私はオンラインで見つかったスクリプトを編集しようとしています。もともと、クロム拡張のために単一のユーザーアカウントをスキャンするために書かれたものです。私はそれを変更して、コンピュータの一覧とそのコンピュータ上のすべてのユーザーアカウントをスキャンします。スキャンすると拡張パスにエラーが発生します。PowerShell Foreachとパイプライン
foreach($computer in $computers){
$User = Get-Content -Path "\\$computer\C$\Users"
Get-ChildItem $User | ForEach-Object {
Write-Host Scanning $computer
##: The extensions folder is in local appdata
$extension_folders = Get-Content -Path "\\$computer\c$\users\$user\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\"
Get-ChildItem $extension_folders |ForEach-Object {
##: Get the version specific folder within this extension folder
$version_folders = Get-ChildItem -Path "$($extension_folder.FullName)"
##: Loop through the version folders found
foreach ($version_folder in $version_folders) {
##: The extension folder name is the app id in the Chrome web store
$appid = $extension_folder.BaseName
Get-Content : Cannot find path
Data\Default\Extensions\' because it does not exist.
At C:\Users\clarkj8\Desktop\Untitled4.ps1:26 char:30
は、それは私が期待したように、ユーザ変数を引っ張っていません。 extension_folder変数に必要なパスを完成させます。どんな助けでも大歓迎です。
FULL CODEこれのほとんどは、あなたのループはあなたが望むように動作させるエラーを投げているラインに$_
$folder = "\\SERVER\PowershellScans\ExtensionList\"
$hostnamestxt = "\\SERVER\PowershellScans\404.txt"
$computers = get-content “$hostnamestxt”
if(!(Test-Path $folder)){
New-Item "\\gmsms01\PowershellScans\ExtensionList\list.txt" -type directory -force
Write-Host “Scanning for Extensions"
foreach($computer in $computers){
$User = Get-Content -Path "\\$computer\C$\Users"
Get-ChildItem $User | ForEach-Object {
Write-Host Scanning $computer
##: The extensions folder is in local appdata
$extension_folders = Get-Content -Path "\\$computer\c$\users\$user\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\"
Get-ChildItem $extension_folders |ForEach-Object {
##: Get the version specific folder within this extension folder
$version_folders = Get-ChildItem -Path "$($extension_folder.FullName)"
##: Loop through the version folders found
foreach ($version_folder in $version_folders) {
##: The extension folder name is the app id in the Chrome web store
$appid = $extension_folder.BaseName
##: First check the manifest for a name
$name = ""
if((Test-Path -Path "$($version_folder.FullName)\manifest.json")) {
try {
$json = Get-Content -Raw -Path "$($version_folder.FullName)\manifest.json" | ConvertFrom-Json
$name = $json.name
} catch {
$name = ""
##: If we find _MSG_ in the manifest it's probably an app
if($name -like "*MSG*") {
##: Sometimes the folder is en
if(Test-Path -Path "$($version_folder.FullName)\_locales\en\messages.json") {
try {
$json = Get-Content -Raw -Path "$($version_folder.FullName)\_locales\en\messages.json" | ConvertFrom-Json
$name = $json.appName.message
##: Try a lot of different ways to get the name
if(!$name) {
$name = $json.extName.message
if(!$name) {
$name = $json.extensionName.message
if(!$name) {
$name = $json.app_name.message
if(!$name) {
$name = $json.application_title.message
} catch {
$name = ""
##: Sometimes the folder is en_US
if(Test-Path -Path "$($version_folder.FullName)\_locales\en_US\messages.json") {
try {
$json = Get-Content -Raw -Path "$($version_folder.FullName)\_locales\en_US\messages.json" | ConvertFrom-Json
$name = $json.appName.message
##: Try a lot of different ways to get the name
if(!$name) {
$name = $json.extName.message
if(!$name) {
$name = $json.extensionName.message
if(!$name) {
$name = $json.app_name.message
if(!$name) {
$name = $json.application_title.message
} catch {
$name = ""
##: If we can't get a name from the extension use the app id instead
if(!$name) {
$name = "[$($appid)]"
##: App id given on command line and this one matched it
if($ExtensionId -and ($appid -eq $ExtensionId)) {
if($Remove) {
echo "Removing item: [$appid] at path: [$($extension_folder.FullName)]"
if(!($WhatIf)) {
##: Remove the extension folder
if (Test-Path -Path $extension_folder.FullName) {
Remove-Item -Path $extension_folder.FullName -Recurse -Force
##: Remove the extension registry key
if (Test-Path -Path "HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Google\Chrome\PreferenceMACs\Default\extensions.settings") {
if(Get-ItemProperty -Name "$appid" -Path "HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Google\Chrome\PreferenceMACs\Default\extensions.settings") {
Remove-ItemProperty -Name "$appid" -Path "HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Google\Chrome\PreferenceMACs\Default\extensions.settings"
} else {
##: Dump to a file
echo "Appending: [$name ($($version_folder)) - $appid] to audit file: [$auditfilepath]"
if(!($WhatIf)) {
echo "$name ($($version_folder)) - $appid" | Out-File -Append $auditfilepath
##: Exit with a TRUE value if the given extension id was found
$retval = $true
##: App id given on command line and this did NOT match it
} elseif($ExtensionId -and ($appid -ne $ExtensionId)) {
##: NOP
#echo "Skipping: [$appid] output"
##: App id not given on command line
} else {
##: Dump to audit file
echo "Appending: [$name ($($version_folder)) - $appid] to audit file: [$auditfilepath]"
if(!($WhatIf)) {
echo "$name ($($version_folder)) - $appid" | Out-File -Append "\\gmsms01\PowershellScans\ExtensionList\list.txt"
私はあなたがエラーがスローされている行に '$ user'の代わりに' $ _'を入れたいと思います。 –
これを行ったようです。ありがとうございます –