2016-08-14 9 views



FYI、私はArduinoのUNO R3 ATMEGA 328


const int rl1 = 7; 
const int rl2 = 12; 
const int rl3 = 2; 
const int rl4 = 8; 
const int button1 = 11; 
const int button2 = 10; 
const int button3 = 3; 
const int button4 = 4; 

int rl1State = LOW; 
int rl2State = LOW; 
int rl3State = LOW; 
int rl4State = LOW; 
int buttonState = LOW; 
int lastButtonState = HIGH; 
int reading; 

long lastDebounceTime=0; 
long debounceDelay = 50; 

void setup() { 

    pinMode(rl1, OUTPUT); 
    pinMode(rl2, OUTPUT); 
    pinMode(rl3, OUTPUT); 
    pinMode(rl3, OUTPUT); 
    pinMode(button1, INPUT); 
    pinMode(button2, INPUT); 
    pinMode(button3, INPUT); 
    pinMode(button4, INPUT); 


void loop() { 

    reading = digitalRead(button1); 

    if(reading != lastButtonState){ 
    lastDebounceTime = millis(); 
    lastButtonState = reading; 

    if((millis() - lastDebounceTime) > debounceDelay){ 
    if(buttonState != lastButtonState){ 
     buttonState = lastButtonState; 
     if(buttonState == HIGH){ 
     rl1State = !rl1State; 
     digitalWrite(rl1, rl1State); 




const int rl1 = 7; 
const int rl2 = 12; 
const int rl3 = 2; 
const int rl4 = 8; 
const int button1 = 11; 
const int button2 = 10; 
const int button3 = 3; 
const int button4 = 4; 

int rl1State = LOW; 
int rl2State = LOW; 
int rl3State = LOW; 
int rl4State = LOW; 

int buttonState1 = LOW; 
int lastButtonState1 = HIGH; 
int buttonState2 = LOW; 
int lastButtonState2 = HIGH; 
int buttonState3 = LOW; 
int lastButtonState3 = HIGH; 
int buttonState4 = LOW; 
int lastButtonState4 = HIGH; 

//Read State 

int reading1; 
int reading2; 
int reading3; 
int reading4; 

long lastDebounceTime1=0; 
long debounceDelay1 = 50; 

long lastDebounceTime2=0; 
long debounceDelay2 = 50; 

long lastDebounceTime3=0; 
long debounceDelay3= 50; 

long lastDebounceTime4=0; 
long debounceDelay4 = 50; 

void setup() { 

    pinMode(rl1, OUTPUT); 
    pinMode(rl2, OUTPUT); 
    pinMode(rl3, OUTPUT); 
    pinMode(rl3, OUTPUT); 
    pinMode(button1, INPUT); 
    pinMode(button2, INPUT); 
    pinMode(button3, INPUT); 
    pinMode(button4, INPUT); 


void loop() { 

    reading1 = digitalRead(button1); 
    reading2 = digitalRead(button2); 
    reading3 = digitalRead(button3); 
    reading4 = digitalRead(button4); 

//Relay 1 
    if(reading1 != lastButtonState1){ 
    lastDebounceTime1 = millis(); 
    lastButtonState1 = reading1; 
    if(reading1 != lastButtonState1){ 
    lastDebounceTime1 = millis(); 
    lastButtonState1 = reading1; 
    if((millis() - lastDebounceTime1) > debounceDelay1){ 
    if(buttonState1 != lastButtonState1){ 
     buttonState1 = lastButtonState1; 
     if(buttonState1 == HIGH){ 
     rl1State = !rl1State; 
     digitalWrite(rl1, rl1State); 


    //Relay 2 
    if(reading2 != lastButtonState2){ 
    lastDebounceTime2 = millis(); 
    lastButtonState2 = reading2; 

    if((millis() - lastDebounceTime2) > debounceDelay2){ 
    if(buttonState2 != lastButtonState2){ 
     buttonState2 = lastButtonState2; 
     if(buttonState2 == HIGH){ 
     rl2State = !rl2State; 
     digitalWrite(rl2, rl2State); 






?あなたは1つの地上チャンネルに接続しましたか?たぶんあなたが1つを押すと、ボタンが現れているので、ピンの地面はもはや低くはないので、ピンはArduinoによってHIGHと認識される可能性があります。 –


ボタンはすべて同じ地面に接続されています。最初のボタンは魅力的なように機能しますが、実際には完全に反応します。他のボタンはまったく反応しません。遅れて申し訳ありませんが、私は夏期クラスの試験を受けました。 –




Circuit (Please note the relay cluster I am using was not available on Fritzing)



int button1 = 7; 
int button2 = 6; 
int button3 = 4; 
int button4 = 2; 

int rl1 = 13; 
int rl2 = 12; 
int rl3 = 11; 
int rl4 = 8; 

//States for Relay and Button (1) 

int state1 = HIGH;  // the current state of the output pin 
int reading1;   // the current reading from the input pin 
int previous1 = LOW; // the previous reading from the input pin 

//States for Relay and Button (2) 

int state2 = HIGH;  // the current state of the output pin 
int reading2;   // the current reading from the input pin 
int previous2 = LOW; // the previous reading from the input pin 

//States for Relay and Button (3) 

int state3 = HIGH;  // the current state of the output pin 
int reading3;   // the current reading from the input pin 
int previous3 = LOW; // the previous reading from the input pin 

//States for Relay and Button (4) 

int state4 = HIGH;  // the current state of the output pin 
int reading4;   // the current reading from the input pin 
int previous4 = LOW; // the previous reading from the input pin 

// the follow variables are long's because the time, measured in miliseconds, 
// will quickly become a bigger number than can be stored in an int. 
long time1 = 0;   // the last time the output pin was toggled 
long time2 = 0; 
long time3 = 0; 
long time4 = 0; 

long debounce1 = 200; // the debounce time, increase if the output flickers 
long debounce2 = 200; 
long debounce3 = 200; 
long debounce4 = 200; 

void setup() 
    pinMode(button1, INPUT); 
    pinMode(button2, INPUT); 
    pinMode(button3, INPUT); 
    pinMode(button4, INPUT); 

    pinMode(rl1, OUTPUT); 
    pinMode(rl2, OUTPUT); 
    pinMode(rl3, OUTPUT); 
    pinMode(rl4, OUTPUT); 


void loop() { 

    reading1 = digitalRead(button1); 
    reading2 = digitalRead(button2); 
    reading3 = digitalRead(button3); 
    reading4 = digitalRead(button4); 

    // if the input just went from LOW and HIGH and we've waited long enough 
    // to ignore any noise on the circuit, toggle the output pin and remember 
    // the time 
    //Condition Relay 1 
    if (reading1 == HIGH && previous1 == LOW && millis() - time1 > debounce1) { 
    if (state1 == HIGH) 
     state1 = LOW; 
     state1 = HIGH; 

    time1 = millis();  

    //Condition Relay 2 
    if (reading2 == HIGH && previous2 == LOW && millis() - time2 > debounce2) { 
    if (state2 == HIGH) 
     state2 = LOW; 
     state2 = HIGH; 

    time2 = millis();  

    //Condition Relay 3 
    if (reading3 == HIGH && previous3 == LOW && millis() - time3 > debounce3) { 
    if (state3 == HIGH) 
     state3 = LOW; 
     state3 = HIGH; 

    time3 = millis();  

    //Condition Relay 4 
    if (reading4 == HIGH && previous4 == LOW && millis() - time4 > debounce4) { 
    if (state4 == HIGH) 
     state4 = LOW; 
     state4 = HIGH; 

    time4 = millis();  

    digitalWrite(rl1, state1); 
    digitalWrite(rl2, state2); 
    digitalWrite(rl3, state3); 
    digitalWrite(rl4, state4); 

    previous1 = reading1; 
    previous2 = reading2; 
    previous3 = reading3; 
    previous4 = reading4; 