2017-11-07 7 views

プロシージャと関数を使用して所得税計算を作成しようとしています。コードは自明でなければなりません。すべてがゼロの値を返しています。誰かが私が間違っているところを私に少し洞察してくれますか?Visual Basicの手順と関数

Partial Class TaxCalcualtor 
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page 
Private totalWages As Decimal 
Private taxesWithheld As Decimal 
Private deductions As Integer 
Private married As Boolean 
Private taxLiability As Decimal 
Private federalTaxes As Decimal 
Private stateTaxes As Decimal 
Private localTaxes As Decimal 

Function SingleFunction(ByVal totalWages As Decimal, ByVal married As Boolean, ByVal taxLiability As Decimal) As Decimal 
    Dim taxRate As Decimal 
    totalWages = CDec(TextBoxWages.Text) 
    If married = False And totalWages < 25000.0 Then 
     taxRate = 0.15 
    ElseIf married = False And totalWages >= 25000.0 And totalWages < 45000.0 Then 
     taxRate = 0.18 
    ElseIf married = False And totalWages >= 45000.0 And totalWages < 65000.0 Then 
     taxRate = 0.22 
    ElseIf married = False And totalWages >= 65000.0 And totalWages < 85000.0 Then 
     taxRate = 0.28 
    ElseIf married = False And totalWages >= 85000.0 And totalWages < 100000.0 Then 
     taxRate = 0.32 
    ElseIf married = False And totalWages >= 100000.0 Then 
     taxRate = 0.35 
    End If 
    taxLiability = taxRate * totalWages 
    Return taxLiability 
End Function 

Function SingleMarriedFunction(ByVal totalWages As Decimal, ByVal married As Boolean, ByVal taxLiability As Decimal) As Decimal 
    Dim taxRate As Decimal 
    totalWages = CDec(TextBoxWages.Text) 
    If married = True And totalWages < 25000.0 Then 
     taxRate = 0.13 
    ElseIf married = True And totalWages >= 25000.0 And totalWages < 45000.0 Then 
     taxRate = 0.16 
    ElseIf married = True And totalWages >= 45000.0 And totalWages < 65000.0 Then 
     taxRate = 0.18 
    ElseIf married = True And totalWages >= 65000.0 And totalWages < 85000.0 Then 
     taxRate = 0.2 
    ElseIf married = True And totalWages >= 85000.0 And totalWages < 100000.0 Then 
     taxRate = 0.22 
    ElseIf married = True And totalWages >= 100000.0 Then 
     taxRate = 0.24 
    End If 
    taxLiability = taxRate * totalWages 
    Return taxLiability 
End Function 

Function FederalTax(ByVal taxWithheld As Decimal, ByVal taxLiability As Decimal, ByVal deductions As Integer) As Decimal 
    Dim federalTaxes As Decimal 
    taxesWithheld = CDec(TextBoxTaxesWithheld.Text) 
    federalTaxes = taxWithheld - taxLiability - (deductions * 750) 
    Return federalTaxes 
End Function 

Function StateTax(ByVal totalWages As Decimal) As Decimal 
    Dim stateTaxes As Decimal 
    totalWages = CDec(TextBoxWages.Text) 
    stateTaxes = totalWages * 0.06 
    Return stateTaxes 
End Function 

Function LocalTax(ByVal totalWages As Decimal) As Decimal 
    Dim localTaxes As Decimal 
    totalWages = CDec(TextBoxWages.Text) 
    localTaxes = totalWages * 0.01 
    Return localTaxes 
End Function 

Sub DisplayData() 
    Label7.Text += "Tax Liability: " + CStr(taxLiability) 
    Label7.Text += "Federal Taxes: " + CStr(federalTaxes) 
    Label7.Text += "State Taxes: " + CStr(stateTaxes) 
    Label7.Text += "Local Taxes: " + CStr(localTaxes) 
End Sub 

Protected Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click 
End Sub 
End Class 

望ましい行動:計算税負債、連邦、州、及び地方税の問題:すべての値は、あなたが初期化されたことのない値を表示している0 – Bob


を戻ってきているが/変更します。それ以上のコードがない場合、* taxLiability *は決して変更されません。計算関数は決して呼び出されません。 – Bob


あなたは "SingleFunction"や "SingleMarriedFunction"を呼ぶことはありません。また、何も変更しないMarriedFunctionという名前にすることはできません。また、グローバル変数には、関数内で渡しているローカル変数と同じ名前を付けないでください。関数の目的は、渡された情報から値を返すことです。あなたは多くの場所で税金賦課を変更していますが、それはまた多くの場所で宣言されています。あなたはそのために混乱しています。コンピュータはあなたが本当に望む魔女を知らず、あなたにローカルのものを返します。 – Chillzy




Function GetTaxLiability(ByVal totalWages As Decimal, ByVal married As Boolean) As Decimal 
     Dim taxRate As Decimal 
     If married = True And totalWages < 25000.0 Then 
      taxRate = 0.13 
     ElseIf married = True And totalWages >= 25000.0 And totalWages < 45000.0 Then 
      taxRate = 0.16 
     ElseIf married = True And totalWages >= 45000.0 And totalWages < 65000.0 Then 
      taxRate = 0.18 
     ElseIf married = True And totalWages >= 65000.0 And totalWages < 85000.0 Then 
      taxRate = 0.2 
     ElseIf married = True And totalWages >= 85000.0 And totalWages < 100000.0 Then 
      taxRate = 0.22 
     ElseIf married = True And totalWages >= 100000.0 Then 
      taxRate = 0.24 
     End If 
     If married = False And totalWages < 25000.0 Then 
      taxRate = 0.15 
     ElseIf married = False And totalWages >= 25000.0 And totalWages < 45000.0 Then 
      taxRate = 0.18 
     ElseIf married = False And totalWages >= 45000.0 And totalWages < 65000.0 Then 
      taxRate = 0.22 
     ElseIf married = False And totalWages >= 65000.0 And totalWages < 85000.0 Then 
      taxRate = 0.28 
     ElseIf married = False And totalWages >= 85000.0 And totalWages < 100000.0 Then 
      taxRate = 0.32 
     ElseIf married = False And totalWages >= 100000.0 Then 
      taxRate = 0.35 
     End If 
     Return taxRate * totalWages 
    End Function 

    Function FederalTax(ByVal taxWithheld As Decimal, ByVal taxLiability As Decimal, ByVal deductions As Integer) As Decimal 
     Return taxWithheld - taxLiability - (deductions * 750) 
    End Function 

    Function StateTax(ByVal totalWages As Decimal) As Decimal 
     Return totalWages * 0.06 
    End Function 

    Function LocalTax(ByVal totalWages As Decimal) As Decimal 
     Return totalWages * 0.01 
    End Function 

    Sub DisplayData() 
     Dim TaxLiability As Decimal 
     If CheckBoxMarried.Checked = True Then 
      TaxLiability = GetTaxLiability(CDec(TextBoxWages.Text), True) 
      TaxLiability = GetTaxLiability(CDec(TextBoxWages.Text), False) 
     End If 

     Label7.Text += "Tax Liability: " + CStr(TaxLiability) 
     Label7.Text += "Federal Taxes: " + CStr(FederalTax(CDec(TextBoxTaxesWithheld.Text), TaxLiability, CDec(TextBoxDeductions.text))) 
     Label7.Text += "State Taxes: " + CStr(StateTax(CDec(TextBoxWages.Text))) 
     Label7.Text += "Local Taxes: " + CStr(LocalTax(CDec(TextBoxWages.Text))) 
    End Sub 

    Protected Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click 
    End Sub 