2012-02-14 15 views


<img alt ="" src='@Url.Action("ShowImage", 
      "Controller", new { imageID = Model.ImageID })'/> 


public ActionResult ShowImage(string imageID) 
     WebServiceClient client = new WebServiceClient(); 
     byte[] image = client.GetImage(Convert.ToInt64(imageID)); 
     if (image == null) 
      return new EmptyResult(); 
     return File(image,"image/png"); 



は、.NET用のキャッシュにビルドを使用してみましたか? – Paul


私はこれのためにAppFabricキャッシングを使用しました:http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/gg457898 – rboarman




[OutputCache(Duration = 3600, VaryByParam = "imageID")] 
public ActionResult ShowImage(string imageID) 
    WebServiceClient client = new WebServiceClient(); 
    byte[] image = client.GetImage(Convert.ToInt64(imageID)); 
    if (image == null) 
     return new EmptyResult(); 
    return File(image,"image/png"); 



こんにちはDarin sir、私は[Jeff Atwood](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/) 642954/iis7-cache-control)sir、Web.configを使用してイメージとCSSファイルの有効期限を設定していますが、有効期限のヘッダーは設定されていません。 [Here](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/35704618/asp-mvc-expire-headers-not-set-for-static-contents)は私の編集した質問です。 – stom



public class CacheManager 
    private static readonly string keyPrefix = typeof(CacheManager).FullName; 
    private static readonly object syncLock = new object(); 

    private readonly Cache cache; 

    public CacheManager(Cache cache) 
     this.cache = HttpRuntime.Cache; 

    public TValue Get<TValue>(string key) 
     return (TValue)HttpRuntime.Cache[MakeKey(key)]; 

    public void Set<TValue>(string key, Func<TValue> value) 
     Set(key, null, null, null, value, null); 

    public void Set<TValue>(string key, DateTime timestamp, TValue value) 
     Set(key, timestamp, null, null, value, null); 

    public void Set<TValue>(string key, TimeSpan duration, TValue value) 
     Set(key, null, duration, null, value, null); 

    public void Set<TValue>(string key, TValue value, Action<bool> onRemoveCallback) 
     Set(key, null, null, null, value, onRemoveCallback); 

    public void Set<TValue>(string key, DateTime timestamp, TValue value, Action<bool> onRemoveCallback) 
     Set(key, timestamp, null, null, value, onRemoveCallback); 

    public void Set<TValue>(string key, TimeSpan duration, TValue value, Action<bool> onRemoveCallback) 
     Set(key, null, duration, null, value, onRemoveCallback); 

    public void Set<TValue>(string key, IEnumerable<string> fileDependencies, TValue value) 
     Set(key, null, null, fileDependencies, value, null); 

    public void Set<TValue>(string key, DateTime timestamp, IEnumerable<string> fileDependencies, TValue value) 
     Set(key, timestamp, null, fileDependencies, value, null); 

    public void Set<TValue>(string key, TimeSpan duration, IEnumerable<string> fileDependencies, TValue value) 
     Set(key, null, duration, fileDependencies, value, null); 

    public void Set<TValue>(string key, IEnumerable<string> fileDependencies, TValue value, Action<bool> onRemoveCallback) 
     Set(key, null, null, fileDependencies, value, onRemoveCallback); 

    public void Set<TValue>(string key, DateTime timestamp, IEnumerable<string> fileDependencies, TValue value, Action<bool> onRemoveCallback) 
     Set(key, timestamp, null, fileDependencies, value, onRemoveCallback); 

    public void Set<TValue>(string key, TimeSpan duration, IEnumerable<string> fileDependencies, TValue value, Action<bool> onRemoveCallback) 
     Set(key, null, duration, fileDependencies, value, onRemoveCallback); 

    public TValue GetOrCreate<TValue>(string key, Func<TValue> factory) 
     return GetOrCreate(key, null, null, null, factory, null); 

    public TValue GetOrCreate<TValue>(string key, DateTime timestamp, Func<TValue> factory) 
     return GetOrCreate(key, timestamp, null, null, factory, null); 

    public TValue GetOrCreate<TValue>(string key, TimeSpan duration, Func<TValue> factory) 
     return GetOrCreate(key, null, duration, null, factory, null); 

    public TValue GetOrCreate<TValue>(string key, Func<TValue> factory, Action<bool> onRemoveCallback) 
     return GetOrCreate(key, null, null, null, factory, onRemoveCallback); 

    public TValue GetOrCreate<TValue>(string key, DateTime timestamp, Func<TValue> factory, Action<bool> onRemoveCallback) 
     return GetOrCreate(key, timestamp, null, null, factory, onRemoveCallback); 

    public TValue GetOrCreate<TValue>(string key, TimeSpan duration, Func<TValue> factory, Action<bool> onRemoveCallback) 
     return GetOrCreate(key, null, duration, null, factory, onRemoveCallback); 

    public TValue GetOrCreate<TValue>(string key, IEnumerable<string> fileDependencies, Func<TValue> factory) 
     return GetOrCreate(key, null, null, fileDependencies, factory, null); 

    public TValue GetOrCreate<TValue>(string key, DateTime timestamp, IEnumerable<string> fileDependencies, Func<TValue> factory) 
     return GetOrCreate(key, timestamp, null, fileDependencies, factory, null); 

    public TValue GetOrCreate<TValue>(string key, TimeSpan duration, IEnumerable<string> fileDependencies, Func<TValue> factory) 
     return GetOrCreate(key, null, duration, fileDependencies, factory, null); 

    public TValue GetOrCreate<TValue>(string key, IEnumerable<string> fileDependencies, Func<TValue> factory, Action<bool> onRemoveCallback) 
     return GetOrCreate(key, null, null, fileDependencies, factory, onRemoveCallback); 

    public TValue GetOrCreate<TValue>(string key, DateTime timestamp, IEnumerable<string> fileDependencies, Func<TValue> factory, Action<bool> onRemoveCallback) 
     return GetOrCreate(key, timestamp, null, fileDependencies, factory, onRemoveCallback); 

    public TValue GetOrCreate<TValue>(string key, TimeSpan duration, IEnumerable<string> fileDependencies, Func<TValue> factory, Action<bool> onRemoveCallback) 
     return GetOrCreate(key, null, duration, fileDependencies, factory, onRemoveCallback); 

    public void Remove(string key) 

    private static string MakeKey(string key) 
     Check.Argument.IsNotNullOrEmpty(key, "key"); 

     return keyPrefix + ":" + key; 

    private void Set<TValue>(string key, DateTime? timestamp, TimeSpan? duration, IEnumerable<string> fileDependencies, TValue value, Action<bool> onRemoveCallback) 
     string fullKey = MakeKey(key); 

     lock (syncLock) 

      InsertInCache(fullKey, value, fileDependencies, timestamp, duration, onRemoveCallback); 

    private TValue GetOrCreate<TValue>(string key, DateTime? timestamp, TimeSpan? duration, IEnumerable<string> fileDependencies, Func<TValue> factory, Action<bool> onRemoveCallback) 
     string fullKey = MakeKey(key); 

     object value = cache.Get(fullKey); 

     if (value == null) 
      lock (syncLock) 
       value = cache.Get(fullKey); 

       if (value == null) 
        value = factory(); 

        if (value != null) 
         InsertInCache(fullKey, value, fileDependencies, timestamp, duration, onRemoveCallback); 

     return (TValue)value; 

    private void InsertInCache(string key, object value, IEnumerable<string> fileDependencies, DateTime? timestamp, TimeSpan? duration, Action<bool> onRemoveCallback) 
     Action<string, object, CacheItemRemovedReason> raiseOnRemoveCallback = (cacheKey, state, reason) => onRemoveCallback(reason == CacheItemRemovedReason.DependencyChanged); 

     cache.Add(key, value, fileDependencies != null ? new CacheDependency(fileDependencies.ToArray()) : null, timestamp ?? Cache.NoAbsoluteExpiration, duration ?? Cache.NoSlidingExpiration, CacheItemPriority.Normal, onRemoveCallback != null ? new CacheItemRemovedCallback(raiseOnRemoveCallback) : null); 


public ActionResult ShowImage(string imageID) 
     CacheManager cacheManager = new CacheManager(); 
     byte[] image = cacheManager.GetOrCreate(
        imageID, //Cache Key 
        DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(20), //Will be in Cache for 20 min 
        () => { 
        WebServiceClient client = new WebServiceClient(); 
        return client.GetImage(Convert.ToInt64(imageID)); 
     }); //Delegate to call if the cache is empty 

     if (image == null) 
      return new EmptyResult(); 
     return File(image,"image/png"); 