以下の場所にあるフォルダを別の場所にコピー&ペーストするプログラムを見つけてください: 実行中になどのエラーは:(この時点では予想外だった(この時点で予期しなかったことです)< - はバフスクリプトの実行中にエラーが発生しました
@echo off
set /p SrcPath= Source file is
echo %SrcPath%
set /p DestPath= Destination file is
echo %DestPath%
echo Checking if the package with the same name exists in the Destination Path
if exist %DestPath% (
echo Folder exists
echo Do you want to rename the existing folder Y/N
set /p Answer=
echo %Answer%
if %Answer% == y (echo please suggest what suffix you would like to append e.g. _old, _bkp etc
set /p Suffix=
move %DestPath% %DestPath%%Suffix%
goto :CopyPackage)
if %Answer% == n echo "please decide what to do"
) else (echo "folder doesn't exist"
goto :CopyPackage)
ROBOCOPY /s /e %SrcPath% %DestPath%
Output on cmd prompt:
Source file is C:\New
Destination file is C:\New1
Checking if the package with the same name exists in the Destination Path
(was unexpected at this time.
Source file is C:\New
Destination file is C:\New1
Checking if the package with the same name exists in the Destination Path
(was unexpected at this time.
Source file is "C:\New"
Destination file is "C:\New1"
Checking if the package with the same name exists in the Destination Path
(was unexpected at this time.
もう一度:[遅延拡張](http://ss64.com/nt/delayedexpansion.html)... – aschipfl
これは主要な問題ではないようです...出力を読むときは、すでにクラッシュを引き起こしているのですか、間違っていますか? – geisterfurz007