2017-10-24 12 views



Sub Part_I() 

'Group by 
Dim pf3 As PivotField 

Pvt2.RowAxisLayout xlTabularRow 
Set pf3 = Pvt2.PivotFields("% Premium Difference from Prior Term") 
pf3.LabelRange.Group Start:=-1, End:=1.2, By:=0.1 
pf3.Caption = "% Premium Difference from Prior Term2" 

Dim pi3   As PivotItem 
Dim sCaption3 As String 

Application.ScreenUpdating = False 

'Format so that groupings appear as percentage values 

For Each pi4 In pf3.PivotItems 

    sCaption3 = pi3.Caption & "0.0%" 
    sCaption3 = Replace$(sCaption3, "0.", "") 
    sCaption3 = Replace$(sCaption3, "-", " - ") 
    sCaption3 = Replace$(sCaption, "0%", "0.0%") 
    sCaption3 = Replace$(sCaption3, " - ", "0.0% - ") 
    sCaption3 = Replace$(sCaption3, "00.0%", "0.0%") 
    sCaption3 = Replace$(sCaption3, "<0.0%", "<") 
    sCaption3 = Replace$(sCaption3, "< - 10.0%", "-100.0% - 0.0%") 
    pi3.Caption = sCaption3 

Next pi4 

Application.ScreenUpdating = True 

コードライン単位でステップ実行して、どこで目的のものが作成されていないか確認していますか?特に 'sCaption2 ='の行。 –


はい、写真の1つとして結果を表示しましたが、正しく表示されますが、オプションを拡張すると、削除しようとする選択肢が増えている理由がわかりません。 – sc1324


*書式設定が適用される前のグループ化*の画像を表示できますか?つまり、コードの最初の部分を実行し、2番目の部分は実行しないで、スクリーンショットを貼り付けることができます。 – jeffreyweir





Option Explicit 

Sub GroupPercents() 
Dim pt As PivotTable 
Dim pf As PivotField 

Set pt = ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable1") '<= Change as appropriate 
Set pf = pt.PivotFields("Data") '<= Change as appropriate 
PercentGroupings pf, -1, 1, 0.1 
End Sub 

Sub PercentGroupings(pf As PivotField, lFrom As Double, lTo As Double, lGroup As Double, Optional sDelim As String = " to ") 

Dim pi   As PivotItem 
Dim sCaption As String 
Dim vSplit  As Variant 
Dim vItem  As Variant 
Dim i   As Long 

With Application 
    .ScreenUpdating = False 
    .EnableEvents = False 
    .Calculation = xlCalculationManual 
End With 

On Error Resume Next 
On Error GoTo 0 

pf.LabelRange.Group Start:=lFrom, End:=lTo, By:=lGroup 
pf.Parent.ManualUpdate = True 

'Format so that groupings appear as % values 
For Each pi In pf.PivotItems 
    With pi 
     If InStr(.Caption, "<") > 0 Then 
      'Less Than Group 
      .Caption = "<" & Split(.Caption, "<")(1) * 100 & "%" 
     ElseIf InStr(.Caption, ">") > 0 Then 
      'Greater Than Group 
      .Caption = ">" & Split(.Caption, ">")(1) * 100 & "%" 
      sCaption = "" 
      vSplit = Split(pi.Caption, "--") 
      If UBound(vSplit) = 1 Then 
       'Negative numbers 
       .Caption = vSplit(0) * 100 & "%" & sDelim & "-" & vSplit(1) * 100 & "%" 
       'Positive numbers 
       vSplit = Split(pi.Caption, "-") 
       If UBound(vSplit) = 1 Then 
        On Error Resume Next 
        vSplit(0) = vSplit(0) * 100 
        vSplit(1) = vSplit(1) * 100 
        On Error GoTo 0 
       ElseIf UBound(vSplit) = 3 Then 
        ' There's some kind of bug with Excel's Grouping feature whereby 
        ' the zero grouping sometimes shows as scientific notation e.g. -2.77555756156289E-17 
        ' So we'll test for this, and change it to zero 
        If IsNumeric(Join(Array(vSplit(2), vSplit(3)), "-")) Then 
         vSplit(0) = vSplit(1) * -100 
         vSplit(1) = 0 
        End If 
       End If 
       .Caption = vSplit(0) & "%" & sDelim & vSplit(1) & "%" 
      End If 
     End If 
    End With 
Next pi 

pf.Parent.ManualUpdate = False 

With Application 
    .ScreenUpdating = True 
    .EnableEvents = True 
    .Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic 
End With 

End Sub 


enter image description here


sc1324:コードを完全に見ることなくトラブルシューティングをするのは難しいです。元の質問に追加するか、それを回答として追加して確認できますか?問題の内容を理解したら、回答を削除できますか? – jeffreyweir


どのようなエラーメッセージが表示されますか? – jeffreyweir


ああ、大丈夫です。私は 'pf.Parent.ManualUpdate = True'行を' pf.LabelRange.Group Start:= lFrom、End:= lTo、By:= lGroup'行の直前ではなく直後に移動する必要があると思います。 – jeffreyweir
