int ballx = 150;
private int bally = 30;
private int ballx1 = 100;
private int bally1 = 10;
private int paddlex = 0;
private int ballySpeed = 7;
private int ballxSpeed = 5;
private int bally1Speed = 14;
private int ballx1Speed = 10;
public int score = 0;
public int score1 = 0;
public int bestscore;
public int bestscore1;
public boolean gameOver, started;
**Is this saying how fast the ball moves?**
Timer tt = new Timer(10, g);
**I do not know the following block of code**
public void newball(int ballx, int bally, int ballxspeed, int ballyspeed) {
ballx = 150;
bally = 30;
ballxspeed = 5;
ballyspeed = 7;
**So how is the scoring calculated?**
if (score >= 5) {
g.setFont(new Font("Arial", 8, 50));
g.drawString(String.valueOf(score + score1), 30/1 - 15, 80);
} else {
g.setFont(new Font("Arial", 8, 50));
g.drawString(String.valueOf(score), 30/1 - 15, 80);
// start && gameOver
g.setFont(new Font("Arial", 8, 50));
if (gameOver) {
**I do not understand the 50/ 1-15, 200**
g.drawString(String.valueOf(" Best Score :" + scorefinal), 50/1 - 15, 200);
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
ballx = ballx + ballxSpeed;
bally = bally + ballySpeed;
**I think these are the boundaries but i am not entirely sure
// Window Down
if (ballx >= paddlex && ballx <= paddlex + 100 && bally >= 475) {
ballySpeed = -7;
if (bally >= 700) {
score = 0;
bally = 30;
gameOver = true;
// Window up
if (bally <= 0) {
ballySpeed = 7;
// Window right
if (ballx >= 775) {
ballxSpeed = -5;
// Window left
if (ballx <= 0) {
ballxSpeed = 5;
//i do not know what this means
ballx1 = ballx1 + ballx1Speed;
bally1 = bally1 + bally1Speed;
// Window down
if (ballx1 >= paddlex && ballx1 <= paddlex + 100 && bally1 >= 475) {
bally1Speed = -14;
if (bally1 >= 700) {
score1 = 0;
bally1 = 10;
// Window up
if (bally1 <= 0) {
bally1Speed = 14;
// Window right
if (ballx1 >= 775) {
ballx1Speed = -10;
// Window left
if (ballx1 <= 0) {
ballx1Speed = 10;
**/i understand this has something to do with mouse events but i dont get the -50 part, and what is the overrides mean**
public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) {
paddlex = e.getX() - 50;
public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e) {
public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e) {
public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) {
public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e) {
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