2016-05-12 8 views


class BigClass 
    public int A { get; } 
    public int B { get; } 
    public int C { get; } 
    public int D { get; } 
    public int E { get; } 

    public BigClass(int a, int b, int c, int d, int e) 
     A = a; 
     B = b; 
     C = c; 
     D = d; 
     E = e; 

class SmallClass 
    public int A { get; } 
    public int B { get; } 
    public int C { get; } 

    public SmallClass(BigClass bigClass) 
     // I don't want to do all this manually: 
     A = bigClass.A; 
     B = bigClass.B; 
     C = bigClass.C; 

これはまったく必要ですか? 'BigClass'は' SmallClass'から継承できますか?そうでない場合、リフレクションなどを使ってループを実行すると、 'BigClass'と' SmallClass'の両方が誤って同じプロパティ名を取得しても完全に無関係の目的で使用された場合、長期的にはどうなりますか? –


http://automapper.org/をご覧ください – Lucian


私はAutoMapperのファンでもあります –




public class Helper 
    public static void CopyItem<T>(BigClass source, T target) 
     // Need a way to rename the backing-field name to the property Name ("<A>k__BackingField" => "A") 
     Func<string, string> renameBackingField = key => new string(key.Skip(1).Take(key.IndexOf('>') - 1).ToArray()); 

     // Get public source properties (change BindingFlags if you need to copy private memebers as well) 
     var sourceProperties = source.GetType().GetProperties().ToDictionary(item => item.Name); 
     // Get "missing" property setter's backing field 
     var targetFields = typeof(T).GetFields(BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.SetField).ToDictionary(item => renameBackingField(item.Name)); 

     // Copy properties where target name matches the source property name 
     foreach(var sourceProperty in sourceProperties) 
      if (targetFields.ContainsKey(sourceProperty.Key) == false) 
       continue; // No match. skip 

      var sourceValue = sourceProperty.Value.GetValue(source); 
      targetFields[sourceProperty.Key].SetValue(target, sourceValue); 


public SmallClass(BigClass bigClass) 
    Helper.CopyItem(bigClass, this); 



public static void CopyItem<U, T>(U source, T target) 