2016-11-11 19 views


// Arena RPG.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application. 
// Created by Logan Daniels 

#include "stdafx.h" 
#include <iostream> 
#include <iomanip> 
#include <string> 
#include <fstream> 

using namespace std; 

void introScreen(); 
string loadGame(); 
string newGame(string, string, string); 
int exit(); 

//constant global Variables 
const string knight = "Knight"; 
const string mage = "Mage"; 
const string assasin = "Assasin"; 
string name, equipment, characterClass; 
string gold; 


int main() 
\t introScreen(); 


    return 0; 

void introScreen() 
\t int option; 

\t cout << "Welcome to Arena!\n" 
\t \t << "Please select an option from the list\n" 
\t \t << "1.Load\n2.New Game\n3.Exit\n" 
\t \t << "Number option: "; 
\t cin >> option; 

\t if (option == 1) 
\t \t loadGame(); 
\t else if (option == 2) 
\t \t newGame(knight, mage, assasin); 
\t else if (option == 3) 
\t \t exit(); 


string newGame(const string knight, const string mage, const string assasin) 
\t system("CLS"); 

\t string name, equipment; 
\t int gold = 100; 
\t string characterClass; // used in loop 

\t cout << "Welcome to the character creation menu!\n" 
\t \t << "Enter your name\nName: "; 
\t cin.ignore(); 
\t getline(cin, name); 

\t cout << "\nPick a class.\n1.Knight, 2.Assasin, 3.Mage\n"; 
\t cin >> characterClass; 

\t while (characterClass != knight && characterClass != mage && characterClass != assasin) 
\t { 
\t \t cout << "That is an invalid character class\n"; 
\t \t cout << "\nPick a class.\n1.Knight, 2.Assasin, 3.Mage\n"; 
\t \t cin >> characterClass; 
\t } 

\t system("CLS"); 

\t cout << "Welcome to the arena!\nIts time ot begin your adventure " << name << endl << "Hit enter when redy!\n"; 

\t ofstream saveFile; \t \t //New game file 
\t saveFile.open("Game Save Data.txt"); 

\t saveFile << name << endl; 
\t saveFile << characterClass << endl; 
\t saveFile << gold << endl; 
\t saveFile << equipment << endl; 

\t saveFile.close(); 
\t system("pause"); 
\t return name, characterClass, gold, equipment; 

string loadGame() 
\t string name, characterClass, gold, equipment; 

\t ifstream saveFile; 
\t saveFile.open("Game Save Data"); 

\t saveFile >> name; 
\t cout << name << endl; 

\t saveFile >> characterClass; 
\t cout << characterClass << endl; 

\t saveFile >> gold; 
\t cout << gold << endl; 

\t saveFile >> equipment; 
\t cout << equipment << endl; 

\t cout << name << endl << characterClass << endl << gold << endl << equipment << endl; 
\t system("pause"); 
\t return name, equipment, characterClass, gold; 

int exit() 
\t return 0; 



あなたは "ゲーム保存DATA.TXT" への書き込みが、 "ゲームセーブデータ"(拡張子なし)を開くしようとしています。


今朝私が目を覚ましたときに感謝しました;) – Loganastan
