class LinkedList(object):
class Node(object):
Inner class of LinkedList. Contains a blueprint for a node of the LinkedList
def __init__(self, v, n=None):
Initializes a List node with payload v and link n
def __init__(self):
Initializes a LinkedList and sets list head to None
def insert(self, v):
Adds an item with payload v to beginning of the list
in O(1) time
Node = self.Node(v, self.head)
self.head = Node
print("Added item: ", Node.value, "self.head: ", self.head.value)
def size(self):
Returns the current size of the list. O(n), linear time
current = self.head
count = 0
while current:
count += 1
current = current.next
return count
def search(self, v):
Searches the list for a node with payload v. Returns the node object or None if not found. Time complexity is O(n) in worst case.
current = self.head
found = False
while current and not found:
if current.value == v:
found = True
current = current.next
if not current:
return None
return current
def delete(self, v):
Searches the list for a node with payload v. Returns the node object or None if not found. Time complexity is O(n) in worst case.
current = self.head
previous = None
found = False
while current and not found:
if current.value == v:
found = True
previous = current
current = current.next
# nothing found, return None
if not current:
return None
# the case where first item is being deleted
if not previous:
self.head = current.next
# item from inside of the list is being deleted
previous.next = current.next
return current
def __str__(self):
Prints the current list in the form of a Python list
current = self.head
toPrint = []
while current != None:
current = current.next
return str(toPrint)
from PythonADT.lists import LinkedList
class Stack(LinkedList):
def __init__(self):
いいえ、それはおそらく良いデザインではありません。同じインタフェースを公開したくない場合は、* compose *は継承しません。 – jonrsharpe
StackがLinkedListが作るインターフェイスの約束を果たそうとしない場合、LinkedListを拡張すべきではありません。 – user2357112
公式のPythonのドキュメント** ["9.6。プライベート変数"](https://docs.python.org/3/tutorial/classes.html?highlight = private#private-variables)**では、 'class'の中のメソッドを保護することができます。 2回のアンダースコア(例: '__private_search(self):')で始まる名前を付けるだけで、その関数を宣言してください。 –