2017-02-16 12 views



<!DOCTYPE html> 
    <meta charset="utf-8"> 

     #game_board { 
     border-style: solid 
     th { 
     border-style: inset; 
     font-size: 20px; 
     text-align: center; 
     width: 50px; 
     height: 50px; 

     var gameOver = false; 
     var state = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]; 
     var human = false 
     var computer = true 
     var humanValue = -1; 
     var compValue = 1; 
     var winCombo = [ 
     var squares = document.getElementsByClassName("square"); 

     function markSquare(square) { 
     if(gameOver === false) { 
      for(var x = 0; x < 9; x++) { 
      if(squares[x] == square && state[x] == 0) { 
       set(x, humanValue); 
     } else { 
      console.log("game is over"); 

     function set(index, player) { 
     if(player == humanValue) { 
      squares[index].innerText = humanValue; 
      state[index] = humanValue; 
     } else { 
      squares[index].innerText = compValue; 
      state[index] = compValue; 

     function checkWinner(board, player) { 
     var value = player === human ? humanValue : compValue; 
     //8 differnt way of winning 
     winCombo.forEach(function(combo) { 
      if (value === state[combo[0]] && 
      state[combo[0]] === state[combo[1]] && 
      state[combo[1]] === state[combo[2]]) { 
       gameOver = true; 
       console.log(value + " wins!"); 
     return gameOver; 
     // for(var x = 0; x < 8; x++) { 
     // var win = true; 
     // for(var y = 0; y < 3; y++){ 
     //  if(board[winCombo[x][y]] != value) { 
     //  win = false; 
     //  break; 
     //  } 
     // } 
     // if(win) { 
     //  return true; 
     // } 
     // } 
     // return false; 

     function returnWinner() { 
     var winner = null; 
     winCombo.forEach(function(combo) { 
      if (state[combo[0]] === state[combo[1]] && state[combo[1]] === state[combo[2]]) { 
      (combo[0] === -1) ? (winner = "player") : (winner = "computer"); 
     return winner; 

     function noMoreMove(board) { 
     for (var i = 0; i < 9; i++) { 
      if (board[i] === 0) { 
      return false; 
      } else 
      return true; 

     function computerMove() { 
     computerBestMove(state, 0, computer) 

     function computerBestMove(board, depth, player) { 
     //if player wins ... = -10 

     if(checkWinner(board, !player) === true) { 
      return -10 + depth; 
     }else if(noMoreMove(board) === true) { 
      return 0; 

     var value = player === human ? humanValue : compValue; 
     var max = -Infinity; 
     var index = 0; 

     for(var i = 0; i < 9; i++){ 
      if(board[i] === 0) { 
      var newBoard = board.slice(); 
      newBoard[i] = value; 

      var moveValue = -computerBestMove(newBoard, depth+1, !player); 

      if(moveValue > max) { 
       max = moveValue; 
       index = i; 
     if(depth === 0){ 
      set(index, computer) 
     return max 


    <p id="message">A the message area.</p> 

    <button type="button" name = "choice" value = "two players" checked>Two players </button> 
    <button type="button" name = "choice" value = "vs AI">Unbeatable AI </button> 

    <table id='game_board'> 
     <th id="square0" class = 'square' onclick="markSquare(this);"></th> 
     <th id="square1" class = 'square' onclick="markSquare(this);"></th> 
     <th id="square2" class = 'square' onclick="markSquare(this);"></th> 
     <th id="square3" class = 'square' onclick="markSquare(this);"></th> 
     <th id="square4" class = 'square' onclick="markSquare(this);"></th> 
     <th id="square5" class = 'square' onclick="markSquare(this);"></th> 
     <th id="square6" class = 'square' onclick="markSquare(this);"></th> 
     <th id="square7" class = 'square' onclick="markSquare(this);"></th> 
     <th id="square8" class = 'square' onclick="markSquare(this);"></th> 




このコードは正しくありません。関数から戻ると、ループは自動的に停止します。したがって、これは毎回最初のセルのみをチェックします。 すべてのセルをチェックする適切なループに置き換えると、スタックオーバーフローが発生します。

function noMoreMove(board) { 
    for (var i = 0; i < 9; i++) { 
     if (board[i] === 0) { 
     return false; 
     } else 
     return true; 


var moveValue = -computerBestMove(newBoard, depth+1, !player); 

これは単なる不正なロジックです。 computerBestMove()が無限ループを作成しない唯一の時間は、いずれかのプレイヤーが勝利したときです。最初の3回の移動は不可能です。また、noMoreMove関数を修正した後に空のセルがなくなると、最初の8回の移動も起こりません。両方が最初にチェックされます。

