2017-10-18 11 views




document.getElementById("Details").value = ""; 


var pizzaCount = 0; 
var gourmetPrice = 15.50; 
var standardPrice = 9.50; 
var deliveryCharge = 5; 
var TotalPrice; 
var name; 
var adress; 
var phoneNumber = 10; 
var gourmetCount = 0; 
var standardCount = 0; 
var orderDetails = ''; 

function orderPizzas() { 
    var customerDetails; 
    var i = 0; 
    var j = 0; 

    TotalPrice = 0; 
    phoneNumber = ''; 

    document.getElementById("Details").value = ""; 

    var arrStandardPizza = new Array() 
    arrStandardPizza[0] = new Array(); 
    arrStandardPizza[0]['name'] = 'Hawaiian'; 
    arrStandardPizza[0]['amount'] = Number(document.standard.Hawaiian.value); 
    arrStandardPizza[1] = new Array(); 
    arrStandardPizza[1]['name'] = 'Cheese'; 
    arrStandardPizza[1]['amount'] = Number(document.standard.Cheese.value); 
    arrStandardPizza[2] = new Array(); 
    arrStandardPizza[2]['name'] = 'Veggie'; 
    arrStandardPizza[2]['amount'] = Number(document.standard.Veggie.value); 
    arrStandardPizza[3] = new Array(); 
    arrStandardPizza[3]['name'] = 'Supreme'; 
    arrStandardPizza[3]['amount'] = Number(document.standard.Supreme.value); 
    arrStandardPizza[4] = new Array(); 
    arrStandardPizza[4]['name'] = 'Pepperoni'; 
    arrStandardPizza[4]['amount'] = Number(document.standard.Pepperoni.value); 

    var arrGourmetPizza = new Array() 
    arrGourmetPizza[0] = new Array(); 
    arrGourmetPizza[0]['name'] = 'Meatlovers'; 
    arrGourmetPizza[0]['amount'] = Number(document.gourmet.Meatlovers.value); 
    arrGourmetPizza[1] = new Array(); 
    arrGourmetPizza[1]['name'] = 'Chicken'; 
    arrGourmetPizza[1]['amount'] = Number(document.gourmet.Chicken.value); 
    arrGourmetPizza[2] = new Array(); 
    arrGourmetPizza[2]['name'] = 'Prawn'; 
    arrGourmetPizza[2]['amount'] = Number(document.gourmet.Prawn.value); 

    standardCount = arrStandardPizza[0]['amount'] + arrStandardPizza[1]['amount'] + arrStandardPizza[2]['amount'] + arrStandardPizza[3]['amount'] + arrStandardPizza[4]['amount']; 
    gourmetCount = arrGourmetPizza[0]['amount'] + arrGourmetPizza[1]['amount'] + arrGourmetPizza[2]['amount']; 
    pizzaCount = standardCount + gourmetCount; 

    if (pizzaCount > 12) { 

    alert('A maximum of 12 pizzas can be ordered.\nPlease modify your order.\nPizzas ordered: ' + pizzaCount); 

    } else { 

    while (i < 5) { 

     if (arrStandardPizza[i]['amount'] > 0) { 

     orderDetails = orderDetails + '\n' + arrStandardPizza[i]['name'] + ': ' + arrStandardPizza[i]['amount']; 



    while (j < 3) { 

     if (arrGourmetPizza[j]['amount'] > 0) { 

     orderDetails = orderDetails + '\n' + arrGourmetPizza[j]['name'] + ': ' + arrGourmetPizza[j]['amount']; 




    if (document.getOrderMethod.method.value == 'Delivery') { 

     name = prompt('What is your name?'); 
     adress = prompt('What is your adress?'); 

     while (phoneNumber.toString().length !== 10) { 

     phoneNumber = prompt('What is your phone number?'); 

     customerDetails = '\nDelivery:\n' + 'Name: ' + name + ' ' + '\n' + 'Adress: ' + adress + '\n' + 'Phone Number: ' + phoneNumber; 

     TotalPrice = deliveryCharge; 

    } else { 

     name = prompt('What is your name?'); 
     customerDetails = '\nPick-up:\n' + 'Customer Name: ' + name; 


    TotalPrice = TotalPrice + (standardCount * standardPrice) + (gourmetCount * gourmetPrice); 
    orderDetails = orderDetails + customerDetails + '\n' + 'Total Cost: $' + TotalPrice; 
    document.getElementById("Details").value = orderDetails; 


<!DOCTYPE html> 

    <title> Pete's Pizza </title> 

    <h1> Welcome to Pete's Pizzas, where the best pizzas are! </h1> 
    <h3> Enter your pizza order: </h3> 
    <label> Amount for each standard pizza </label> 
    <form name="standard"> 
    <input type="text" name="Hawaiian"> Hawaiian Pizza <br> 
    <input type="text" name="Cheese"> Cheese Pizza <br> 
    <input type="text" name="Veggie"> Veggie Pizza <br> 
    <input type="text" name="Supreme"> Supreme Pizza <br> 
    <input type="text" name="Pepperoni"> Pepperoni Pizza <br> 
    <label> Amount for each gourmet pizza </label> 
    <form name="gourmet"> 
    <input type="text" name="Meatlovers"> Meat-lovers Pizza <br> 
    <input type="text" name="Chicken"> Chicken Pizza <br> 
    <input type="text" name="Prawn"> Prawn <br> 
    <form name="getOrderMethod"> 
    <input type="radio" name="method" value="Delivery" checked> Delivery <br> 
    <input type="radio" name="method" value="Pick-up"> Pick-up <br> 
    <input type="button" value="Confirm Order" onClick="orderPizzas()"> 
    <input type="button" value="Cancel Order" onClick="window.location.reload()"> 
    <textarea id="Details" value="" rows="9" cols="33" wrap=on readonly></textarea> 




テキストエリアをクリアするために使用しようとしているコードはどこですか?私たちは見ることができない問題を解決するのを手助けすることはできません!また、[実行可能コードスニペット](* https://stackoverflow.com/help/mcve)で* relevalt *コードのみを使用して[Minimal、Complete、Verifiable example] /stackoverflow.blog/2014/09/16/introducing-runnable-javascript-css-and-html-code-snippets/) – FluffyKitten


テキストエリアをクリアする行が強調表示されています。今度は、他の行がテキストエリアの値を設定し、それらの値を再確認します。ところで、あなたが期待している形式を知らせずに、ループ内でユーザーの電話番号を継続的に拒否するのはかなり面倒です。 – nnnnnn


私はあなたのコメント@nnnnnnをメモし、あなたの助けと助言に感謝します! – Stefan



var pizzaCount = 0; 
    var gourmetPrice = 15.50; 
    var standardPrice = 9.50; 
    var deliveryCharge = 5; 
    var TotalPrice; 
    var name; 
    var adress; 
    var phoneNumber = 10; 
    var gourmetCount = 0; 
    var standardCount = 0; 

    function orderPizzas() { 
     var customerDetails; 
     var orderDetails = ''; 
     var i = 0; 
     var j = 0; 

     TotalPrice = 0; 
     phoneNumber = ''; 

     document.getElementById("Details").value = ""; 

     var arrStandardPizza = new Array() 
     arrStandardPizza[0] = new Array(); 
     arrStandardPizza[0]['name'] = 'Hawaiian'; 
     arrStandardPizza[0]['amount'] = Number(document.standard.Hawaiian.value); 
     arrStandardPizza[1] = new Array(); 
     arrStandardPizza[1]['name'] = 'Cheese'; 
     arrStandardPizza[1]['amount'] = Number(document.standard.Cheese.value); 
     arrStandardPizza[2] = new Array(); 
     arrStandardPizza[2]['name'] = 'Veggie'; 
     arrStandardPizza[2]['amount'] = Number(document.standard.Veggie.value); 
     arrStandardPizza[3] = new Array(); 
     arrStandardPizza[3]['name'] = 'Supreme'; 
     arrStandardPizza[3]['amount'] = Number(document.standard.Supreme.value); 
     arrStandardPizza[4] = new Array(); 
     arrStandardPizza[4]['name'] = 'Pepperoni'; 
     arrStandardPizza[4]['amount'] = Number(document.standard.Pepperoni.value); 

     var arrGourmetPizza = new Array() 
     arrGourmetPizza[0] = new Array(); 
     arrGourmetPizza[0]['name'] = 'Meatlovers'; 
     arrGourmetPizza[0]['amount'] = Number(document.gourmet.Meatlovers.value); 
     arrGourmetPizza[1] = new Array(); 
     arrGourmetPizza[1]['name'] = 'Chicken'; 
     arrGourmetPizza[1]['amount'] = Number(document.gourmet.Chicken.value); 
     arrGourmetPizza[2] = new Array(); 
     arrGourmetPizza[2]['name'] = 'Prawn'; 
     arrGourmetPizza[2]['amount'] = Number(document.gourmet.Prawn.value); 

     standardCount = arrStandardPizza[0]['amount'] + arrStandardPizza[1]['amount'] + arrStandardPizza[2]['amount'] + arrStandardPizza[3]['amount'] + arrStandardPizza[4]['amount']; 
     gourmetCount = arrGourmetPizza[0]['amount'] + arrGourmetPizza[1]['amount'] + arrGourmetPizza[2]['amount']; 
     pizzaCount = standardCount + gourmetCount; 

     if (pizzaCount > 12) { 

      alert('A maximum of 12 pizzas can be ordered.\nPlease modify your order.\nPizzas ordered: ' + pizzaCount); 

     else { 

      while(i < 5) { 

       if (arrStandardPizza[i]['amount'] > 0) { 

        orderDetails = orderDetails + '\n' + arrStandardPizza[i]['name'] + ': ' + arrStandardPizza[i]['amount']; 



      while(j < 3) { 

       if (arrGourmetPizza[j]['amount'] > 0) { 

        orderDetails = orderDetails + '\n' + arrGourmetPizza[j]['name'] + ': ' + arrGourmetPizza[j]['amount']; 




      if (document.getOrderMethod.method.value == 'Delivery') { 

       name = prompt('What is your name?'); 
       adress = prompt('What is your adress?'); 

       while(phoneNumber.toString().length !== 10) { 

        phoneNumber = prompt('What is your phone number?'); 

       customerDetails = '\nDelivery:\n' + 'Name: ' + name + ' ' + '\n' + 'Adress: ' + adress + '\n' + 'Phone Number: ' + phoneNumber; 

       TotalPrice = deliveryCharge; 

      else { 

       name = prompt('What is your name?'); 
       customerDetails = '\nPick-up:\n' + 'Customer Name: ' + name; 


      TotalPrice = TotalPrice + (standardCount * standardPrice) + (gourmetCount * gourmetPrice); 
      orderDetails = orderDetails + customerDetails + '\n' + 'Total Cost: $' + TotalPrice; 
      document.getElementById("Details").value = orderDetails; 


<h1> Welcome to Pete's Pizzas, where the best pizzas are! </h1> 

    <h3> Enter your pizza order: </h3> 

    <label> Amount for each standard pizza </label> 

    <form name ="standard"> 
     <input type="text" name="Hawaiian" > Hawaiian Pizza <br> 

     <input type="text" name="Cheese" > Cheese Pizza <br> 

     <input type="text" name="Veggie" > Veggie Pizza <br> 

     <input type="text" name="Supreme" > Supreme Pizza <br> 

     <input type="text" name="Pepperoni" > Pepperoni Pizza <br> 


    <label> Amount for each gourmet pizza </label> 

    <form name ="gourmet"> 

     <input type="text" name="Meatlovers" > Meat-lovers Pizza <br> 

     <input type="text" name="Chicken" > Chicken Pizza <br> 

     <input type="text" name="Prawn" > Prawn <br> 


    <form name="getOrderMethod"> 

     <input type="radio" name="method" value="Delivery" checked> Delivery <br> 

     <input type="radio" name="method" value="Pick-up"> Pick-up <br> 


    <input type="button" value="Confirm Order" onClick="orderPizzas()" > 

    <input type="button" value="Cancel Order" onClick="window.location.reload()" > 

    <textarea id="Details" value="" rows="9" cols="33" wrap=on readonly> 



これについての違いは何ですか?私たちはあなたが変更したものを見るためにOPのコードと行ごとに比較することになっていますか?あなたの答えを[編集]して、問題の内容とその修正方法を説明してください。 – nnnnnn


この行: 'orderDetails = customerDetails + '\ n' + 'トータルコスト:$' + TotalPrice; –


もう一度コメントを入力するだけではなく、回答自体に答えを明記することもできます。しかし、* lineを変更することは、ピザの詳細が出力されないことを意味するので、OPが望むものではありません。 – nnnnnn





ありがとうございます、それは動作します!あなたは天才です! – Stefan


助けてくれてうれしいです。もしうまくいけば、回答を受け入れたものとしてマークしてください。 –


どのように受け入れられるとマークしますか? – Stefan




機能の "orderPizzas"で上記のコードを使用します。


私は自分の質問を編集しましたが、テキストエリアの値を初期化しようとしましたが、そうでない場合は、出力の先頭に「未定義」という出力があります。 – Stefan
