//When Button is Pressed Create The New Job In The Specified Location and
//then create text files to send file attributes to.
//Future: Add the ability to also use these field attributes to update and
//create the job folder on the website as well.
private void NewJob_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!Directory.Exists(@textBox1.Text + "\\" + lblBidDate.Text + " - " + lblJobName.Text))
Directory.CreateDirectory(@textBox1.Text + "\\" + lblBidDate.Text + " - " + lblJobName.Text);
if (!Directory.Exists(@textBox1.Text + "\\" + lblBidDate.Text + " - " + lblJobName.Text + "\\0-Submittals"))
Directory.CreateDirectory(@textBox1.Text + "\\" + lblBidDate.Text + " - " + lblJobName.Text + "\\0-Submittals");
if (!Directory.Exists(@textBox1.Text + "\\" + lblBidDate.Text + " - " + lblJobName.Text + "\\1-Pricing"))
Directory.CreateDirectory(@textBox1.Text + "\\" + lblBidDate.Text + " - " + lblJobName.Text + "\\1-Pricing");
if (!Directory.Exists(@textBox1.Text + "\\" + lblBidDate.Text + " - " + lblJobName.Text + "\\2-Take Off"))
Directory.CreateDirectory(@textBox1.Text + "\\" + lblBidDate.Text + " - " + lblJobName.Text + "\\2-Take Off");
if (!Directory.Exists(@textBox1.Text + "\\" + lblBidDate.Text + " - " + lblJobName.Text + "\\3-Files"))
Directory.CreateDirectory(@textBox1.Text + "\\" + lblBidDate.Text + " - " + lblJobName.Text + "\\3-Files");
if (!Directory.Exists(@textBox1.Text + "\\" + lblBidDate.Text + " - " + lblJobName.Text + "\\4-Plans"))
Directory.CreateDirectory(@textBox1.Text + "\\" + lblBidDate.Text + " - " + lblJobName.Text + "\\4-Plans");
if (!Directory.Exists(@textBox1.Text + "\\" + lblBidDate.Text + " - " + lblJobName.Text + "\\5-Specs"))
Directory.CreateDirectory(@textBox1.Text + "\\" + lblBidDate.Text + " - " + lblJobName.Text + "\\5-Specs");
if (!Directory.Exists(@textBox1.Text + "\\" + lblBidDate.Text + " - " + lblJobName.Text + "\\6-Emails"))
Directory.CreateDirectory(@textBox1.Text + "\\" + lblBidDate.Text + " - " + lblJobName.Text + "\\6-Emails");
if (!Directory.Exists(@textBox1.Text + "\\" + lblBidDate.Text + " - " + lblJobName.Text + "\\Properties"))
Directory.CreateDirectory(@textBox1.Text + "\\" + lblBidDate.Text + " - " + lblJobName.Text + "\\Properties");
File.WriteAllText(@textBox1.Text + "\\" + lblBidDate.Text + " - " + lblJobName.Text + @"\Properties\Contact.txt", lblContact.Text);
File.WriteAllText(@textBox1.Text + "\\" + lblBidDate.Text + " - " + lblJobName.Text + @"\Properties\JobName.txt", lblJobName.Text);
File.WriteAllText(@textBox1.Text + "\\" + lblBidDate.Text + " - " + lblJobName.Text + @"\Properties\BidDate.txt", lblBidDate.Text);
File.WriteAllText(@textBox1.Text + "\\" + lblBidDate.Text + " - " + lblJobName.Text + @"\Properties\Engineer.txt", lblEngineer.Text);
File.WriteAllText(@textBox1.Text + "\\" + lblBidDate.Text + " - " + lblJobName.Text + @"\Properties\TakeOff.txt", lblTakeOff.Text);
File.WriteAllText(@textBox1.Text + "\\" + lblBidDate.Text + " - " + lblJobName.Text + @"\Properties\Received.txt", lblReceived.Text);
File.WriteAllText(@textBox1.Text + "\\" + lblBidDate.Text + " - " + lblJobName.Text + @"\Properties\Vendor.txt", lblVendor.Text);
File.WriteAllText(@textBox1.Text + "\\" + lblBidDate.Text + " - " + lblJobName.Text + @"\Properties\Notes.txt", lblNotes.Text);
もう一つの問題は、あなたが右の防火壁を削除せずに、ファイルエクスプローラとして使用されているWebブラウザ上でクリックしたときにどのようにこのエラーを削除するにはあります。 Photo of the security Message