

私は、決定的な答えはありません。私はあなたが引用符を `削除した場合、それはより読みやすいことだと思う


Decide on a project\solution name The two projects\solutions must use the same names Create them in seperate directories Projects\Web\<SolutionDir> Projects\MVC\<SolutionDir> Create project from template - ASP.NET Web Application Select a template - MVC Rebuild Solution Close Solution Create project from template - ASP.NET MVC Boilerplate Right-click Project Properties Make sure Assembly name and Default namespace is the same Rebuild Solution There may be some missing namespaces Double-click the build errors to open effected code ReSharper can help automatically regenerate the missing namespaces Right-click References Manage Nuget Packages Install packages: Microsoft.Owin.Host.SystemWeb Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.Core Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.OWIN Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.EntityFramework Microsoft.Owin.Security.Google Copy the following files and folder structure from ASP.NET Web project into ASP.NET MVC project: files: App_Start\IdentityConfig App_Start\Startup.Auth Controllers\AccountController.cs Controllers\ManageController.cs Models\AccountController Models\IdentityModels Models\AccountViewModels Startup.cs folders: Views\Account Views\Manage Insert the following into Configuration method of Start.cs: ConfigureAuth(app); Find following section in Web.config from ASP.NET Web project and copy into Web.config in ASP.NET MVC project: <connectionStrings> <add name="DefaultConnection" connectionString="Data Source=(LocalDb)\v11.0;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|\..." providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" /> </connectionStrings> Rebuild Solution 


は、だからここに私が思い付いたものです>フォーマットします。 – Jasen


私はコードを試しましたが、色を追加しました。たぶん私はそれをスペースにする(私はそれらを嫌う - 私はタブを好む)。 –
