2017-05-13 15 views

サイズがnのmatlabにzeros()コマンドで初期化された魔方陣の関数を作成し、iterator iを使ってforループを作成しました。Matlabのマジックスクエア用関数を作成




0  0  1  8 15 
0  5  7 14  0 
4  6 13  0  0 
10 12  0  0  3 
11  0  0  2  9 

function output = magicsquare(n) 

% initialize with zeros() function 
matrix = zeros(n); 

% place first number 
col = (n-1)/2 + 1; % first number of magic square starts in the middle of top row 
row = 1; % top row 

% for loop with iterator i 
for i = 1:(n^2) % start with 1 up to n^2 (perfect square of n sized matrix) 
% if filled, move down on from original 
if(matrix(row, col) ~= 0) % if a space in square is filled ... 
    row = row + 2; % ... move down 2 rows ... 
    col = col - 1; % ... and 1 column to the left 
% up one, right one 
matrix(row, col) = i % input i at matrix(a,b) position 
row = row - 1; % move up one row 
col = col + 1; % move right one column 

% out of matrix space -- wrap matrix 
if col < 1 % if column goes to left of col 1 
    col = n; % go to right most column 
if row > (n+1) % if row goes down past last row by more than one space 
    row = 2; % go to second row 
if row > n % does not exist by one space 
    row = 1; % go to first row 
if col > n 
    col = 1; % go to left most column 
if row < 1 
    row = n; % go to last row 
if row < 1 && col > n %!! TROUBLESHOOTING 
    row = 2; 
    col = n; 



output = matrix; % print the magic square



トラブルシューティングラインであろう & col> nは、私の問題をほぼ解決しました。それはちょうど、行< 1.

% IMPORTANT: only works for odd numbers greater than 3 
function output = magicsquare(n) 

% initialize with zeros() function 
matrix = zeros(n); 

% place first number 
col = (n-1)/2 + 1; % first number of magic square starts in the middle of top row 
row = 1; % top row 

% for loop with iterator i 
for i = 1:(n^2) % start with 1 up to n^2 (perfect square of n sized matrix) 
    % if filled, move down one from original 
    if(matrix(row, col) ~= 0) % if a space in square is filled ... 
     row = row + 2; % ... move down 2 rows ... 
     col = col - 1; % ... and 1 column to the left 
    % up one, right one method 
    matrix(row, col) = i % input i at matrix(a,b) position 
    row = row - 1; % move up one row 
    col = col + 1; % move right one column 
    % out of matrix space -- create wrap matrix 
    if col < 1 % if column goes to left of col 1 
     col = n; % go to right most column 
    if row > (n+1) % if row goes down past last row by more than one space 
     row = 2; % go to second row 
    if row > n % does not exist by one space 
     row = 1; % go to first row 
    if row < 1 && col > n % diagonal, out of bounds on both row and col 
     row = 2; 
     col = n; 
    if col > n 
     col = 1; % go to left most column 
    if row < 1 
     row = n; % go to last row 
output = matrix; % print the magic square 
