EDIT - 問題を解決しました。私が必要とするファイルは含まれていませんでした。私のせい!
echo '<input type="button" value="Delete" onclick="deleteSomething(\'' . $replyID .'\', \'' .$tableName. '\',\'' .$replyBy. '\')" />';
<script type="text/javascript">
function deleteSomething(replyID, tableName, replyBy)
if (!confirm("Are you sure?"))
return false;
$.post('pageprocessing.php',"replyID=" + replyID + "&tableName=" + tableName + "&replyBy=" + replyBy, function(response) {
if(isset($_POST['replyID']) && isset($_POST['tableName']) && isset($_POST['replyBy'])){
if($_POST['tableName'] == "replies" && $_POST['replyBy'] == $userid){
echo $replyID = $_POST['replyID']; //echoing variables to make sure the page gets this far
echo $replyBy = $_POST['replyBy'];
echo $tableName = $_POST['tableName'];
mysql_query("delete from replies where repliesID = $replyID "); //I can type this query into terminal and it deletes. Why won't it delete from here?
http://api.jquery.com/jQuery.post/例を見てください。 –