行と列の繰り返しを使わずに行列をランダム化するために大きな助けを得た後、変更に関するもう1つの質問があります。R - 列と行に繰り返されない行列の固定値にランダム値を追加します。
# number of rows and columns
n <- 10
# create ordered rows and columns
ordered.by.row <- matrix(1:n, n, n)
ordered.by.col <- matrix(1:n, n, n, byrow = T)
# offset the rows and columns relative to each other.
# no row or column has a repeated value, but the values are still ordered
offset <- (ordered.by.row + ordered.by.col) %% n + 1
# shuffle the columns, then shuffle the rows, this produces a randomized matrix
# 'shuffle.row' is the final, randomized matrix
set.seed(1222) # change this to change randomization
shuffle.col <- offset[,sample(1:n, n, replace = F)]
shuffle.row <- shuffle.col[sample(1:n, n, replace = F), ]
# verify solution
any(apply(shuffle.row, 1, function(r)any(duplicated(r)))) # FALSE
any(apply(shuffle.row, 2, function(r)any(duplicated(r)))) # FALSE
> # create ordered rows and columns
ordered.by.row <- matrix(1:n, n, n)
ordered.by.col <- matrix(1:n, n, n, byrow = T)
# offset the rows and columns relative to each other.
# no row or column has a repeated value, but the values are still ordered
offset <- (ordered.by.row + ordered.by.col) %% n + 1
# shuffle the columns, then shuffle the rows, this produces a randomized matrix
# 'shuffle.row' is the final, randomized matrix
set.seed(1222) # change this to change randomization
shuffle.col <- offset[,sample(1:n, n, replace = F)]
shuffle.row <- shuffle.col[sample(1:n, n, replace = F), ]
# verify solution
any(apply(shuffle.row, 1, function(r)any(duplicated(r)))) # FALSE
any(apply(shuffle.row, 2, function(r)any(duplicated(r)))) # FALSE
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8] [,9] [,10]
[1,] 1 10 6 9 2 8 3 5 7 4
[2,] 3 2 8 1 4 10 5 7 9 6
[3,] 7 6 2 5 8 4 9 1 3 10
[4,] 9 8 4 7 10 6 1 3 5 2
[5,] 10 9 5 8 1 7 2 4 6 3
[6,] 2 1 7 10 3 9 4 6 8 5
[7,] 8 7 3 6 9 5 10 2 4 1
[8,] 6 5 1 4 7 3 8 10 2 9
[9,] 5 4 10 3 6 2 7 9 1 8
[10,] 4 3 9 2 5 1 6 8 10 7
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8] [,9] [,10]
[1,] 8 7 3 6 9 5 10 2 4 1
[2,] 6 5 1 4 7 3 8 10 2 9
[3,] 5 4 10 3 6 2 7 9 1 8
... :だから例えば私はこのような3行を持っています
nkeep <- 3
mat_shuffled <- mat[c(1:nkeep,sample((nkeep+1):nrow(mat),replace=FALSE)),]
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8] [,9] [,10]
row1 1 4 7 6 5 3 2 8 9 10
row2 10 7 3 2 1 4 5 9 8 6
row3 9 2 4 3 5 7 10 1 6 5
10 7 9 6 8 2 5 4 3 1
1 10 8 4 7 3 5 2 6 9
10 6 4 1 8 3 7 2 5 9
2 5 7 8 9 6 1 3 4 10
2 1 10 4 8 9 3 6 5 7
8 5 3 2 4 1 10 7 6 9
6 1 5 4 2 10 3 8 7 9
行インデックスを指定して、関数が行1〜3をシャッフルしないようにすることができます。 'matrix [4:nrow(行列)、]' –
ありがとう!しかし、私はこの仕様をどこで実装しますか?オフセットの前に行が固定されている必要があります...上記の問題の詳細な説明を参照してください。 – shampoo