2017-10-26 12 views




Table showing rates

ルイス、マーク・C; Lacher、Lisa。 Scala、第2版(コンピューティングのHall/CRC教科書)(ページ74)を使用したプログラミングと問題解決の入門。 CRC Press。ペーパーバック*

import scala.io.StdIn._ 

object callingCost { 
    def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { 
//user input 
    print("Will you be using (1)Monthly or (2)Pay-As-You-Go ") 
    val planType = readInt() 
    print("What country will you be calling? ") 
    val country = readLine() 
    print("How many minutes would you talk per month? ") 
    val minsMonth = readInt() 
    print("Will you be calling both Mobile and Landlines as opposed to just landlines? (Y/N) ") 
    val lineType = readLine() 
//declare monthly subscription cost per country 
    val chinaCost120 = 1.19 
    val chinaCost400 = 3.89 
    val chinaCost800 = 7.79 
    val chinaUnltd = 13.99 
    val indiaCost120 = 1.42 
    val indiaCost800 = 8.99 
    val indiaUnltd = 19.99 
    val ukMobLand = 2.09 
    val ukLand = 1.19 
    val mexicoUnltd = 1.79 
    val usaUnltd = 2.99 
    //declare pay as you go cost per country 
    val chinaPaygI = 0.02 
    val indiaPaygI = 0.015 
    val usaPaygI = 0.023 
    val mexicoPaygMl = 0.035 
    val mexicoPaygL = 0.01 
    val ukPaygMl = 0.10 
    val ukPaygL = 0.023 
//monthly plan evaluation 
    val cost = if (planType == 1) { 
    if (country == "China") { 
     if (minsMonth <= 120) chinaCost120 
     else if (minsMonth > 120 && minsMonth <= 400) chinaCost400 
     else if (minsMonth > 400 && minsMonth <= 800) chinaCost800 
     else chinaUnltd 
    else if (country == "India") { 
     if (minsMonth <= 120) indiaCost120 
     else if (minsMonth > 120 && minsMonth <= 800) indiaCost800 
     else indiaUnltd 
    else if (country == "UK") { 
     if (lineType == "Y") ukMobLand 
     else ukLand 
    else if (country == "Mexico") mexicoUnltd else usaUnltd 
} else { //Pay-As-You-Go section 
    if (country == "China") minsMonth*chinaPaygI 
    else if (country == "India") minsMonth*indiaPaygI 
    else if (country == "USA") minsMonth*usaPaygI 
    else { 
    if (country == "Mexico" && lineType == "Y") minsMonth*mexicoPaygMl 
    else if (country == "Mexico" && lineType == "N") minsMonth*mexicoPaygL 
    else if (country == "UK" && lineType == "Y") minsMonth*ukPaygMl else minsMonth*ukPaygL 
    println(s"Your projected cost per month is $cost") 

まあ、私はケースクラスは、私は検討したいあなたimporvements – Pavel


ための良い出発点だと思いますケースクラスとパターンマッチングのデコンストラクションです。 – P3trur0


https://codereview.stackexchange.com/で投稿してみることもできます。もっと詳細な情報を提供できるはずです。 – Shaido




object callingCost { 
    def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { 
    //user input 
    print("Will you be using (1)Monthly or (2)Pay-As-You-Go ") 
    val planType = readInt() 
    print("What country will you be calling? ") 
    val country = readLine() 
    print("How many minutes would you talk per month? ") 
    val minsMonth = readInt() 
    print("Will you be calling both Mobile and Landlines as opposed to just landlines? (Y/N) ") 
    val lineType = readLine() 

    //declare monthly subscription cost per country 
    val cost = (planType, country, minsMonth, lineType) match { 
     case (1, "China", m, _) if m <= 120 => 1.19 
     case (1, "China", m, _) if m <= 400 => 3.89 
     case (1, "China", m, _) if m <= 800 => 7.79 
     case (1, "China", _, _)    => 13.99 
     case (1, "India", m, _) if m <= 120 => 1.42 
     case (1, "India", m, _) if m <= 800 => 8.99 
     case (1, "India", _, _)    => 19.99 
     case (1, "UK", _, "Y")    => 2.09 
     case (1, "UK", _, _)    => 1.19 
     case (1, "Mexico", _, _)   => 1.79 
     case (1, "USA", _, _)    => 2.99 
     case (2, "China", m, _)    => m * 0.02 
     case (2, "India", m, _)    => m * 0.015 
     case (2, "USA", m, _)    => m * 0.023 
     case (2, "Mexico", m, "Y")   => m * 0.035 
     case (2, "Mexico", m, "N")   => m * 0.01 
     case (2, "UK", m, "Y")    => m * 0.10 
     case (2, "UK", m, _)    => m * 0.023 

    println(s"Your projected cost per month is $cost") 

完璧です@ adrice727ありがとうございます!!!!また、私は今事件を理解することができます。本からちょうど学ぶのは簡単ではありません!あなたはそれに値する勉強のために私の夜を完全にしました。 – NoobScala
