対象日が2つある場合、Codeigniter SQLバインディングはどのように使用しますか? 私はそれを以下のように修正しましたか?私は、配列に2 $のtarget_dateを追加しましたが、それを行うための正しい方法thatsの場合はわからないのでCodeigniter SQLバインディング
public function getInvestmentForBorrowing($id, $Interest, $Currency, $Loantime, $target_date, $Risk_category)
$query = '
select CASE WHEN (a.amount_financed - a.amount_invested - a.amount_withdrawn) < a.amount_per_borrower
THEN round((a.amount_financed - a.amount_invested - a.amount_withdrawn), 2)
ELSE round((a.amount_per_borrower) , 2)
END AS investable_amount, a.*,
c.IBAN as Return_IBAN, c.BIC as Return_BIC,
from investment a
inner join userinfo c
on a.Owner = c.Owner and
c.UPDATE_DT is null
inner join exchange_rates i
on a.Currency = i.currency_id and
? between i.effective_dt and i.expiration_dt
where a.ORIG_ID = ? and
a.Interest <= ? and
a.Currency = ? and
a.status = 2 and
a.Loantime >= ? and
a.Available >= ? and
a.Risk <= ? and
a.UPDATE_DT is null
having investable_amount > 0';
$query = $this->db->query($query, array($target_date, $id ,$Interest, $Currency, $Loantime ,$target_date ,$Risk_category));
$result = $query->result();
return $result;